First time I ever saw Digit cry. Makes me kinda sad. Too bad there wasn’t a Translation at the bottom of the 2nd panel but I think I get it. Maybe there will be a Translation tomorrow it and when Digit talks to Monica.
Given that the talisman Calista made as an emergency restore for Dietzel was worn by Digit (back on March 14, 2017), and a few strips after that Calista mentioned “This involves a broken talisman. That renders any further magic unpredictable”, I suspect that any magic used to restore Dietzel’s size runs the risk of causing some sort of harmonic interference on Digit, with unknown (and quite possibly hazardous) results.
Cricket gave one talisman to undo the shrinking spell, a ring to Monica kinda as a parting gift before she graduated. Accidentally Digit put on that ring and became “spider girl”.
From the description she gave when passing that amulet, Cricket wasn’t very comfortable about creating that talisman. She might have trouble creating another one.
Also she’s Fae. Gifts from Fae are notoriously tricky and dangerous.
As for her mentioning further magic being unpredictable, I thought that was about turning Digit back into an itsy bitsy spider.
I think as long as both Digit and Dietzel are comfortable with the current status quo, nobody’s in a hurry to change anything about it.
It is arguable that it was not a gift as she was attempting to right a wrong. The challenge with dealing with the fae is that all the rules have at least 5 loopholes and the fae have time on their side to figure them all out.
The effects of magics an the time he has spent in the Library has altered his lifespan an maybe his intelligence as well. That is what it has done to the spiders like the ones at Monica’s house.
That’s because they’re the results of breeding programs. Pure breed dogs have tendency towards genetic flaws that cause health problems. German shepherds get degenerative nerve problems that cause rear leg paralysis. St. Bernards have heart problems. Chihuahuas have nervous emotional problems.
The ones that live longer tend to be mixed breed mutts which also tend to be medium-small (knee high when standing).
Deities has never been an ordinary dog. Even as a puppy who had a collision with a June Bug his reaction was more along the lines of a human. He may well be a changeling or blessed with a lifespan to match his owner (he was a shelter dog, as I recall, so his prior history and pedigree are anyone’s guess.
How sweet. She used to be the one in that position, and I’m sure she misses Dietzel’s companionship.
First time I ever saw Digit cry. Makes me kinda sad. Too bad there wasn’t a Translation at the bottom of the 2nd panel but I think I get it. Maybe there will be a Translation tomorrow it and when Digit talks to Monica.
How about the page title?
I somewhat read the title of this page as a summary for what Digit tells the other spider.
Not going to interfere?
Nah, Digit is better than that. She loves her friend enough to let things develop the way that will.
Also, IIRC, Digit and Dietzel were just close friendds
I don’t remember, was there a given reason why Deitzl can’t be returned to his natural size? Does he just prefer remaining smol?
Nobody’s figured out how, so far, i think,
Given that the talisman Calista made as an emergency restore for Dietzel was worn by Digit (back on March 14, 2017), and a few strips after that Calista mentioned “This involves a broken talisman. That renders any further magic unpredictable”, I suspect that any magic used to restore Dietzel’s size runs the risk of causing some sort of harmonic interference on Digit, with unknown (and quite possibly hazardous) results.
Cricket gave one talisman to undo the shrinking spell, a ring to Monica kinda as a parting gift before she graduated. Accidentally Digit put on that ring and became “spider girl”.
From the description she gave when passing that amulet, Cricket wasn’t very comfortable about creating that talisman. She might have trouble creating another one.
Also she’s Fae. Gifts from Fae are notoriously tricky and dangerous.
As for her mentioning further magic being unpredictable, I thought that was about turning Digit back into an itsy bitsy spider.
I think as long as both Digit and Dietzel are comfortable with the current status quo, nobody’s in a hurry to change anything about it.
It is arguable that it was not a gift as she was attempting to right a wrong. The challenge with dealing with the fae is that all the rules have at least 5 loopholes and the fae have time on their side to figure them all out.
Mmmmyeah, that’s a punch right to the gut.
Awww, Digit still speaks her native tongue! (Or in this case native mandible?)
how about natural language?
still, a VERY nice strip.
reminds me of the strip when Owen sent a notice to Shelly that he and (I forget her name).
not sad, not happy… contented.
dang when Owen and his “L” eloped.
Her name’s Lakshmi; She and Owen may cycle back into view soon… Their daughter works in Kathrine’s office, IIRC.
how old is deitzel now? hes been around since the beginning must be pushing 20 years now.
The effects of magics an the time he has spent in the Library has altered his lifespan an maybe his intelligence as well. That is what it has done to the spiders like the ones at Monica’s house.
Generally speaking, the smaller a creature is, the shorter it’s lifespan. Have to wonder if that is affecting Dietzel in that way and the end is near.
However, in the canine world, smaller dogs set the longevity records, while larger ones sometimes never see age 10.
That’s because they’re the results of breeding programs. Pure breed dogs have tendency towards genetic flaws that cause health problems. German shepherds get degenerative nerve problems that cause rear leg paralysis. St. Bernards have heart problems. Chihuahuas have nervous emotional problems.
The ones that live longer tend to be mixed breed mutts which also tend to be medium-small (knee high when standing).
Deities has never been an ordinary dog. Even as a puppy who had a collision with a June Bug his reaction was more along the lines of a human. He may well be a changeling or blessed with a lifespan to match his owner (he was a shelter dog, as I recall, so his prior history and pedigree are anyone’s guess.
What’d they say?
And I didn’t know Digit’s eyes could weep tears!
Oh! Episode title! “Take care of him”! I assume née spider said “of course I will” or something like that!
What happens to a spider when she drinks ethanol?
NASA gave various drugs to web-spinning spiders,and recorded the effects on their webs. As far as I’m aware,no experiments have been done with jumping spiders, or using alcohol.
The blush and the tear had me thinking she was catching up on family news
Yes, being a spider herself, Digit DOES speak Arachnese…