Well, no other Golems of which we are aware. After all our present trio were simple clay dolls, hidden away for centuries. Still, your analysis sounds good to me.
5 golems. 3 from the Chimera, Tez, and Mayahul.
It’s possible that there are others, other ‘trials’ and possibly a few Lanthian ones, but from what we’ve been told, only Mayahul knows how to make them.
I believe Amanda has already met Tepoz. Indeed, it was the fact her best friend could see him, too, that showed Monica he wasn’t an hallucination. As for convincing Amanda: Poit. Have her close her left eye and look at Tina. Let her see Bud lifting a car one-handed while opening the panel in her stomach that shows she’s a hollow clay doll. Manifest Doubt. There are plenty of ways to bring Amanda on board; the problem would be preventing her from freaking out once she gets there.
SoWhyMe, When you put it like that it is sooo obvious. Going down the rabbit hole is frightening no matter how you go about it, but meeting Fix might at least get her a cookie.
I see Phix giving Amanda the same treatment as Katherine. Amanda stands her ground, slapping Phix and says “You WILL treat me with respect!” Phix is stunned. Monica is embarassed. Phix offers her a cookie, which she declines and smiles, saying “thank you, now where is the bathroom? I need to rinse out my undies.”
I don’t know guys…given her reactions to Monica’s excitement and theorizing, Amanda may just say something like, “You’ve stepped past my comfort zone, Mon. I’m much happier not knowing. Thanks for the invitation…I’ll write to let you know how I’m doing.”
Then again, that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun as her going with the flow.
Yes! There is nothing quite as sexy as speaking the truth. One quick poit to Stonehenge, and Amanda will have been given irrefutable evidence of the supernatural nature of Monica and some of her other friends and the nature of their world.
There are two downsides to this:
1: Monica can never tell tall tales
2: Amanda may try to enlist Monica for transport to exotic location photo shoot locations.
Is “Lanthian” a corruption of “Atlantian”?
Lanthia is the name of a resort on Sardinia. Is there a connection?
Amanda has been around Monica long enough that she may accept this offer without question. On the other hand, she may just freak out.
Amanda is the practical one of the bunch. She’ll immediately see how they could rule the world with this power, and then, hopefully she’ll see why it would be pointless.
Assuming she accepts, that is. She probably will, if only to appease Monica until she can get to a phone and call the men with white coats.
…should you, or any member of your team be captured or killed, Monica will disavow any knowledge of her involvement. This busty Latina will self destruct in five seconds.
Oooooh…. and Amanda gets invited down the rabbit hole!
Hooray! It’s past time Amanda joined the fun
Agreed… It’s about damn time.
To quote a movie I’m fond of: “Fasten your seat belt, Dorothy.”
More like sucked down the rabbit hole with M?
If Monica were in MY lap like that, I’d believe whatever she wanted me to believe!
Funny, I said almost the exact same thing below. Monica in your lap will pretty much convince you to try anything and go anywhere, however you roll.
I’d say “That sounds awesome but if you don’t move in the next 5 seconds, this strip’s gonna be NSFW…”
Oooooh! A chance to record (photograph) things that folks like in the X-Files would drool over.
Who knows, maybe Amanda *might* have some hidden talent that is latent but will bloom when given the right circumstances to manifest itself?
Babe, what would you say
Now wait a darn minute! If she tells Amanda all that means Tina broke her arm for nothing.
Nah – breaking the arm was intended to keep Amanda from trying to figure out what was going on with Tina and Phix…
Here Amanda! Hold my hand while we jump off this cliff! I promise those rocks are much softer than they look!
Hey – if everybody jumped off the Empire State Building – after a while it wouldn’t hurt!
Thank yew. thank yew.
Try the meatloaf.
You mean Monica?
you forgot to say “I’ll be here all week”…
Or even longer, depending on how much trouble it takes to scrape him off the sidewalk.
An invitation almost impossible to turn down. Oh the rush of excitement, the thrill of living on the edge of danger…….What a rush!
I missed something: What is Monica’s goal now? What is there to do now that the “calendar machine” is dealt with?
Ive missed that also.
All i know is that Jin is possessed?
Possessed ???
She’s “right as rain”.
She even have a business card to prove it
Actually, it was a club membership card.
The current problem was outlined:
Thanks for putting the recap together, it was very nice of you.
You’re welcome.
After seeing that summary, I’m still wondering when Monica’s going to remember that Tina’s got those notebooks in shorthand…
Well JEES!
since you put it that way!
Who could refuse?
Is Monica going to find the meaning behind Stonehenge ???
Maybe the stones were hollowed out and filled with something important.
No – it’s a cage for the Most Evil Thing In The Universe.
….leave me out of this…
Stupid Pandorica Alliance…
…I suppose that’s also a viable response to Fairportfan as well…
I did some back research (oh, poor me), and we got distracted by a few subplots there (Shelly’s new boyfriend, Phix, etc), but I came up with a theory… Okay, let’s walk this puppy around –
1) Jin is a golem. Duh.
1a) Golems are nigh indestructible, and capable of leveling countries.
1b) Golems don’t change. Not really. They don’t age, can’t be physically damaged, It’s arguable that mental damage is also impossible (). That also implies that if you managed to ‘break’ a golem (say, dropped a nuke on one arm), that there would be no way to fix it.
2) The Lanthians didn’t have Golem technology. Only Mayahul did. If they did get the tech, then it’s likely that they would have made more golems and started a new civilization. Instead, their descendants went on to found Egypt and/or the Olmecs/Maya.
Now, if you are looking for a way to ‘fix’ a broken golem, then you are going to need a special toolkit for that. However, it wouldn’t be out where the Lanthians could get it (the lack of other Golems suggests they didn’t get it.) So, I think that Monica thinks that the golem formula/toolkit is somewhere in the British Isles. Now, where did Jin’s mom get to?
Well, no other Golems of which we are aware. After all our present trio were simple clay dolls, hidden away for centuries. Still, your analysis sounds good to me.
Wow. My links broke.
5 golems. 3 from the Chimera, Tez, and Mayahul.
It’s possible that there are others, other ‘trials’ and possibly a few Lanthian ones, but from what we’ve been told, only Mayahul knows how to make them.
All she needs to do now is choose the red or blue pill.
How is she going to convince Amanda that the supernatural exists? Poit her somewhere? Have what’s-his-face (small blue guy) turn up? Both? Neither?
I believe Amanda has already met Tepoz. Indeed, it was the fact her best friend could see him, too, that showed Monica he wasn’t an hallucination. As for convincing Amanda: Poit. Have her close her left eye and look at Tina. Let her see Bud lifting a car one-handed while opening the panel in her stomach that shows she’s a hollow clay doll. Manifest Doubt. There are plenty of ways to bring Amanda on board; the problem would be preventing her from freaking out once she gets there.
Shelly and Katherine have met him; Amanda hasn’t.
But she knows about him
I suspect Amanda was just humouring Mon, there, and doesn’t actually believe that the Aztec god of alcohol took a bus to Utah.
I suspect she’ll take her to the “annex” to meet Phix. Amanda’s gonna freak, regardless. That’s a rite of passage. Might as well get it over with.
SoWhyMe, When you put it like that it is sooo obvious. Going down the rabbit hole is frightening no matter how you go about it, but meeting Fix might at least get her a cookie.
I hope so; the reactions of various cast members to meeting Phix in her full aspect have been an interesting running gag.
I don’t think Amanda will faint.
I see Phix giving Amanda the same treatment as Katherine. Amanda stands her ground, slapping Phix and says “You WILL treat me with respect!” Phix is stunned. Monica is embarassed. Phix offers her a cookie, which she declines and smiles, saying “thank you, now where is the bathroom? I need to rinse out my undies.”
“Well, gee, since you put it like that, M, let’s go!” (Yeah, right.)
One more person heading down the rabbit hole in less than 24…
I don’t know guys…given her reactions to Monica’s excitement and theorizing, Amanda may just say something like, “You’ve stepped past my comfort zone, Mon. I’m much happier not knowing. Thanks for the invitation…I’ll write to let you know how I’m doing.”
Actually, that’d be a great way to further her involvement unwillingly in other ways.
Yes! There is nothing quite as sexy as speaking the truth. One quick poit to Stonehenge, and Amanda will have been given irrefutable evidence of the supernatural nature of Monica and some of her other friends and the nature of their world.
There are two downsides to this:
1: Monica can never tell tall tales
2: Amanda may try to enlist Monica for transport to exotic location photo shoot locations.
Is “Lanthian” a corruption of “Atlantian”?
Lanthia is the name of a resort on Sardinia. Is there a connection?
Amanda has been around Monica long enough that she may accept this offer without question. On the other hand, she may just freak out.
Other way around — “Atlanthian” is a corruption of “Lanthian”.
“Lanthis” is the name of the old civilization that (supposedly) built the calendar machine and created the golems.
Amanda is the practical one of the bunch. She’ll immediately see how they could rule the world with this power, and then, hopefully she’ll see why it would be pointless.
Assuming she accepts, that is. She probably will, if only to appease Monica until she can get to a phone and call the men with white coats.
…should you, or any member of your team be captured or killed, Monica will disavow any knowledge of her involvement. This busty Latina will self destruct in five seconds.
Looks like Monica’s gonna let her in on things . This should be a hoot !
I wonder if Amanda is up to speed on her Kirlian photography; maybe she already owns a Coggins Aura Camera 6000?
I wonder if the any of the golems would show an electrography aura on film vs the non-existent ‘Tina Vision’ ™ aura?
A photographer could come in very handy in this line of ‘research’.
Is she now looking for the thing that vaporized Jin’s village? I thought she wanted to look at Tina’s diary…
…I so confusededed…
The “thing” that vaporized Jin’s village — actually, the village of the child’s ghost haunting Jin — is the Chimera: Bud, Brandi, and Jin.
Which shows you should never mix hops, the grape, and the berry, lest the hangover haunt ya.
Right, now I remember…this was all much clearer when I had just gone through the archive…
I have got to buy the books. I just can’t keep track anymore …
I’m guessing Amanda will say “no”, and possibly storm out angrily.
…And then have a change of heart. Geez, let me finish, willya??
Well, I should have enjoyable dreams tonight, that’s for sure.
“I’m in”
I never pegged Amanda as the type to wear heels. I had her pegged as a Birkenstocks kind of gal.
At least they look like pretty sensible heels. Two or three inches, and not spikes.
Monica in your lap will pretty much convince you to try anything and go anywhere, however you roll.
So Amanda…
Do you take the Blue pill or the Red Pill?
I’m not even the one she’s cornered, and I’M getting the gargoyles about this!