yup being alone is by definition there since a sudden head movement may be taken as an insult and cause random people who cannot see her doubt to get angry and harm her, so ha doubt
That’s it? Doubt(s) get to do the occasional nose flick? Looks like some snot was dislodged too. I don’t get it though. I can see it for Monica, she can see the demons and interact, but most people aren’t even aware of their demons. How do they flick their host’s nose? If they do would not a rash of such activity cause some panic for the hosts, not knowing who flicked their honker? Billions of people complaining of a new malady, acute sinus tremors.
Well there are always some people who are in touch with their inner demons even in OUR world. So this new amendment singles out the people who actually confront their demon’s directly. LIike M. It’s probably not going to be a BIG thing, but it sure made me and my BF giggle ^_^
Precisely my thought. The nose flick is intended to be payback for pain inflicted by their host human. Those who are not aware of their demons in the way Monica is won’t inflict fiery pain or bowling balls on them, and won’t get nose-flicked.
I love the twist. XD I was expecting something SO sinister when I saw that first panel and then the NOSE rocket XD I couldn’t help but giggle at it. ^_^
Shame on you for leading me on liike that… but the joke more then makes up for it
I think the ruling is to make “tweaking their nose” literal, which may cause the right level of confusion and nervousness to their targets. The nose-flick might simply be the best form for Monica.
Well that’s much better. While reading the first panel, I was just as nervous as everyone else, though I was also confused at just how malevolent Doubt seemed. All’s well that ends with a mere nose flick.
I hear the theme from “The Good, The bad, and The Ugly” playing in the next comic. Mortal vs Immortal in a standoff of mystical proportions. The camera circling them as they size up each other, eyes squinting.
Unfortunately, after a quick back and forth closeup of screaming, lunging bodies, it quickly degenerates into mutual hair pulling and Jin poits in to break up what turns out to be just another girl fight. Fans move on, disappointed.
SoWhyMe You always have good comments.I agree
that the music is Ennio Morricone’s, but I’m leaning towards “For A Few Dollars More” over TGTBTU. A Fistfull Of Dollars
If I had to chose, I’d put those songs in this order:
-A fist full of dollars, for the pre-fight squint-a-thon
-For a few dollars more, for the inevitable circling
-and The good The Bad and the Ugly, for the clasic ‘ random back-up apears out of every available opening and slowly lines up perfectly spaced beside their chosen fighter’ moment
Oh yeah, I forgot. The eyes can not only be squinting, they can also be glowing for that extra touch of menace. Would that I could draw some fan art, sigh. Even better do an swf file of it, complete with background music and sound effects … deeper sigh.
I think the reference it to something like the shading on Doubt in this strip.
It reminds me of Craftint Doubletone board – an illustration on which two different types of shading could be brought up using two different developing chemicals which could be brushed on or applied with a pen. By using different combinations of the two effects, multiple effects could be produced.
No longer available, since you can do much the same thing with a computer … and you can undo it, rather than having to toss an expensive piece of board (roughly four times the price of standard illustration board) if you messed up.
The first panel of this comic is the first time that Ms dout looked even 1 10th as scary as it did back when it was intruduced. Back then Ms dout reminded me of the girl from The Ring when she’s coming out of the TV, both in how she looked & how she moved.
But compared to when it was introduced, Ms ‘current’ dout seems more like it would almost be afraid of its own shadow.I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I kind of miss Ms ‘orignal’ dout.
That is: the one that’s a dead-looking shadow figure slithering across the floor towards M, atleast that one looked hafway frightening
Ah, but, you see, that Doubt represented Monica’s own mental state; her fears that maybe, just maybe, she really was crazy, that she would never have a real love, that she was just doomed to failure and depression, misery and despair.
Since then she’s realised that her demons have only the power over her that she lets them have … and that her life isn’t nearly as hopeless as she believed.
So. like any boogie-person when you realise it’s just a turnip ghost from your own mind, Doubt became less frightening and has less power over her. And her appearance reflects that.
Wouldn’t be realistic if she didn’t – a little self-doubt is a necessary part of life.
One of the scariest things i’ve ever heard (in some contexts, like politicians) is the lien from the Disney “Davy Crockett” series – “Be sure you’re right – then go ahead.”
I don’t get it. What’s wrong with that? Isn’t being sure you’re right before proceeding better than going ahead when you’re either not sure or are sure you’re wrong? Of course it’s a good idea to back your certainty with well established facts derived from credible research.
All things considered, I see Doubt’s present relationship with Monica as one of friendly enemies of a sort. Doubt was quite helpful during the calendar machine incident, going so far as to give Shelly advice where she should be to prevent her being sucked into Monica’s portal. Doubt and Monica seem to be much like relatives picking on each other, only with arson involved from time to time.
Scary first panel , tension released in the second . I love it .
Oh for that let the inferno begin. Self Doubt, YOU ARE TOAST!!!
Unacceptable. Nose flick in heavy traffic could be fatal…
So could yelling, “STOP” really loudly. I’m sure Tina could come up with an alternative example.
Except that would violate the rule “NO serious harm to the humans” I think this only applies to when they are alone and in no serious danger etc.
yup being alone is by definition there since a sudden head movement may be taken as an insult and cause random people who cannot see her doubt to get angry and harm her, so ha doubt
tee hee, owwie!
“… and, lo, the mountain laboured, and brought forth a mouse …”
“.. and lo, the mouse labored, and broke wind …”
…And lo, there was heard a very quiet *pfrrrrrrrt!*
… and lo, the mountain, unmoved, asks the ages old question; “how much gas will a rodent’s ass pass when a rodent’s ass doth pass gas?”
That’s it? Doubt(s) get to do the occasional nose flick? Looks like some snot was dislodged too. I don’t get it though. I can see it for Monica, she can see the demons and interact, but most people aren’t even aware of their demons. How do they flick their host’s nose? If they do would not a rash of such activity cause some panic for the hosts, not knowing who flicked their honker? Billions of people complaining of a new malady, acute sinus tremors.
Hey, as a one-off joke, I think it’s cute! I don’t expect nose flicks will be overused
Well there are always some people who are in touch with their inner demons even in OUR world. So this new amendment singles out the people who actually confront their demon’s directly. LIike M. It’s probably not going to be a BIG thing, but it sure made me and my BF giggle ^_^
Precisely my thought. The nose flick is intended to be payback for pain inflicted by their host human. Those who are not aware of their demons in the way Monica is won’t inflict fiery pain or bowling balls on them, and won’t get nose-flicked.
But what if Jin get’s nose flicked by her new doubt, especially in her current state? :-O
Awright, Bitch, you’re about to get BOOYAH’ed hard enough to be heard over in St. Paul………………
No, so hard they can hear her in WISCONSIN.
*sniff sniff*
I smell Doubt flambe a comin’.
Medium? or well done?
“…all the times that you set me on fire…” — I didn’t realize M had made torching Doubt a routine occurrence! (lol)
Oh, and the autumnal texture on Doubt’s face in the first panel is a nice seasonal touch!
seems like the equivillant of a slap round the head when people are being silly maybe
Yeah. First pannel. Peed myself hardcore. Won’t lie.
I love the twist. XD I was expecting something SO sinister when I saw that first panel and then the NOSE rocket XD I couldn’t help but giggle at it. ^_^
Shame on you for leading me on liike that… but the joke more then makes up for it
I think the ruling is to make “tweaking their nose” literal, which may cause the right level of confusion and nervousness to their targets. The nose-flick might simply be the best form for Monica.
Bwa ha ha ha! Excellent.
Holy DAMN. I physically shrank back from the screen when I saw that first panel. The art in this strip never fails to astound me.
Amazing stuff. And hilarious. XD
Seriously, it’s amazing seeing how pablo’s grown as an artist!
Not sure why I said pablo, I kinda meant paul.
This sounds like a duel. You must accept for glory, Monica. Are you a woman or a mouse?
This is a precedent. If you don’t shut this down immediately, it’ll get worse. Nose tweaks, maybe. Or hair tasseling.
Does that reach the level of NUCLEAR noogies?
so doubt can dispense the amount of punishment dispensed by an older sister to a baby
That’s it Monica, this means war. Send her to Hell. Or better yet, Poit her to . . . Detroit!
Monica has a brief history of sending supernatutal beings to Utah with very humorous results.
heh, Tepoz the Mormon God of Alcohol
If I could dismiss other people’s Doubt with a nose flick, I’d do it in an instant…
Well that’s much better. While reading the first panel, I was just as nervous as everyone else, though I was also confused at just how malevolent Doubt seemed. All’s well that ends with a mere nose flick.
that’s the point subtle, irritating, and does not open a hole in the never harm your host directly law that granted tina’s demons a memory wipe.
Doubt looks so gleefully sinister in the first frame! I love her eyes and hair. Nose flicks the ultimate revenge. Bwaahahahaha.
Just wait until Monica gets that cold: FLICK! AAAHCHOO! SPURCH!
Now that….was funny.
It’s a good thing it’s just nose flicks, or Monica might be finding showering unpleasant on a whole new level.
Could be worse … could be nurpling …
Oh God! Poor Monica if nurples were Doubt weapon of choice.
The inverse ratio of the circumstances is right and proper, in my reasoning. Especially if Doubt can flick at any time she wishes.
Then again, at least she didn’t call Purple Nurple.
*flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!* *flick!*
Hehe…. It’s fun!
Ouch look what you did, my nose is bleeding…
(so that’s where those midwinter/midsummer nosebleeds come from)
Aw, c’mon Pablo! That’s just MEAN!
I agree. Time for another BBQ! How do you like your Doubt? Rare, Medium or Well done???
extremely rare… practically extinct
dang…I HATE nose flicks!
I hear the theme from “The Good, The bad, and The Ugly” playing in the next comic. Mortal vs Immortal in a standoff of mystical proportions. The camera circling them as they size up each other, eyes squinting.
Unfortunately, after a quick back and forth closeup of screaming, lunging bodies, it quickly degenerates into mutual hair pulling and Jin poits in to break up what turns out to be just another girl fight. Fans move on, disappointed.
SoWhyMe You always have good comments.I agree
that the music is Ennio Morricone’s, but I’m leaning towards “For A Few Dollars More” over TGTBTU. A Fistfull Of Dollars
For A Few Dollars More
The Good ,The Bad and The Ugly But I’m not completely sure. Any other opinions out there?
If I had to chose, I’d put those songs in this order:
-A fist full of dollars, for the pre-fight squint-a-thon
-For a few dollars more, for the inevitable circling
-and The good The Bad and the Ugly, for the clasic ‘ random back-up apears out of every available opening and slowly lines up perfectly spaced beside their chosen fighter’ moment
Harmonica’s theme from “Once Upon a Time in the West”…
Kudos for remembering that one!!!
My absolute favourite film of all time.
Of course i remembered it.
Oh yeah, I forgot. The eyes can not only be squinting, they can also be glowing for that extra touch of menace. Would that I could draw some fan art, sigh. Even better do an swf file of it, complete with background music and sound effects … deeper sigh.
“On fire, on fire. I’ll set my Doubt on fire.” Paint Your Wagon (They Call the Wind Mariah).
OK this explains the sudden twinges of nose pains lately…
Are you sure about that? I mean, if you have a little doubt about it…
Have you changed your shading method in the last week or so? I can’t tell what, but it seems different now.
I’m not sure what you are talking about, but Doubt seems to have changed over to an Autumn look. I suspect that Paul has been raking leaves.
I think the reference it to something like the shading on Doubt in this strip.
It reminds me of Craftint Doubletone board – an illustration on which two different types of shading could be brought up using two different developing chemicals which could be brushed on or applied with a pen. By using different combinations of the two effects, multiple effects could be produced.
This “Buz Sawyer strip (from the Wikipedia article about creator Roy Crane) is a good example.
No longer available, since you can do much the same thing with a computer … and you can undo it, rather than having to toss an expensive piece of board (roughly four times the price of standard illustration board) if you messed up.
*laughs* Nicely done! And a hell of a way to wind up a demon-haunted week.
She has a goofy Doubt XD
The first panel of this comic is the first time that Ms dout looked even 1 10th as scary as it did back when it was intruduced. Back then Ms dout reminded me of the girl from The Ring when she’s coming out of the TV, both in how she looked & how she moved.
But compared to when it was introduced, Ms ‘current’ dout seems more like it would almost be afraid of its own shadow.I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I kind of miss Ms ‘orignal’ dout.
That is: the one that’s a dead-looking shadow figure slithering across the floor towards M, atleast that one looked hafway frightening
Ah, but, you see, that Doubt represented Monica’s own mental state; her fears that maybe, just maybe, she really was crazy, that she would never have a real love, that she was just doomed to failure and depression, misery and despair.
Since then she’s realised that her demons have only the power over her that she lets them have … and that her life isn’t nearly as hopeless as she believed.
So. like any boogie-person when you realise it’s just a turnip ghost from your own mind, Doubt became less frightening and has less power over her. And her appearance reflects that.
Exactly. For the most part, Monica sees Doubt for who she really is now. That’s not to say that Doubt won’t get the better of her in the future.
Wouldn’t be realistic if she didn’t – a little self-doubt is a necessary part of life.
One of the scariest things i’ve ever heard (in some contexts, like politicians) is the lien from the Disney “Davy Crockett” series – “Be sure you’re right – then go ahead.”
I don’t get it. What’s wrong with that? Isn’t being sure you’re right before proceeding better than going ahead when you’re either not sure or are sure you’re wrong? Of course it’s a good idea to back your certainty with well established facts derived from credible research.
All things considered, I see Doubt’s present relationship with Monica as one of friendly enemies of a sort. Doubt was quite helpful during the calendar machine incident, going so far as to give Shelly advice where she should be to prevent her being sucked into Monica’s portal. Doubt and Monica seem to be much like relatives picking on each other, only with arson involved from time to time.
which Healthy familial relationship doesn’t get “heated” from time to time?
Yes … That was Great!!!
Not nose flicks! The FIENDS! O_O
Monica is catching a flick with Doubt…