@themadkansan – if you mean a regular kinetic bombardment orbital strike – like in Project Thor envisioned during the Cold War – then they aren’t nearly in the same order of magnitude as nukes when it comes to destruction.
E.G. the tungsten “rods from God” of Project Thor were projected to hit with the equivalent of about a dozen tons of TNT – compared to the “Little Boy” and it’s 15 thousand tons. Pop culture likes to exaggerate their power, but orbital strikes are more bunker-busting than city-levelling… unlike Pickle, who’s likely both.
Ah, yes, the infamous Black Forest screech-mouse. Fits in a matchbox, comes out at night, and all of the local predators consider it just too damned annoying to hunt.
They’re not an ecological problem, only because they can’t get together to mate except during a period of three days in August when they all simultaneously develop severe laryngitis.
What you just described is called Demonus Banshee Alto Rodentica. There’s also Chuthulu Rodentica Dronis Infernicae; also called the common subterranean Hell rat. Both these para creatures are on file at MIB headquarters.
The same sort of things any half-plant hybrid being would be afraid of. Aphids, locusts, caterpillars, Phytophthora, woodpeckers and sapsuckers, Puccinia, verticillium wilt, a colony of hungry beavers, and so forth. She can’t vaporize everything (and she does sleep, which leaves her leaves vulnerable).
She might also be afraid for Shawna, who doesn’t have even her level of invulnerability.
Ah, yes, you’re right, that could be the sound of an old less-used generator starting up, if it’s lost some of its oil. It’ll hopefully be quieter when the oil circulates more.
Wouldn’t that be a howl if it WAS the generator making that ungodly screech? Knowing Paul’s sense of reason regarding this comic’s storyline, we can’t be certain…
Another possibility is that the chaperons and the rest of the crew caught up with the kids, and a late ok allowed Daylla to come along, and she tripped and skidded down the far side of the sinkhole.
…The funny thing?
The most terrifying thing out there is Pickle, if she gets riled.
I don’t think any of them are to be trifled with.
Yeah, but there’s “trifling” and there’s “tactical nuke”.
More like an Orbital Strike, just directed laterally.
The trouble with having a Pickle in the Tool Box is you’re going to want to Use it…
@themadkansan – if you mean a regular kinetic bombardment orbital strike – like in Project Thor envisioned during the Cold War – then they aren’t nearly in the same order of magnitude as nukes when it comes to destruction.
E.G. the tungsten “rods from God” of Project Thor were projected to hit with the equivalent of about a dozen tons of TNT – compared to the “Little Boy” and it’s 15 thousand tons. Pop culture likes to exaggerate their power, but orbital strikes are more bunker-busting than city-levelling… unlike Pickle, who’s likely both.
Scarlett might want to loosen her hold a lil before Tim goes faint from oxygen deprivation.
Or at least turn him around, so he can suffocate the funnest way.
Timmy’s getting skronked.
Ah, yes, the infamous Black Forest screech-mouse. Fits in a matchbox, comes out at night, and all of the local predators consider it just too damned annoying to hunt.
They’re not an ecological problem, only because they can’t get together to mate except during a period of three days in August when they all simultaneously develop severe laryngitis.
What you just described is called Demonus Banshee Alto Rodentica. There’s also Chuthulu Rodentica Dronis Infernicae; also called the common subterranean Hell rat. Both these para creatures are on file at MIB headquarters.
That’s the mating call of the Bavarian mountain mimmoth!
They’re surrounded by strange noises, so Scarlet strangled Timothy.
…isn’t Shawna also some sort of nature spirit, and thus supposedly perfectly at home in a forest? Have the kids been taught to be human too well?
Pixie. And just because you’re at home in a forest doesn’t mean you’re not scared of foresty things that can eat you.
We can’t stop here, this is bat country!
Yups, Timmeh in familiar position of being a para-stressball
Oh come on now! Castela can vaporize solid granite hillsides. What does she have to be frightened of?
The same sort of things any half-plant hybrid being would be afraid of. Aphids, locusts, caterpillars, Phytophthora, woodpeckers and sapsuckers, Puccinia, verticillium wilt, a colony of hungry beavers, and so forth. She can’t vaporize everything (and she does sleep, which leaves her leaves vulnerable).
She might also be afraid for Shawna, who doesn’t have even her level of invulnerability.
Ah, that explains why she sometimes sleeps in a pot!
Noisy generator…
Ah, yes, you’re right, that could be the sound of an old less-used generator starting up, if it’s lost some of its oil. It’ll hopefully be quieter when the oil circulates more.
Wouldn’t that be a howl if it WAS the generator making that ungodly screech? Knowing Paul’s sense of reason regarding this comic’s storyline, we can’t be certain…
It’s either the generator, or something trying to get through the portal firewall.
Could be . . . if the motor cowling rubs against the flywheel, it will make a sound like that.
Mine does, anyway.
Another possibility is that the chaperons and the rest of the crew caught up with the kids, and a late ok allowed Daylla to come along, and she tripped and skidded down the far side of the sinkhole.
Ahhh. The children of the night, what music they make.
There’s no reason to go batty, even if they are screeaching up a storm.
THAT was a great movie (assuming Herzog/Kinski). I think a plasma beam would ruin Nosferatu’s whole day.
Shawna: What was THAT?
Castela: I don’t know but it sounds scary!
Scarlet: I’m scared!
Timothy: * GURK * {iz ded}