Funny how you don’t have to be related by blood to carry a family traight.. As the saying goes “like mother like daughter ” Poor girl needs to breath before she passes out. Lol
Yes, and let’s have a two-year-long story-arc with him, in a comic with a basically female cast and males only turn up as and when they’re directly relevant to them.
Heh, Stela’s grin in the last panel almost reminds me of Sydney’s grin when she found out what her wolf-boyfriend can do with his tongue in ‘Grrl Power’
Ah, love in the world of Warner bros.
Nah, nothing major happened…
she has the best dumb grin going on, so happy she is. ~<3
Mother and daughter make the same expressions!
I think the reason you don’t see a speech bubble from Scarlet is that her squeeeing has gone hypersonic.
There are dolphins halfway across the planet going “What the heck was that?”
I wish they would let us “thumbs up” comments, Yours would get mine.
Hypersonic, trans-C, and it’s triggering gravity-wave detectors all across the Orion–Cygnus Arm.
This was not a secret which was destined to be kept.
yep.. glasses shattered…
Good thing my computer display is LCD & not CRT…
In Spooning, that girl can give as good as she gets!
Well, Shawna sure isn’t shy about displaying affection in public.
She wasn’t all that shy about her predatory intentions toward Hiroshi, either.
Final panel:
SHAWNA: My work here is done.
So much for any poker face. XD
That’s because Shawna just ‘poked her’ with twin mounds of happiness
Castle’s developing a pretty impressive rack herself now; could Shawna loving her have something to do with that?
Funny how you don’t have to be related by blood to carry a family traight.. As the saying goes “like mother like daughter ” Poor girl needs to breath before she passes out. Lol
(sorry, that was severely incorrect)
The sound that Scarlet is currently making has dogs in the entire Twin Cities howling.
Considering that she’s Fox that might not be such a good move.
Castle didn’t have to say one single word; that hug spoke VOLUMES! *SQUEEEE*
Stela’s smile in the last panel, that is all
That face says glarghlbliggle
Hmm, surprised no flowers
Okay, girls, time to bring Hiroshi into things and form a trio…
(Yes, I’m being evil to the shipping fans.)
Yes, and let’s have a two-year-long story-arc with him, in a comic with a basically female cast and males only turn up as and when they’re directly relevant to them.
Still waiting for Daylla’s reaction
CASTELA.EXE has stopped working
Shawna reminds me of Daisy Mae in the last panel for some reason.
Of course, now I’m showing my age…
Heh, Stela’s grin in the last panel almost reminds me of Sydney’s grin when she found out what her wolf-boyfriend can do with his tongue in ‘Grrl Power’
Alllllll the squees!