I can’t think which strip it was but didn’t someone mentioned (I think it was Tepoz) that Jin had the power to shift the Earth out of its orbit and aim it for the sun if she really wanted to?
It’s from the episode of Power Puff girls where the girls are PLAYING Power Puff girls and pretending to be other characters in the show. It’s a FUN episode
Definitely a neat apology – it appears that neither of them has fallen into the heretical American practice of diluting good whiskey with that foreign substance known as “ice”.
Oh for… Diluting the whiskey isn’t the problem people claim it to be. Actually most whiskey open up and reveals the tastes better if a few drops of water is added when served. It’s best if you can get water from the same source as the distillery, but if that isn’t an option then clean water works.
The only real problem with adding ice is that it cools the whiskey making it harder to really taste it. But in the end your personal preferences are what matters.
Want your whiskey on the rocks? Sure go ahead and enjoy it. Want some Coke in your whiskey? Fine, if you like it that way… Actually I’ve had one bottle of whiskey, and yes it was real Scottish whiskey, a well known expensive blend, that tasted so awful I ended up mixing it with Coke just to get rid of it. And I enjoyed it! Now I don’t suggest you go mix a good whiskey before you’ve tasted it. Truth is that most cheap whiskey will go well with Coke.
Whiskey is an acquired taste. I don’t know anyone who didn’t think it was quite awful the first time they tried it, but with some experience you learn to appreciate the taste and how it varies with distilleries, water, peat, malting process and so on. The casks used, how they are prepared, and the aging is also so very important. A blend is always going to taste almost exactly the same no matter when it was produced while a single malt can vary slightly from batch to batch. A vetted malt is a single malt where the brew master has blended different batches to achieve a certain taste. As such it’s much like a single malt, but with less variation in the taste.
All of this is things you can learn to appreciate, but it takes time. But even without learning all about what makes up the tastes you can still enjoy whiskey and if it takes mixing it with Coke then that’s fine too…
My boyfriend would say that her taste is just ‘alright’. He’s a bigger fan of Redbreast, but he’ll drink Jameson in a pinch.
Personally, I think whiskey is nasty (bring on the Sailor Jerry!)…but then, I’m probably biased since my first case of alcohol poisoning involved whiskey.
I’m more of a Sailor Jerry’s person too but Jameson’s is ok. I got nicely snookered the weekend before St. Patrick’s Day with the help of that stuff (Sailor Jerry and Sobieski helped too). I kept demanding people do shots of Jameson with me and ,lo and behold, people accepted free booze.That was a fun weekend.
Monica is the sanest person she knows? That’s not saying much.
And, she’s pretty much dry. The full explaination must have taken a while. She may be extracting a bit of revenge, however, by soaking Monica’s desk chair in the process.
“from the sanest person i know” could be taken a couple of different ways. It would “sound a little crazy” even if it came from the sanest person she knows, or, if it where true, then Monica would be the sanest person she knows from the new, revised definition of normalcy and reality. Sort of a intellectual verbal fencing master kind of a thing to say.
Aww — I was soo looking forward to the executive summary so that we all could have the same clear understanding of a multi-year plot line!
Meanwhile, the Amanda version will suffice.. and points us to places unknown — like the eventual visit to the”tiny” Minneapolis Annex of the Bibliothiki?
BTW, excellent backlighting in the first panel (I assume it is now late afternoon, as Monica has been explaining things for a long time), and the detail on the Jameson bottle and the globe next to Amanda are superb.
I think he changed it. it looked like it could have been either the liquid level or her shirt strap distorted through the glass, but now it looks exactly like the latter. Excellent detail, as I said before…
Just because we’re discussing this single detail: I would expect it to have a bit of angle to it for the strap, also it’s the same color tone all the way through the bottle from the line down. There should be a level parallel of the bottles vertical line to mach the fluid for it to be corrected.
Do you remember names when someone’s trying to explain to you something as intricate as our heroine’s recent history?
I don’t care how many shots of whiskey you’ve downed in the meantime – you’re trying to make things as simple as you can so your brain can start to wrap itself around the problem.
She also didn’t mention the word “golem”. Still, I think that Amanda was relating what Monica told her to what Amanda saw with her own eyes. Also, in that paragraph, Amanda was talking about her new role in things, so it makes sense that she would be talking about the other people’s roles. Since she is summarizing and is probably a bit confused, she’s probably avoiding talking about anything that’s not directly on topic. The fact that Phix knew enough to show up and could enforce a pecking order indicates that Phix at least has supernatural powers.
To me, the intersting thing is that Monica thinks Tina instinctivly knew something about Amanda that caused her to try to push Amanda into the mix. That’s not surprising, but it’s the first time we have seen a character say it.
Oh she’s all smiles and cute and coy in the last panel, but we know the real Monica now. The Monica capable of water torture! It’s all a facade, I tell ya! Don’t be deceived! She’s not to be trus … **poit**
That’s odd, I didn’t know there were fish down there? Must have been pulled in from the lake. Now, as I was saying … Monica is the most wonderful person I know. She’s kind and gentle, and you could trust her with your kids. She’s just the best there is. Always … ALWAYS, believe anything she says!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to shower all this raw sewage off me. Oh bloody hell! Maybe I should’nt have mentioned tha … **poit**
Seriously, though. I was thinking about this the other day. Knowing someone has the ability to suddenly relocate you to say… the sun. That changes how you can interact with them. No matter how you may like/trust them, there is always that knowledge that at any moment, you could suddenly be in the middle of the pacific, thousands of miles from any land, and there isn’t a thing you can do about it.
Personally, I think that reasons like that may be why Monica worked at learning that. Bud incinerated a coffee cup in her kitchen, Jin openly acknowledged that she manipulates people and ‘when annoyed, sends things far away’. Phix is an acknowledged murderer (and possibly homovore). And while Tina is sweet and nice, she too has openly said that she does it for a reason. Even Shelly snuck up on her and stabbed her in the head. Frankly, Monica is very squishy and runs with a very, VERY frightening crowd.
I wonder if that’s part of the reason for her bringing Amanda on. Just to have someone to trust.
All quite true, However, Amanda is now on the inside. That gives her access to information which probably will show how to block anyone from poiting you without your consent. I know that’s what I would spend some time at the paranormal library looking for. Preferably sans Monica. Monica may trust Amanda, but would Amanda trust Monica? Trust a seriously damaged person who has demonstrated the consequences of not utterly believing in her? Well, not in the real world, but this aint the real world.
I don’t think Amanda could get to the main library by herself because she would need to poit to get there. I think the annex was set up for people like her. I suspect that the annex will contain only a subset of what would be at the main library.
I doubt that there is anything Amanda could do. I’m not sure, but I get the impression that magic requires innate abilities in addition to knowledge.
I’m not sure. Is the “annex” just another place to store more books, or is it actually another entrance to the main library for the right people. A way to get there without having to poit to it. Sort of like a cloth portal. More and more people are coming on line who can’t poit so it may be designed for them to use as needed.
Actually, I don’t think Monica could poit someone to the sun, since she hasn’t physically been there. That was the limitation that required the use of the portal cloth.
I think you just need to be able to visualize it and think of it clearly. Tepoz poited food inside Monica without having been in her stomach, for example. They couldn’t do that with the market, but probably could do it with the sun.
I was thinking that, rather than poiting Amanda there, Monica could just have Bud throw her to the sun, but Amanda is probably too squishy for that to work.
Yes, it’s important she go all the way to the sun since just transporting her into space wouldn’t kill her.
If Bud could somehow throw her, she still would not make it as she would become the first body to burn up from friction while LEAVING the earth’s atmosphere.
Love the backlighting and the cartoonized globe. I’m gonna give Paul the benefit of the doubt and say that what we see in the Jameson bottle is a distorted view of A’s strap.
Well, Bud did poit away a tattoo from Shelly. Perhaps when Monica brought Amanda back, she poited her out of her arm band. Poiting the person away from the tattoo instead of the tattoo away from the person.
Amanda’s baptism via Lake Calhoun has successfully initiated her into the Mysteries of the Wapsi Universe! I think the total reorganization of her world view is going to require another bottle of Jameson. Tepoz, stand by for detoxification duty. Love the art, story and characters!
That does not sound crazy, but this does:
Let’s strap on the snowshoes, ladles! Zebras and cheese don’t last long in the heat once my toes enter the picture! It’s crime fighting time!!
Wait until Moni has to explain and/or demonstrate Elimination Teleportation (the poop poit).
Speaking of poop poit, poiting could be such a boon to surgury. Cesarean births would be eliminated. Cancers could be excised. Depending on the finesse of the poiter surgeon, transplants could be much less intrusive. People can die from punctured colons due to severe constipation brought on by constant use of pain killers, so even the poop poit can be a life saver.
Is it safe to say that Amanda was the last of the major Wapsi characters NOT to be let in on the supernatural happenings?
Think about it for a second…
The question is:
Which character has the most appearances in the strip that is not either part of “the crazy” or been let in on the happenings?
The following characters all know about Monica’s Secret.
(SN= Supernatural Character)
Dietzel – DOG
Amanda Ehrlich
Tina Rosario Aldaco Guzman – SN
Tepoztecal – SN
Monica Villarreal – SN
Katherine Gilchrist
Phix – SN
Bud – SN
Brandi – SN
Jin – SN
Shelly Wahnee
And possibly Jin’s boy toy
Alan hasn’t met Jin’s Mom AFAWK, there could have been off-screen introductions going on while we were concerned with Officer Buns, or with Bud’s “flying saucer” or any other thing that wasn’t focussed on Jin, Mayahuel, or Alan.
I believe we can rule in Jin’s boyfriend… He was one of the first to know. Remember when she tried drive him away by “stabbing” her wrist, and curled up the knife? And later when she asks him if he gets freaked by having sex with a clay doll? I am sure he has figured it out.
Heather hasn’t. There is also the bartender at their old bar, before they found the Cerberus Club. How about the heiress Shelley works for now, and her tattooed helper? Lisa, I think. They don’t know.
Xordaii – those are the ones I came up with as well.
If my calculations are correct, and the tend to be, the winner for the remaining character with the most appearances who has yet to be let in on “crazy” things is…. wait for it…
Jacquline Bontemps
And when was the last time we saw her?
My point is that all the recent major characters and most of the secondary characters are in on the “crazy” so bringing Amanda into the fold was superfluous. Why not explore the “act of acceptance” with one of the “normals” who had already been introduced?
Unfortunately I do not really care about the Jin character; she is nearly at the bottom of my list, so I find it difficult to become engrossed buy attempts to help her.
And again – what is with the drinking? Isn’t it about mid-day? Not like it matters. Monica has an alcohol dependency as was finally established after a lengthy conversation on the old Wapsi forum. It was collectively agreed that she was not yet an alcoholic – which at this point would be just overkill to introduce.
Love the lighting effect, BTW in the top panel. Is the globe a clue?
Last time we saw Jacqui was actually in a flashback to “when Shelley met Monica”, IIRC. In the present day, it was when Shel first got the tattoo on her skin.
Ok, maybe the booze just calmed the her mind enough to allow her to think. Can’t say I haven’t used the same technique.
Running the same at the moment.
(You ninja’d me!)
Monica forgot to mention that the schizophrenic immortal is also a potential world destroyer.
One step at a time.
We don’t know that she didn’t mention that Jin could destroy the world. Amanda may have ruled it non-essential information in her summing up.
Oh… I don’t think she could destroy the world… After all, she is just part of the Chimera. So more likely just a third of it.
I can’t think which strip it was but didn’t someone mentioned (I think it was Tepoz) that Jin had the power to shift the Earth out of its orbit and aim it for the sun if she really wanted to?
Sorry that should be:
didn’t someone mention
Note to self: Watch declinations when inserting words.
Not according to Bud, who said she could destroy the earth, and the resulting shock wave would collapse the sun.
I would look up the link and post it, but I’m too tired.
I thought that they were just starting to drink. Anyway, yesterday Amanda said, “OK…I’m listening.” I think she very much meant it.
That mask looks like a Tiki Darren!
It’s from the episode of Power Puff girls where the girls are PLAYING Power Puff girls and pretending to be other characters in the show. It’s a FUN episode
Now THAT is the neatest apology I’ve seen yet!
(Post the 1st!)
Definitely a neat apology – it appears that neither of them has fallen into the heretical American practice of diluting good whiskey with that foreign substance known as “ice”.
Oh for… Diluting the whiskey isn’t the problem people claim it to be. Actually most whiskey open up and reveals the tastes better if a few drops of water is added when served. It’s best if you can get water from the same source as the distillery, but if that isn’t an option then clean water works.
The only real problem with adding ice is that it cools the whiskey making it harder to really taste it. But in the end your personal preferences are what matters.
Want your whiskey on the rocks? Sure go ahead and enjoy it. Want some Coke in your whiskey? Fine, if you like it that way… Actually I’ve had one bottle of whiskey, and yes it was real Scottish whiskey, a well known expensive blend, that tasted so awful I ended up mixing it with Coke just to get rid of it. And I enjoyed it! Now I don’t suggest you go mix a good whiskey before you’ve tasted it. Truth is that most cheap whiskey will go well with Coke.
Whiskey is an acquired taste. I don’t know anyone who didn’t think it was quite awful the first time they tried it, but with some experience you learn to appreciate the taste and how it varies with distilleries, water, peat, malting process and so on. The casks used, how they are prepared, and the aging is also so very important. A blend is always going to taste almost exactly the same no matter when it was produced while a single malt can vary slightly from batch to batch. A vetted malt is a single malt where the brew master has blended different batches to achieve a certain taste. As such it’s much like a single malt, but with less variation in the taste.
All of this is things you can learn to appreciate, but it takes time. But even without learning all about what makes up the tastes you can still enjoy whiskey and if it takes mixing it with Coke then that’s fine too…
The lady has good taste in whiskey.
Yes! Make mine a double…
I concur. Hey Amanda! While you’re pouring… I’ll take a triple neat!
My boyfriend would say that her taste is just ‘alright’. He’s a bigger fan of Redbreast, but he’ll drink Jameson in a pinch.
Personally, I think whiskey is nasty (bring on the Sailor Jerry!)…but then, I’m probably biased since my first case of alcohol poisoning involved whiskey.
I’m more of a Sailor Jerry’s person too but Jameson’s is ok. I got nicely snookered the weekend before St. Patrick’s Day with the help of that stuff (Sailor Jerry and Sobieski helped too). I kept demanding people do shots of Jameson with me and ,lo and behold, people accepted free booze.That was a fun weekend.
First case?
May i politely suggest that experience is there to be learnt from?
A good ale or stout. (The adjective “good” excludes Guinness, BTW. Nasty stuff.)
Yes, I noticed that too…has there been more than One? I hope not…
Julie sounds like a fun girl.
Monica is the sanest person she knows? That’s not saying much.
And, she’s pretty much dry. The full explaination must have taken a while. She may be extracting a bit of revenge, however, by soaking Monica’s desk chair in the process.
Poit drying.
Maybe the reality soaked in…
“from the sanest person i know” could be taken a couple of different ways. It would “sound a little crazy” even if it came from the sanest person she knows, or, if it where true, then Monica would be the sanest person she knows from the new, revised definition of normalcy and reality. Sort of a intellectual verbal fencing master kind of a thing to say.
Naw, more of a butt-kissing-so-she-won’t-poit-me-again kind of thing to say.
“Monica is the sanest person she knows? That’s not saying much.”
Hey, she’s got a card certifying her membership of the “right as rain” club. That’s more than most of us have got…
jameson!! whooo-hooo!
and, welcome in the team, young lady! you’ll see, it’s quite fun saving the world…sometimes?
Yeah! Now we need Owen to show up again, so he can be brought in as well…
Ouch. That sounded bitterer then I meant.
Mmmm. Jameson. I’m more of a Feckin man myself (particularly the spiced), but still… Jameson.
The sanest people are those who admit their insanity.
Whoa. I had forgotten Monica still has that blade stuck in her head…
Aww — I was soo looking forward to the executive summary so that we all could have the same clear understanding of a multi-year plot line!
Meanwhile, the Amanda version will suffice.. and points us to places unknown — like the eventual visit to the”tiny” Minneapolis Annex of the Bibliothiki?
heh heh…no, that would take at least two…no maybe three comics…
Moi aussi. I was longing for a great torrent of Plot Exposition barfing today. *sigh*
That comes after they finish the bottle. And two more.
At $250 a bottle?
NVM. Shelly promised to buy Monica Jameson Vintage Reserve, but this is just the regular Jameson, $22-25 per bottle.
Free, if you know Tepoz.
Yep, this is just the 12 year stuff.
I wonder if the ghost girl will manifest…
BTW, excellent backlighting in the first panel (I assume it is now late afternoon, as Monica has been explaining things for a long time), and the detail on the Jameson bottle and the globe next to Amanda are superb.
It’s called a photograph, i believe.
Yah you can see the liquid in the bottle is still “level” in the neck. Still looks good though.
I thought it was her shirt line we were seeing.
I think he changed it. it looked like it could have been either the liquid level or her shirt strap distorted through the glass, but now it looks exactly like the latter. Excellent detail, as I said before…
Just because we’re discussing this single detail: I would expect it to have a bit of angle to it for the strap, also it’s the same color tone all the way through the bottle from the line down. There should be a level parallel of the bottles vertical line to mach the fluid for it to be corrected.
Wheeeeoooo! Fo-to-graff, you say? Ain’t teknol’gy amaizin’???
“Library lady”
Could it be Monica hasn’t explained quite everything fully yet?
Do you remember names when someone’s trying to explain to you something as intricate as our heroine’s recent history?
I don’t care how many shots of whiskey you’ve downed in the meantime – you’re trying to make things as simple as you can so your brain can start to wrap itself around the problem.
I might not recall names, but i’m fairly sure that “collective of demons” and “immortal sphinx” would stick in my mind.
It could be that Amanda is more comfortable using every day terms.
She also didn’t mention the word “golem”. Still, I think that Amanda was relating what Monica told her to what Amanda saw with her own eyes. Also, in that paragraph, Amanda was talking about her new role in things, so it makes sense that she would be talking about the other people’s roles. Since she is summarizing and is probably a bit confused, she’s probably avoiding talking about anything that’s not directly on topic. The fact that Phix knew enough to show up and could enforce a pecking order indicates that Phix at least has supernatural powers.
To me, the intersting thing is that Monica thinks Tina instinctivly knew something about Amanda that caused her to try to push Amanda into the mix. That’s not surprising, but it’s the first time we have seen a character say it.
Yes, I thought Tina was just being and ass and having some fun at Monica’s expense, but there may be more to it.
The fact that Phix agreed (in a around about way) showed us that Tina wasn’t just messing around.
Love Monica’s grin at the second panel
Perky Monica.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
No – wait – that’s Perky Jin.
Ditto…I think that is my favorite image of Monica (for now).

Ya know, the last time i saw a grin like that, Roy Scheider was feeding it chum…
I’d say that too to prevent a new dunking…
…and Monica will be more easier to handle once she is schnockered.
Oh she’s all smiles and cute and coy in the last panel, but we know the real Monica now. The Monica capable of water torture! It’s all a facade, I tell ya! Don’t be deceived! She’s not to be trus … **poit**
Well, her smile is a little creepy.
“Three, two, one…”
“Welcome back, SoWhyMe. Here’s your towel. Oops, looks like you have a passenger.”
(watches a lake perch flop around on the floor)
“Monica, you want to take care of that?”
That’s odd, I didn’t know there were fish down there? Must have been pulled in from the lake. Now, as I was saying … Monica is the most wonderful person I know. She’s kind and gentle, and you could trust her with your kids. She’s just the best there is. Always … ALWAYS, believe anything she says!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to shower all this raw sewage off me. Oh bloody hell! Maybe I should’nt have mentioned tha … **poit**
Seriously, though. I was thinking about this the other day. Knowing someone has the ability to suddenly relocate you to say… the sun. That changes how you can interact with them. No matter how you may like/trust them, there is always that knowledge that at any moment, you could suddenly be in the middle of the pacific, thousands of miles from any land, and there isn’t a thing you can do about it.
Personally, I think that reasons like that may be why Monica worked at learning that. Bud incinerated a coffee cup in her kitchen, Jin openly acknowledged that she manipulates people and ‘when annoyed, sends things far away’. Phix is an acknowledged murderer (and possibly homovore). And while Tina is sweet and nice, she too has openly said that she does it for a reason. Even Shelly snuck up on her and stabbed her in the head. Frankly, Monica is very squishy and runs with a very, VERY frightening crowd.
I wonder if that’s part of the reason for her bringing Amanda on. Just to have someone to trust.
The problem, of course, is that now Amanda is the helpless one surrounded by scary people…
All quite true, However, Amanda is now on the inside. That gives her access to information which probably will show how to block anyone from poiting you without your consent. I know that’s what I would spend some time at the paranormal library looking for. Preferably sans Monica. Monica may trust Amanda, but would Amanda trust Monica? Trust a seriously damaged person who has demonstrated the consequences of not utterly believing in her? Well, not in the real world, but this aint the real world.
I don’t think Amanda could get to the main library by herself because she would need to poit to get there. I think the annex was set up for people like her. I suspect that the annex will contain only a subset of what would be at the main library.
I doubt that there is anything Amanda could do. I’m not sure, but I get the impression that magic requires innate abilities in addition to knowledge.
I’m not sure. Is the “annex” just another place to store more books, or is it actually another entrance to the main library for the right people. A way to get there without having to poit to it. Sort of like a cloth portal. More and more people are coming on line who can’t poit so it may be designed for them to use as needed.
Actually, I don’t think Monica could poit someone to the sun, since she hasn’t physically been there. That was the limitation that required the use of the portal cloth.
I think you just need to be able to visualize it and think of it clearly. Tepoz poited food inside Monica without having been in her stomach, for example. They couldn’t do that with the market, but probably could do it with the sun.
I was thinking that, rather than poiting Amanda there, Monica could just have Bud throw her to the sun, but Amanda is probably too squishy for that to work.
Yes, it’s important she go all the way to the sun since just transporting her into space wouldn’t kill her.
If Bud could somehow throw her, she still would not make it as she would become the first body to burn up from friction while LEAVING the earth’s atmosphere.
A little dunk, a little drink…
And just like that, Amanda is on board.
Love the backlighting and the cartoonized globe. I’m gonna give Paul the benefit of the doubt and say that what we see in the Jameson bottle is a distorted view of A’s strap.
But where’s Amanda’s armband?
Caught him again!
Of course, after he fixes it, people will wonder what we’re talking about.
Uhhh … what were we talking about?
Perhaps it washed off in the lake?
Well, Bud did poit away a tattoo from Shelly. Perhaps when Monica brought Amanda back, she poited her out of her arm band. Poiting the person away from the tattoo instead of the tattoo away from the person.
Take this explaination (weak though it is) to heart, Paul and you can stop having to draw that arm band in all the time. Just sayin’ …
Too late, he went back and fixed it.
Amanda’s baptism via Lake Calhoun has successfully initiated her into the Mysteries of the Wapsi Universe! I think the total reorganization of her world view is going to require another bottle of Jameson. Tepoz, stand by for detoxification duty. Love the art, story and characters!
I’m thinking that shot’ll turn into a double as the rest of the details come out.
That went a lot better than I had expected
Ahh, the sounds of sanity ring aloud…
I like the look of Amanda’s hair , now .
That does not sound crazy, but this does:
Let’s strap on the snowshoes, ladles! Zebras and cheese don’t last long in the heat once my toes enter the picture! It’s crime fighting time!!
Wait until Moni has to explain and/or demonstrate Elimination Teleportation (the poop poit).
Speaking of poop poit, poiting could be such a boon to surgury. Cesarean births would be eliminated. Cancers could be excised. Depending on the finesse of the poiter surgeon, transplants could be much less intrusive. People can die from punctured colons due to severe constipation brought on by constant use of pain killers, so even the poop poit can be a life saver.
Depends on the limits of such. Check out the Anime OVA Strait Jacket for an example of para-abilty in a surgery going off the tracks.
Hmmm … depends. Is the patient on the receiving end of the botched para-surgery male or female?
Is it safe to say that Amanda was the last of the major Wapsi characters NOT to be let in on the supernatural happenings?
Think about it for a second…
The question is:
Which character has the most appearances in the strip that is not either part of “the crazy” or been let in on the happenings?
The following characters all know about Monica’s Secret.
(SN= Supernatural Character)
Dietzel – DOG
Amanda Ehrlich
Tina Rosario Aldaco Guzman – SN
Tepoztecal – SN
Monica Villarreal – SN
Katherine Gilchrist
Phix – SN
Bud – SN
Brandi – SN
Jin – SN
Shelly Wahnee
And possibly Jin’s boy toy
So much for keeping this thing secret…
Alan (Jin’s “boyfriend”) knows about her “history”. He hasn’t met mother yet, though.
Alan hasn’t met Jin’s Mom AFAWK, there could have been off-screen introductions going on while we were concerned with Officer Buns, or with Bud’s “flying saucer” or any other thing that wasn’t focussed on Jin, Mayahuel, or Alan.
I believe we can rule in Jin’s boyfriend… He was one of the first to know. Remember when she tried drive him away by “stabbing” her wrist, and curled up the knife? And later when she asks him if he gets freaked by having sex with a clay doll? I am sure he has figured it out.
Heather hasn’t. There is also the bartender at their old bar, before they found the Cerberus Club. How about the heiress Shelley works for now, and her tattooed helper? Lisa, I think. They don’t know.
I like how your avatar is looking askance at Nimrod’s post.
Jacqui and Luci do not know of Shelley and Monica’s “extra-curricular activities”.
If I was being introduced into the world of the supernatural, I would prefer some Johnny Walker (Blue Label of course), but Jameson is just as good.
Xordaii – those are the ones I came up with as well.
If my calculations are correct, and the tend to be, the winner for the remaining character with the most appearances who has yet to be let in on “crazy” things is…. wait for it…
Jacquline Bontemps
And when was the last time we saw her?
My point is that all the recent major characters and most of the secondary characters are in on the “crazy” so bringing Amanda into the fold was superfluous. Why not explore the “act of acceptance” with one of the “normals” who had already been introduced?
Unfortunately I do not really care about the Jin character; she is nearly at the bottom of my list, so I find it difficult to become engrossed buy attempts to help her.
And again – what is with the drinking? Isn’t it about mid-day? Not like it matters. Monica has an alcohol dependency as was finally established after a lengthy conversation on the old Wapsi forum. It was collectively agreed that she was not yet an alcoholic – which at this point would be just overkill to introduce.
Love the lighting effect, BTW in the top panel. Is the globe a clue?
Last time we saw Jacqui was actually in a flashback to “when Shelley met Monica”, IIRC. In the present day, it was when Shel first got the tattoo on her skin.
“At Lanthis”
I would guess that the conversation has moved to Amanda’s home and/or studio; Monica’s office has never had windows that I’d noticed.
First frame, Amanda is merging into the light. Second frame, she’s all the way there with Monica. It’s bright, but it’s real.