I noticed that last comic. I checked out earlier comics. Mindy wasn’t hugging items to her chest when she was first introduced. Random comic link to follow. It looks like she started after joining the club. Hiroshi might just bring it out of her.
That ended (or, at least, resolved the potential meltdown) a lot better than I’d feared it might. Mindy got her point about boundaries across effectively, and Hiroshi got the message without having to have someone tear him a new one.
Any semi-crisis which ends with pre-bedtime snacks is a win!
If I’m not mistaken, I think this is the first canon reveal of just how racked Mindy is. She’s at least as well-endowed as Monica was back in the very beginning of the comic.
Well, not a spoiler, really. I mean, it was one of a very few possibilities. The Monica => Atsali => Mindy progression of “Person Inside != Person Outside” intensifies.
Ok she handled that really well. I mean after the temporary nerd girl mind melt down. She told him in a way he understood without making him feel like a total dork. She was kind and got what she wanted to say to him out without freaking. ( like cass would have) Trying to make things easier for both of them. She is far from clueless. I think Mindy is just the kind of person Hiroshi needs. Judging from the side view I think Mindy would be really pretty if she took her glasses off. Blind as a bat but really pretty. I’d love to see the nerd girl get the super hot guy.
I only saw that AFTER I had made my post. and that wouldn’t surprise me one bit if it was true. look at the character Velma Dinkly from Scooby doo. she wears these big bulky sweaters to hide the fact she’s really a hottie. again blind as a bat without her glasses. But Velma being who she is would rather be valued for her mind then her body. hence the big bulky sweaters. it’s camo. Mindy seems highly intelligent but just has highly shy. I don’t think the thick classes are camo. she might really need them.
I have to ask, how many women out there would allow some boy to get behind them, get their legs spread enough to allow his head to pass between their knees, grab hold of their thighs and lift them in the air? Like Mindy, they’re not of a mind to do this to begin with, right? Did Hiro overpower her? She was in no way complicit and Hiro is the only one to blame, right?
Someone small, like he implied she was in earlier comics, he could just pick up and put her on his shoulders. I can just pick up my son by the waist and throw him over my head and on to my shoulders. It doesn’t really matter how he’s standing.
Well that went to a dark place very quickly. Airhead or not, inappropriate touching, defensive arm position, etc. = cannot see that person/character again as ‘safe’. Oh I didn’t know what I as doing doesn’t hold up buddy.
You’re much too harsh.
The complete absence of ill intent counts for quite a lot.
Mindy seem to realise this is a teachable moment, not a crime in progress.
Yeesh! Look what that backpack was hiding! Least we know she takes after her mom in that aspect.
I noticed that last comic. I checked out earlier comics. Mindy wasn’t hugging items to her chest when she was first introduced. Random comic link to follow. It looks like she started after joining the club. Hiroshi might just bring it out of her.
Mindy has eyes!
(In her face, too . . .)
I’m a bit surprised Hiroshi can function . . . or hear . . .
why tell ghost stories when your living one now?
just don’t ask about the petrorabbits….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtGdfulu5KI
You’re… not wrong
Obvious Mindy is obvious
Oblivious Hiroshi is World Class Oblivious.
I wonder what prescription her glasses are? Something strong, I’d imagine.
I wonder if they’re just prescription glass, or something special… made out of specially-doped sapphire, or charmed, or ???
This was supposed to be here:
Clark Kent called – he wants his glasses back
Perhaps they’re those Hypno-Specs—the long-banned kind that actually work.
That ended (or, at least, resolved the potential meltdown) a lot better than I’d feared it might. Mindy got her point about boundaries across effectively, and Hiroshi got the message without having to have someone tear him a new one.
Any semi-crisis which ends with pre-bedtime snacks is a win!
If I’m not mistaken, I think this is the first canon reveal of just how racked Mindy is. She’s at least as well-endowed as Monica was back in the very beginning of the comic.
Although it seems like she has “grown” quite a bit since http://wapsisquare.com/comic/almost-lost/
Seems she’s a bit self-conscious about it. Also: boobhat!
Hiroshii is so much of an airhead it’s a wonder he doesn’t rise into the air and float away.
Clark Kent called – he wants his glasses back
Well, not a spoiler, really. I mean, it was one of a very few possibilities. The Monica => Atsali => Mindy progression of “Person Inside != Person Outside” intensifies.
Come to think of it, Cass belongs on that list, but her discord is fragility vs. indestructibility, rather than sexuality.
Yep, told you so Hiroshi, always ask first.
That dialogue went kinda “after school special” all of a sudden.
“This! Is! Pablo!” Where there just isn’t enough word-ballon-save for all the exposition…
‘ word-ballon-SPACE’…
I know this is a “slice of paranormal life” comic, but we just left any kind of reality.
No way this would have resolved itself so neatly and easily in real life.
It’s just setting up a bigger issue later.
Ok she handled that really well. I mean after the temporary nerd girl mind melt down. She told him in a way he understood without making him feel like a total dork. She was kind and got what she wanted to say to him out without freaking. ( like cass would have) Trying to make things easier for both of them. She is far from clueless. I think Mindy is just the kind of person Hiroshi needs. Judging from the side view I think Mindy would be really pretty if she took her glasses off. Blind as a bat but really pretty. I’d love to see the nerd girl get the super hot guy.
By any chance, have you seen this…? http://forum.wapsisquare.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4299
Frank I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case considering how things tend to turn out in the Wapsi Square universe.
I only saw that AFTER I had made my post. and that wouldn’t surprise me one bit if it was true. look at the character Velma Dinkly from Scooby doo. she wears these big bulky sweaters to hide the fact she’s really a hottie. again blind as a bat without her glasses. But Velma being who she is would rather be valued for her mind then her body. hence the big bulky sweaters. it’s camo. Mindy seems highly intelligent but just has highly shy. I don’t think the thick classes are camo. she might really need them.
I have to ask, how many women out there would allow some boy to get behind them, get their legs spread enough to allow his head to pass between their knees, grab hold of their thighs and lift them in the air? Like Mindy, they’re not of a mind to do this to begin with, right? Did Hiro overpower her? She was in no way complicit and Hiro is the only one to blame, right?
Someone small, like he implied she was in earlier comics, he could just pick up and put her on his shoulders. I can just pick up my son by the waist and throw him over my head and on to my shoulders. It doesn’t really matter how he’s standing.
And your son knows, trusts and loves you. No comparison there.
Myk I wouldn’t say Hiroshi overpowered her, just surprised her.
Neither of them are stupid, they just aren’t that clued up on social matters, specially interactions with the opposite gender
Paul, Did I cross a line by discussing the linked picture? Apologies, if so. Matt
Well that went to a dark place very quickly. Airhead or not, inappropriate touching, defensive arm position, etc. = cannot see that person/character again as ‘safe’. Oh I didn’t know what I as doing doesn’t hold up buddy.
Hiroshi IS that much of an airhead. His own mom writes him off as stupid.
Mindy has always been defensive like that, she normally has her bag to cover herself with
You’re much too harsh.
The complete absence of ill intent counts for quite a lot.
Mindy seem to realise this is a teachable moment, not a crime in progress.
It’s like most of you forgot or were never actually teenagers.