It’s called Slouch. Everyone gets a little bellyshowing when they do this… I usually look like a skinny person (at 170-180 lbs I look about 30 lbs lighter), but show a fair gut when I sit like that.
For the love of Goddess, will no-one rescue Monica’s boss from Phix?!
The rest of us want a chance – really tall girls are rare. Sometimes medium rare.
You don’t suppose Dietzel, Tina’s Cat, and Katherine’s Beta get together when nobody’s around and compare notes on their humans – oh, wait, they do that anyway, don’t they, never mind.
Jin and Tina were friends in previous cycles of the machine.
Jin had the choice of saving Monica or Tina in the bus wreck, and she had apparently held herself off from Tina in this cycle.
Perhaps, indeed, Jin – intentionally or not – projected a small shard of personality (since her own seems to be a bit fragmented) to Tina, and that was Nudge, who (as she/it says) got Tina up off the slab and walked her out of the morgue..
Interesting theory. Makes a lot of sense that Jin was, somehow, involved with Tina’s resurection. It would help to soothe Jin’s conscience a bit for not saving both.
Wholley mackerel (demons don’t do “holy ), that may just be either Tina-turned-demon, or an incoming to fill the void! Either way, I wish I had that Nudge demon!
Tina should have a better handle on all the demons than most. As I recall she was also an enforcer for the demon world, making sure they all behaved. Odd that one of them could sneak up on her (them).
I’m not sure I totally understand this human-demon(s) relationship. Do they reside in the body? It would seem so as they can feel what the body feels, taste what it tastes. But then, I thought they were in the demon world, apart from the body per se. Aspiring minds want to know.
MMmmmMMMMMmmmmmmmm…………….hot, goooooey pizza cheese! It’s 6:55 AM here and I’m getting the itch for a mushroom and pepperoni with EXTRA cheese! Pablo, you are SO bad for my waistline.
A conscience in a demon? That could be interesting!
There is this little hole in the wall place beside a laundromat in Loon Lake, WA that sells the best ice cream and pizza anywhere, but I gain 2 pounds for every pound I eat, so yeah, demons must love pizza. It’s so damn tempting.
Looking at Tina slouching around tends to take the bloom off the rose. She’s pretty much of a slob outside her work gig. Not attractive at all. Yes, I know, that’s pretty much like the rest of us, but Tina’s not actually like the rest of us.
Sorry, kid. But that’s how real women are. Sometimes they look like Heaven, and sometimes they look like Hell. Usually they look like something in between.
Hollywood, porn and cosmetic surgeons have severely distorted men’s concepts of womanly beauty, and narrowed it down to something more resembling a silicone-enhanced hooker in an evening gown and 5-inch heels.
I can’t recall the story, but once I read a passage about women, once they thought they were unobserved, were not ashamed to scratch, and fart and slouch. But when they thought someone might be looking, they were much more demure.
I really like it, actually. I’m not attracted to women per se, but I still find them attractive (if that makes sense to anyone, thank you). I really loved seeing her little pot belly in this comic and the previous one, and how relaxed she’s being, even though she’s bickering with her selves. Seeing her in an unguarded moment, when she’s not dolled up for the public, humanizes her a lot for me.
I know this has been thought of, but my conspiracy theories’ll kill me if I don’t say it, maybe “The Nudge” is actually Tina’s original self, slowly returning from shock. Black-out due to physical damage does sound interesting, doesn’t it?
The operating theory that (at least) I’m going by is this:
* Jin came rushing out of nowhere to save Monica.
* Tina died in the resulting crash.
* Jin, after “dusting herself off”, somehow managed to “capture” Tina’s spirit, compressing it into a representation of a little girl.
* Jin rushed off to save Shelly, but Shelly was already “too far gone” – that is, she had developed her own “back door” access to the demon world, in the form of a basement.
* Jin let Tina’s spirit enter into Shelly’s “basement”, where she’d be able to live until Jin could figure out what to do with the calendar machine.
* Shelly generally only “sees” the spirit when she’s in the same frame of mind as she was on her Vision Quest.
* However, recently she got to “talk” to the Spirit after she was thinking/dreaming about…. Tina.
Of course, that makes so much sense that Pablo won’t let it happen in a million years…
Of course, right after I posted that I realized, “If the little girl WAS Tina, why didn’t her demons recognize her when she was trapped inside Shelly?”
Speaking from the future (where more on Tina and the grey font is revealed), it is SO muc fun to go back and read old comments, theories, and wild speculations.
The voice of reason ?
This really makes me want some pizza…all that cheese…but it’s too late, now.
Loving the new directions, by the way!
Really lovin’ the artwork in the first panel , BTW .
Actually, i’m just about to put a frozen pizza in the oven… Not because of this strip, more because it’s what was there.
Hmmm. “Nudge” sounds different from the rest of Tina’s demons.
Wonder if she actually came from Somewhere Else?
… “Even I don’t know where they go.” perhaps? >_>
I like that idea.
She says she was the nudge that got them out of the morgue, so she’s been there since they took over Tina’s body, no?
What I wonder is if the Nudge is the one entity that has always spoken as a signle being rather than as the collective?
Manners, Tina, you are not suppose to talk with your mouth full.
I think that only applies to beings who only communicate with their mouths…As opposed to being who communicate with…foreheads…Or hair lines
I’m thinking Panic. Tends to be not so subtle. heh
Web comics and Pizza……..Now that’s an unbeatable combination. : )
I love Tina’s little pot-belly.
Yes. :3
Pudge love! I love the way he drew her little love handle over her shorts. <3
It’s called Slouch. Everyone gets a little bellyshowing when they do this… I usually look like a skinny person (at 170-180 lbs I look about 30 lbs lighter), but show a fair gut when I sit like that.
Too much pizza?
Maybe she should get it with anchovies more often–she’d eat less.
For the love of Goddess, will no-one rescue Monica’s boss from Phix?!
The rest of us want a chance – really tall girls are rare. Sometimes medium rare.
You don’t suppose Dietzel, Tina’s Cat, and Katherine’s Beta get together when nobody’s around and compare notes on their humans – oh, wait, they do that anyway, don’t they, never mind.
Would you want to be “rescued” from that? I do not think so.
Hmmmmmm…. Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice…
You don’t suppose that Jin accidentally “left” something with Tina that day, do you?
jin didnt have contact with tina i think. only brandi did?
Jin and Tina were friends in previous cycles of the machine.
Jin had the choice of saving Monica or Tina in the bus wreck, and she had apparently held herself off from Tina in this cycle.
Perhaps, indeed, Jin – intentionally or not – projected a small shard of personality (since her own seems to be a bit fragmented) to Tina, and that was Nudge, who (as she/it says) got Tina up off the slab and walked her out of the morgue..
So can Tina come back whole if time resets in 2012?
Interesting theory. Makes a lot of sense that Jin was, somehow, involved with Tina’s resurection. It would help to soothe Jin’s conscience a bit for not saving both.
Did “Nudge” supply the push to get Tina out of bed — by singing “On top of spaghetti”?
jiminy cricket in demon form similar to the scary little girl?
That’s what I’m thinking… Always let your conscience be your guide! LOL
Wholley mackerel (demons don’t do “holy
), that may just be either Tina-turned-demon, or an incoming to fill the void! Either way, I wish I had that Nudge demon!
Too much bubble gum cheese.
Tina should have a better handle on all the demons than most. As I recall she was also an enforcer for the demon world, making sure they all behaved. Odd that one of them could sneak up on her (them).
I’m not sure I totally understand this human-demon(s) relationship. Do they reside in the body? It would seem so as they can feel what the body feels, taste what it tastes. But then, I thought they were in the demon world, apart from the body per se. Aspiring minds want to know.
The ones we’ve met in the comic are in this world – part of the operation in the pyramid was to send one of Jin’s back to the demon realm.
MMmmmMMMMMmmmmmmmm…………….hot, goooooey pizza cheese! It’s 6:55 AM here and I’m getting the itch for a mushroom and pepperoni with EXTRA cheese! Pablo, you are SO bad for my waistline.
A conscience in a demon? That could be interesting!
And remember, folks: demons LOVE pizza.
That’s undead conglomerate baristas to you Mario!
… but yes, demons do like teh pizza too. ^_^
… getting icky sticky gook all over your $29.95 charcoal gray suit …
Man, that pizza looks good, and Tina appears to be enjoying it as well.
Hm, who is this heretofore silent demon?
That’s it…Pizza for lunch. And with a whole dead fish on each slice, thank you very much!
Ah! Another anchovy lover…
Ooo … one hot, demon-infested babe eating pizza … with real cheese!
( Hey, I’m a guy. Beer, babes and pizza … that’s life! )
Tina’s creepiness factor is on the rise again!
So now we got Nudge, who’s next? A demon named Wink-wink? Or a “Is she a goer? Know what I mean?” demon?
Say no more! Say no more!
There is this little hole in the wall place beside a laundromat in Loon Lake, WA that sells the best ice cream and pizza anywhere, but I gain 2 pounds for every pound I eat, so yeah, demons must love pizza. It’s so damn tempting.
Yeah . I’d still say Tina’s my favorite charachter . She’s such a salt o’ the earth , demon .
Looking at Tina slouching around tends to take the bloom off the rose. She’s pretty much of a slob outside her work gig. Not attractive at all. Yes, I know, that’s pretty much like the rest of us, but Tina’s not actually like the rest of us.
Sorry, kid. But that’s how real women are. Sometimes they look like Heaven, and sometimes they look like Hell. Usually they look like something in between.
Hollywood, porn and cosmetic surgeons have severely distorted men’s concepts of womanly beauty, and narrowed it down to something more resembling a silicone-enhanced hooker in an evening gown and 5-inch heels.
I don’t know if categorizing it between “heaven and hell” is something I’d particularly like when arguing the case for natural beauty. Just a thought.
Particularly in Tina’s case…
I can’t recall the story, but once I read a passage about women, once they thought they were unobserved, were not ashamed to scratch, and fart and slouch. But when they thought someone might be looking, they were much more demure.
I think seeing Tina slouching around the house it quite attractive actually, gives this sequence a personal, intimate quality.
I certainly wouldn’t argue about helping clean up the cheese getting all over her
I really like it, actually. I’m not attracted to women per se, but I still find them attractive (if that makes sense to anyone, thank you). I really loved seeing her little pot belly in this comic and the previous one, and how relaxed she’s being, even though she’s bickering with her selves. Seeing her in an unguarded moment, when she’s not dolled up for the public, humanizes her a lot for me.
Maybe its just me… but isn’t it a treand here to humanize the inhuman?
I know this has been thought of, but my conspiracy theories’ll kill me if I don’t say it, maybe “The Nudge” is actually Tina’s original self, slowly returning from shock. Black-out due to physical damage does sound interesting, doesn’t it?
a nudge? (more like a kick in the ass…)
The operating theory that (at least) I’m going by is this:
* Jin came rushing out of nowhere to save Monica.
* Tina died in the resulting crash.
* Jin, after “dusting herself off”, somehow managed to “capture” Tina’s spirit, compressing it into a representation of a little girl.
* Jin rushed off to save Shelly, but Shelly was already “too far gone” – that is, she had developed her own “back door” access to the demon world, in the form of a basement.
* Jin let Tina’s spirit enter into Shelly’s “basement”, where she’d be able to live until Jin could figure out what to do with the calendar machine.
* Shelly generally only “sees” the spirit when she’s in the same frame of mind as she was on her Vision Quest.
* However, recently she got to “talk” to the Spirit after she was thinking/dreaming about…. Tina.
Of course, that makes so much sense that Pablo won’t let it happen in a million years…
Of course, right after I posted that I realized, “If the little girl WAS Tina, why didn’t her demons recognize her when she was trapped inside Shelly?”
Speaking from the future (where more on Tina and the grey font is revealed), it is SO muc fun to go back and read old comments, theories, and wild speculations.
Holding hands to head, shaking side-to-side; “I’M SO CONFUSED!”