Man, can’t believe how long I’m following you and your amazing art/story work. Thanks for making some boring or dark mornings light by brightening my mood :).
4000 K – I was wondering if you would do something a bit special. Very nice to see Jacquline, as she is one of my favs and one of the few characters who doesn’t have and doesn’t need a traumatic backstory and the only one I can think of who gets their power through money (trust fund and family fortune) which I think is great as it is so unlike everyone else in the strip. Her strength of character is that wealth did not change who she is as she is naturally strong of will. In the Wapsiverse I’ve always equated her to the Greek Tantalus and related myths of not being tempted off the path (several versions of this) as it is your strength of character and not events from your life that sometimes shape you the most or can be your best guide. Jacquline is a Positive + Good + Neutral Character who uses her wealth to help yet is not corrupted by the power that wealth can generate. I also like that she is the tallest “human” character, equal too (if not a tad more than) Sphix in human form.
I like the 8-ball shirt and the toss back to a style slight reminiscent of the earlier years, especially in the eyes. Shelly, my least favorite character, does look cute here, although I expected to see her with a darker skin tone. Oh, and it looks like the “thick eyebrow” thing is alive and strong. Nice all around and cool to see some seldom seen characters again.
February 2016, according to the archive. Very glad to see her back, along with all the others. At the risk of disappointing other Wapsi fans, I am heartily sick of the Gryphon High stuff and could happily do without the teen angst for quite a long time. I’d much rather read about the people this comic was originally about — Monica, Shelley, Amanda, Jacqui, Owen and Lakshmi — even Katherine when she’s not in Mom mode. It’d make a nice change (hint, hint…)
Paul, I’m not making a demand, thinly-veiled or otherwise. I’m simply expressing an opinion as a long-time reader. The fact that I am still here should tell you that I still enjoy the strip even though I’m not as fond of its current storylines as I was of the original characters. I was just hoping that you might focus on the older characters for a while, however short. The “hint, hint” was just that : a light -hearted hint . You’ve done it before, and I was encouraging you to do it again.
You still enjoy the comic? This you? “I am heartily sick of the Gryphon High stuff and could happily do without the teen angst for quite a long time”. Oh, you mean what’s been going on in the comic since 2013? You’re “enjoying” that while being “heartily sick of” it. I think you could have found a much less backhanded way of saying anything, but I’m not buying your backpeddling. The way you phrased your whole comment was as a demand. If you “enjoyed” the way I included older characters in the comic previously, why don’t you just let me write my comic the way I want to without prompting from the balcony box.
Phil, to state the obvious, most comics change. Artists change and grow. Yes, I grew to love the original characters. I have also found moments to love in the current arc. There are other artists who do no change and I gave up on them. YMMV. Enjoy what you can and say thanks to Paul, and find other comics to fill the holes.
Even “mainstream” comics like you see in the newspaper need to change to find and keep an audience. I lost interest in Garfield years ago when it became obvious that every joke was going to be about Garfield being fat and grumpy, Odie being an idiot, or Jon being a loser.
Instead of 8!+(#!n& about your favorite characters not being seen much anymore, revel in these strips where they occasionally pop up.
I like Monica, and miss Dietzel, but there some characters in the “new generation” of Wapsi that I enjoy, too, like Digit (though we haven’t seen her for a bit either), Timmy, and the pair of geek/nerds that recently joined the cast.
At the end of it all, it’s Paul’s strip, set in Paul’s universe, and if someone doesn’t like it…..find another comic to read.
Has it really been 4000 (technically, more than 4000, if you don’t count ‘filler’) pages?
How many years is that? Definitely more than ten (took a couple years to reach the Mayan Calendar conclusion)
Wth Shellys eyes closed i thought she was blind not sick…
When did Jacqui get read in on The Secret?
Back here:
Yep. Forgot anyone other than Luci got put In The Know then.
Try not to overdo blowing your nose, Shelly. It relieves a little pressure but it comes back at you before the cold goes away.
You wouldn’t call Shelly small if you saw her sphinx size . . ., she can sure fill an apartment . . .
Oh, and congratulations on reaching your 4000th strip. Party time!
It looks so **wonderful** in color!!!
Any chance of more??

Aww! Such a cute strip! I’ve always liked Shelly, and it’s nice to see that her friends have her back when she’s under the weather!
Four. Thousand. Comics.
That’s like, soooooo many comics!
Congratulations on that, Paul!
Wow, four thousand strips and we now know that even an immortal sphinx cannot beat the common cold.
It’s the return of the magic 8 ball shirt!!!!
Small? Since when is Shelly “small”, especially next to Monica? Lol Congrats Paul!
Whoops! That wasn’t meant to be a reply lol
XD Shelly is just shorter than Amanda, but still taller than Monica.
LIKE everybody in Color. Or for those in the UK…COLOUR.
4K resolution…
@Fairportfan: now THISTLE .?
Congrats on 4k!
Man, can’t believe how long I’m following you and your amazing art/story work. Thanks for making some boring or dark mornings light by brightening my mood :).
4000! CONGRATULATIONS and well done!
4000 K – I was wondering if you would do something a bit special. Very nice to see Jacquline, as she is one of my favs and one of the few characters who doesn’t have and doesn’t need a traumatic backstory and the only one I can think of who gets their power through money (trust fund and family fortune) which I think is great as it is so unlike everyone else in the strip. Her strength of character is that wealth did not change who she is as she is naturally strong of will. In the Wapsiverse I’ve always equated her to the Greek Tantalus and related myths of not being tempted off the path (several versions of this) as it is your strength of character and not events from your life that sometimes shape you the most or can be your best guide. Jacquline is a Positive + Good + Neutral Character who uses her wealth to help yet is not corrupted by the power that wealth can generate. I also like that she is the tallest “human” character, equal too (if not a tad more than) Sphix in human form.
I like the 8-ball shirt and the toss back to a style slight reminiscent of the earlier years, especially in the eyes. Shelly, my least favorite character, does look cute here, although I expected to see her with a darker skin tone. Oh, and it looks like the “thick eyebrow” thing is alive and strong. Nice all around and cool to see some seldom seen characters again.
I vote every day I can on TopWebComics for every one of Paul’s strips.
If he keeps drawing 4/week it’s going to take a looooog time to catch up.
Yeezus, when was the last time we saw Amanda??
February 2016, according to the archive. Very glad to see her back, along with all the others. At the risk of disappointing other Wapsi fans, I am heartily sick of the Gryphon High stuff and could happily do without the teen angst for quite a long time. I’d much rather read about the people this comic was originally about — Monica, Shelley, Amanda, Jacqui, Owen and Lakshmi — even Katherine when she’s not in Mom mode. It’d make a nice change (hint, hint…)
Then why are you still here? Folks punctuating thinly vailed demands with “hint, hint” can find the exit.
Paul, I’m not making a demand, thinly-veiled or otherwise. I’m simply expressing an opinion as a long-time reader. The fact that I am still here should tell you that I still enjoy the strip even though I’m not as fond of its current storylines as I was of the original characters. I was just hoping that you might focus on the older characters for a while, however short. The “hint, hint” was just that : a light -hearted hint . You’ve done it before, and I was encouraging you to do it again.
You still enjoy the comic? This you? “I am heartily sick of the Gryphon High stuff and could happily do without the teen angst for quite a long time”. Oh, you mean what’s been going on in the comic since 2013? You’re “enjoying” that while being “heartily sick of” it. I think you could have found a much less backhanded way of saying anything, but I’m not buying your backpeddling. The way you phrased your whole comment was as a demand. If you “enjoyed” the way I included older characters in the comic previously, why don’t you just let me write my comic the way I want to without prompting from the balcony box.
apsi Square Comic #4,000
*W*, Argh!
Still, quite an accomplishment; and I’ve read ebby wun…
Phil, to state the obvious, most comics change. Artists change and grow. Yes, I grew to love the original characters. I have also found moments to love in the current arc. There are other artists who do no change and I gave up on them. YMMV. Enjoy what you can and say thanks to Paul, and find other comics to fill the holes.
Even “mainstream” comics like you see in the newspaper need to change to find and keep an audience. I lost interest in Garfield years ago when it became obvious that every joke was going to be about Garfield being fat and grumpy, Odie being an idiot, or Jon being a loser.
Instead of 8!+(#!n& about your favorite characters not being seen much anymore, revel in these strips where they occasionally pop up.
I like Monica, and miss Dietzel, but there some characters in the “new generation” of Wapsi that I enjoy, too, like Digit (though we haven’t seen her for a bit either), Timmy, and the pair of geek/nerds that recently joined the cast.
At the end of it all, it’s Paul’s strip, set in Paul’s universe, and if someone doesn’t like it…..find another comic to read.
Kinda said a similar thing in another webic today
Someone send her some dried corn soup and hot fry bread. Maybe a fresh pot of coffee.
Hey, I had a thought- Maybe red-headed Monica is related to red-headed Zoey of recent TV fame.
(A paranormal influence would answer a lot of the mystery there), just say’n…
Shelly!!! >_< She will always be my favorite!
Congratulations. on 4,000.!
Has it really been 4000 (technically, more than 4000, if you don’t count ‘filler’) pages?
How many years is that? Definitely more than ten (took a couple years to reach the Mayan Calendar conclusion)
What happened to Shelly’s ^huge^ arms
A big Congratulations on #4000. This is no small thing. It is a very real accomplishment. Again, Congratulations!!