Dr. Faustus. Famous play about a man that makes a deal with the demon Mephistopheles. I highly recommend it; great writing and it should be relatively easy to find in used book stores translated to English (or your preferred language).
Well, for some reason it won’t let me reply deeper in the thread
Christopher Marlow’s ‘The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus’ is available, legally and 100% free here: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/779
or oddly, here as well, it has two listings: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/811
Judging by the fact that her tail is obviously connected to her back ABOVE her waistline, I’m guessing that succubus tails do NOT have bones in them (unlike those of felines, canines, and monkeys – which are part of the spine).
No wings?
Pending taxonomic classification, maybe she’s in a bell-free zone?
Who needs wings with DAT ASS!
‘you know it’s All About That Bass, ’bout that Bass (no treble)…”
It’s possible Succubae don’t have them in Paul’s universe.
(You didn’t mistake this for Atsali, did you?)
_The_ Fausts?
Thats what first poped into my head as well. Any relation to the good Doctor, do we know?
Who? o_O
Dr. Faustus. Famous play about a man that makes a deal with the demon Mephistopheles. I highly recommend it; great writing and it should be relatively easy to find in used book stores translated to English (or your preferred language).
Ratatosk Rider: Guesticus was messing with ya, man – think British TV.
Heh heh, yeah, also had heard about Doc Faust and the “Faustian Bargain”
Or just go with the opera Faust.
Well, for some reason it won’t let me reply deeper in the thread
Christopher Marlow’s ‘The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus’ is available, legally and 100% free here: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/779
or oddly, here as well, it has two listings:
Skylar’s horny and looking for tail? *rimshot*
Alas, some new appendages to deal with…
She enjoys being a girl…
Nadette may end up with a “twofer”. Or as the filling in a succubus sandwich.
Maybe she’s moving and they’re on a rising trajectory in temporary defiance of gravity?
Nope. she is arching her back, so her ‘firm ones’ *look* like they are pointing upward….
I’m going w/ a structure of cartilaginous tendrils that suffuse the mammary tissue in all such examples…
Judging by the fact that her tail is obviously connected to her back ABOVE her waistline, I’m guessing that succubus tails do NOT have bones in them (unlike those of felines, canines, and monkeys – which are part of the spine).