Snarky Comeback by Paul Taylor on August 27, 2018 at 11:06 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Georgette, MonicaLocation: Lake Calhoon Related Comics ¬ The Hell We Do Howmuchtheydrank 10/06/2003 09/07/2004 Aunt Tina
Elementals can control the weather.
Connie is an elemental, and doesn’t like Monica.
You’re thinking of a different type of elemental. Also, where does it say that Connie doesn’t like Monica?
No more quack quack?
Nope. ‘Jet just said that she doesn’t consider Monica’s belief about the weather to be a quack theory.
Apparent wordo first panel “… the closer me are to winter” me -> we …?
Don’t rub it in, Georgette. That’s mean.
Georgette is mean, and a jerk too.
As is Monica, as adorable as she CAN be, usually.
It’s why the two of them get along as well as they do. They understand each other.
Yups, was just about to comment on how they are the perfect team
Georgette: “Aww, are you angry?”
(Georgette drapes a towel around Monica’s shoulders like a cape)
Geogette: “Now you’re Super Angry!”
Bravo, that is just perfect
Blushing or holding her breath?
I think it’s more like “reaching a boiling point,” you know, with steam coming out of both ears…
It’s not nice to snark mother nature.
Which is why Mon is adora-pouting in the last panel
Love, love, LOVE the look on Monica’s face!