Well, when Atsali first met the ursamorph twins, Berdine made a point of saying that Nadette didn’t talk much (because, as a Seer, she tended to blurt out embarrassing truths).
I half hope it is someone from Atsali’s old Orphanage there on a scholarship. I feel like Alana would have likely named someone from Griffon to see if Atsali remembered them, and who else age appropriate do we know? unless one of the Golem Girls decided to go back to school and get the full experience residence with roommates and all, but I do not see those 3 being quiet
I agree, it’s too pat an answer… but it’s possible enough I thought I should mention it. I recall that Nadette did hint at one point that she’d like to attend college with Atsali. Atsali threw cold water on that idea immediately, but I don’t think we’ve ever found out what Nadette had actually decided to do now that she’s out of Gryphon.
Digit is unusually intelligent due to living in a magical library for most of her life. Monica just sent her to school to learn social skills and learn how to pass as human. She could have easily tested out of high school and straight into college.
I don’t think it’d be the ogre/teacher, unless maybe she was working on classes to keep up her teacher certification or gain more credentials. Even then, she’s old enough that I assume she has her own place and would commute by portal or poit.
I’m going with Bia. She’s of the tight age range, is re-learning the whole interacting with humans bit, and none of the others would be a proper fit – Conscience still passes as a early teen, and haven’t seen her in full human form. Also can’t see any of the Golem Girls outside of Bud taking college classes, and I don’t think she would choose the same school as Atsali if she did. If it was anyone from Gryphon, Alana would have pretty obviously known, or at least known about her.
I went with Bia over Digit because Digit was a student for at least part of a year, and via Cricket, Devyn and Atsali had a bit of a noisy introduction to the Gryphon student body.
Two days of build-up… something tells me this will not be just another foil. I’m getting that Looney Tunes, falling-anvil sound in my head right now. See you all on the other side!
Don’t be so hasty. Let the mime stay around and go to classes if she wishes. Since she can’t actually answer a teacher’s questions she’ll fail the orals and this will help other students in any class where the prof grades on the curve.
Besides, if there’s a natural or man-made disaster, she could serve as emergency food for several of the pred students. A mime is a terrible thing to waste.
My guess (and it’s only a guess) is Digit, and it’s based on quietness (something I could use now, as my roommate is watching WWE!
Is it just me, or are a disproportionate number of students from Gryphon attending Dragon Wall? Does Gryphon have a much larger attendance district than I had originally assumed (much more than the Twin Cities [and having a flight field in Norway would support this])? Perhaps paranormal world wide? Jacob, his sister Randi, and the Girl Scouts that M and Shelly chased were local, but others? Hiroshi? I’m curious and confused.
I’ve always assumed that Gryphon and Dragon Wall were part of an educational system that was a sort of Hogwarts-for-paras, and that they either served the worldwide population of paras, or there was a different campus on every major continent, and Gryphon is the US one. The portal system and certain paras’ poiting/teleporting abilities would make this not only possible, but practical.
They’ve shown teachers bundling up younglings in the kindergarten program and reminding them that it was cold on the other side of the portal.
Hey y’all i love this comic to death. It literally brightens my day just to turn on the comp and read this thing as i slowly catch up. That being said I am having issues with one of the ads featured in your web page. that being on the right side about mid way into the comment section there is a video ad. It loads on its own and makes noise with on its own is fine. But it keeps continuously dragging my view back to it. It cant be turned off or muted or stopped. I’m forced to mute the whole tab and then hope i get enough time to read a panel or two before I’m forced back down and have to “with great lag” force my view back up to the comic. Can ya please get rid of it? IT does teh same thing when trying to post a comment as well. Thank you!
Who could it be? Five dollars says it’s someone we know.
Well, when Atsali first met the ursamorph twins, Berdine made a point of saying that Nadette didn’t talk much (because, as a Seer, she tended to blurt out embarrassing truths).
I half hope it is someone from Atsali’s old Orphanage there on a scholarship. I feel like Alana would have likely named someone from Griffon to see if Atsali remembered them, and who else age appropriate do we know? unless one of the Golem Girls decided to go back to school and get the full experience residence with roommates and all, but I do not see those 3 being quiet
Seems too easy. Besides, Nadette isn’t all that quiet.
I agree, it’s too pat an answer… but it’s possible enough I thought I should mention it. I recall that Nadette did hint at one point that she’d like to attend college with Atsali. Atsali threw cold water on that idea immediately, but I don’t think we’ve ever found out what Nadette had actually decided to do now that she’s out of Gryphon.
Could it be Digit?
Maybe it’s the ogre/teacher with the impostor complex.
Corry? I kind of doubt it.
It might be a relative of Thana that resembles her strongly’ That would bring up some emotion for Atsali.
Digit is unusually intelligent due to living in a magical library for most of her life. Monica just sent her to school to learn social skills and learn how to pass as human. She could have easily tested out of high school and straight into college.
I don’t think it’d be the ogre/teacher, unless maybe she was working on classes to keep up her teacher certification or gain more credentials. Even then, she’s old enough that I assume she has her own place and would commute by portal or poit.
I’m going with Bia. She’s of the tight age range, is re-learning the whole interacting with humans bit, and none of the others would be a proper fit – Conscience still passes as a early teen, and haven’t seen her in full human form. Also can’t see any of the Golem Girls outside of Bud taking college classes, and I don’t think she would choose the same school as Atsali if she did. If it was anyone from Gryphon, Alana would have pretty obviously known, or at least known about her.
I thought of Bia, but she isn’t known to be especially quiet.
I went with Bia over Digit because Digit was a student for at least part of a year, and via Cricket, Devyn and Atsali had a bit of a noisy introduction to the Gryphon student body.
Two days of build-up… something tells me this will not be just another foil. I’m getting that Looney Tunes, falling-anvil sound in my head right now. See you all on the other side!
Learning to listen is a valuable skill.
If it’s a mime I’m out…
Don’t be so hasty. Let the mime stay around and go to classes if she wishes. Since she can’t actually answer a teacher’s questions she’ll fail the orals and this will help other students in any class where the prof grades on the curve.
Besides, if there’s a natural or man-made disaster, she could serve as emergency food for several of the pred students. A mime is a terrible thing to waste.
Of course she could answer the questions. Woman-walking-against-the-wind would by yes, woman-trapped-in-a-box would be no.
But she would taste kind of bland.
Looming reveal is looming.
What else would you do with a yarn but weave it into a tale. You’ve got to have a loom for that.
What’s next? Atsali pointing a finger at Alana’s roommate and shouting “You!” (And who would Atsali desire to say something like that to?)
My guess (and it’s only a guess) is Digit, and it’s based on quietness (something I could use now, as my roommate is watching WWE!
Is it just me, or are a disproportionate number of students from Gryphon attending Dragon Wall? Does Gryphon have a much larger attendance district than I had originally assumed (much more than the Twin Cities [and having a flight field in Norway would support this])? Perhaps paranormal world wide? Jacob, his sister Randi, and the Girl Scouts that M and Shelly chased were local, but others? Hiroshi? I’m curious and confused.
I’ve always assumed that Gryphon and Dragon Wall were part of an educational system that was a sort of Hogwarts-for-paras, and that they either served the worldwide population of paras, or there was a different campus on every major continent, and Gryphon is the US one. The portal system and certain paras’ poiting/teleporting abilities would make this not only possible, but practical.
They’ve shown teachers bundling up younglings in the kindergarten program and reminding them that it was cold on the other side of the portal.
I’m wadgering Digit or Cricket as a twist. If this trope is played straight, it’ll be Nadette.
Hey y’all i love this comic to death. It literally brightens my day just to turn on the comp and read this thing as i slowly catch up. That being said I am having issues with one of the ads featured in your web page. that being on the right side about mid way into the comment section there is a video ad. It loads on its own and makes noise with on its own is fine. But it keeps continuously dragging my view back to it. It cant be turned off or muted or stopped. I’m forced to mute the whole tab and then hope i get enough time to read a panel or two before I’m forced back down and have to “with great lag” force my view back up to the comic. Can ya please get rid of it? IT does teh same thing when trying to post a comment as well. Thank you!