That’s a great potiential example (unless Paul does something in the next few strips to nullify it) of how to say something generic and letting people hear it as something a whole lot more.
Wheat beer has become more popular recently since some of the big breweries have picked it up (or at least more noticeable in my consciousness) and I actually prefer them to other forms as they are lighter but still have a good flavor (note I have only been drinking for a couple of years and mostly prefer wine over beer). As for M’s drink I don’t drink scotch so I have no idea
Ales are too heavy for my tastes, but I do enjoy wheat beer. I’m typically more of a “nurse a glass or two of Irish whiskey for hours” guy. I make a couple very nice meads (a sweet and a dry) fit for Odin.
Awww, Katherine’s face in the last panel. ^.^
That’s a crush face!
That’s a great potiential example (unless Paul does something in the next few strips to nullify it) of how to say something generic and letting people hear it as something a whole lot more.
I so love Kath.
She can smile–and mean it!
its complicated M.
hmm that just made me google it
i just know beer and ale
not the types of beer and ale so obviously both monica AND katherine are connoisseurs.
Wheat beer has become more popular recently since some of the big breweries have picked it up (or at least more noticeable in my consciousness) and I actually prefer them to other forms as they are lighter but still have a good flavor (note I have only been drinking for a couple of years and mostly prefer wine over beer). As for M’s drink I don’t drink scotch so I have no idea
That’s great and all… but Scotch is a kind of malt whisky, and Monica ordered a Scotch Ale, which is a type of dark, heavy beer.
Dark, DELICIOUS, strong beer. My favorite!
Ales are too heavy for my tastes, but I do enjoy wheat beer. I’m typically more of a “nurse a glass or two of Irish whiskey for hours” guy. I make a couple very nice meads (a sweet and a dry) fit for Odin.