I suppose it could be hard on Monica’s decor (and walls, and ceiling) if Shelly were to sphinx-out in panic. Shelly’s place did survive that, once, but only just barely.
Hmmm…I wonder if this is going to be as good as Cliff first meeting the spiders that work with the White-Faced Bear (http://www.wildelifecomic.com/comic/180) in Wilde Life…Or when Sydney meets Vance the Spiders-Man (http://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/1773) in Grrl Power? I hope I get the chance to see if Paul can do better, yes?
Yeah, seems a little strange to me as well. Think it is how her sentence starts with “Actually”. Works a little better replaced with “I forgot” which seems a little out of place for Digit, though beyond being the librarian we don’t know what shenanigans she has been up to.
Did Paul change it? It’s now reading a little better
She had been thinking that Shelly was no longer afraid of all spiders, when Shelly is simply no longer afraid of her, a HUGE difference for an arachnophobe (or any other kind of phobic) who have become less freaked out around a particular specimen butt not all
Not quite, Monica. Shelly’s hair isn’t white enough.
I suppose it could be hard on Monica’s decor (and walls, and ceiling) if Shelly were to sphinx-out in panic. Shelly’s place did survive that, once, but only just barely.
The only genuinely funny thing about the entire pathetic SharkNado Series were 2 words in the subtitle of SHAKNADO 5:
This might sound cruel, but that would be an AWESOME story arc!
Tell Shelly that Monica and Digit have engaged a pack of right-sized guardians to protect the house and grounds from harmful insect pests!
Hmmm…I wonder if this is going to be as good as Cliff first meeting the spiders that work with the White-Faced Bear (http://www.wildelifecomic.com/comic/180) in Wilde Life…Or when Sydney meets Vance the Spiders-Man (http://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/1773) in Grrl Power? I hope I get the chance to see if Paul can do better, yes?

Oh, that oughta be a lot of fun to watch.
*pops corn*
*opens beer*
…and now, we wait…
Digit’s first bubble doesn’t read correct for me, is there a word missing or one that is used wrongly? Or maybe an extra word? o_O
Yeah, seems a little strange to me as well. Think it is how her sentence starts with “Actually”. Works a little better replaced with “I forgot” which seems a little out of place for Digit, though beyond being the librarian we don’t know what shenanigans she has been up to.
Did Paul change it? It’s now reading a little better
She had been thinking that Shelly was no longer afraid of all spiders, when Shelly is simply no longer afraid of her, a HUGE difference for an arachnophobe (or any other kind of phobic) who have become less freaked out around a particular specimen butt not all
The 80 thousand+ year old badass, cannibalistic sphinx is still afraid of spiders?
‘Irrational fears’ are called that for a reason