Short Update
Hey folks, just a quick update, the X-rays didn’t show any kidney stones, but the doctor said that that isn’t 100% conclusive. While the original test showed that there wasn’t an infection, I’m still waiting on the other test results for any abnormal stuff and whatnot. The one good thing so far is that there’s no more bleeding *knocks on wood* but I probably won’t get the results until at least Tuesday. With that out of the way, I’ve been thinking that I will change the schedule up until my shoulder is back to better so you all have a more reliable reading schedule from me. For the foreseeable future, I’ll be going back to a M-W-F schedule, but with the fully digital format, I can include more per panel and keep things moving. Starting this Wednesday, Wapsi will be on that new schedule.
Thank you all for your continued support and kind emails. I’ll continue to put original art up on Ebay as often as I can, and please feel free to stop by and add me on Facebook to keep in touch.
Thank you for the update. Recover and heal before anything else, please!
Good to hear. Could have just popped a blood vessel that took a bit to heal. I’ve done that a couple times when… something… gets bent the wrong way while urinating. Little blood for a couple of days, and stings like hell whenever you go to the bathroom, but eventually things heal and all is well again.
Very good — good luck with the MWF schedule, hang in there, keep the faith, get better.
Paul: I would ask for a MRI – this would reveal much more detail and confirm what is going on
Kestrel: I hope you are getting a checkup from your doc – My problem started that way, infections kept reappearing, so they gave me a stronger antibiotic, now no problems for months!!
An ultrasound would work as well, and be cheaper. It found a 1.5mm gallstone in me.
That’s a huge relief. Don’t worry about the irregular breaks. You’ve always kept us informed, posted some beautiful art and kept going. We’ll be here whenever you’re ok. Take your time and get better. We ain’t going anywhere. Get well.
Wow! Monica is so damn hot, that water should be BOILING! (And I’m SO relieved you’re doing better, if only a little bit)
Well, yes- Boiling Water… But since Monica is also ‘Chill Like That’, it’s conflicted.
Get better Mr. Pablo. Work the Long Term Plan vs short term results.
Here’s hoping it’s not bladder stones either.
I’ve dealt with those and had to get them lasered apart.
Just don’t fall for that quack theory that says you can dissolve away bladder stones by drinking lots of light beer. Many people have tried, and found out that it doesn’t work… all they get is a wicked hangover.
Sadder but wiser: bladder Budweiser.
I’d make a few suggestions and ideas, but I’m no doctor and you might take me seriously. Anyway, you can probably find out for yourself. Good luck.
I’d actually prefer you sit this week out Paul.
Take care of yourself, Paul. We’d rather have Wapsi in a steady supply for years.
MWF is a good idea, more steady breaks between updates for you to recover / relax.
You post “short update” and do an image of Monica. Sounds right; and your post was “well rounded” as well.
Let me say what my dad used to say in situations like this… Suck it up, rub some dirt on it, and walk it off, ya pansy.
Get well soon!
Do feel better. I’m almost 60 – will hit that in November – and my Nurse Practitioner has been mentioning the “P” word more lately. *squint* To quote Mr. Jagger – “What a drag it is getting old.”