can confirm, I am very compact and I once fell off a building without any real injury. a single story, but still. I was honestly more annoyed than anything.
It is said that short people can be stronger than tall people. Why people say this I don’t know. Keep in mind that Dwarves, as in the fantasy ones, are also pretty strong for their size and if anyone reads Terry Pratchett (Disc World) they probably know about the Nac Mac Feegle, a race of ‘Pictsies’ that are very strong for their size indeed.
Short and stocky, here. I’ve been hit by four cars (twice as a pedestrian, twice as a bicyclist) and didn’t break any bones. I’ve also been flung from my bike about ~150-175ft. I hit the ground hard enough to bounce the first and second times, skidding the remaing 10 or so feet after hitting the ground the 3rd time. No broken bones.
I’ve only cracked two molars. Crunching on ice, and a “peanut” (rock hard cellulose) in cheap rocky road icecream.
Tim Minchin’s “If I didn’t have you…” love song fits here. If your love is one in a million, stastically, with 7 billion people, there’s 7,000 just like ’em running around. And now she has some idea what her “type” is.
Might take another decade, but puppy love doesn’t usually weather well anyway. (Early 20s, people shift a bit as responsibility hits and they get options.)
So would Timmy be like Dustin if he hit the big time? Or is he already on his way, making it…
yup I have a million of them.. lol Oh att:txmystic My bone is just fine without a bullet in it. What can I say I get my kicks above the waistline sunshine. lol
That would have been my guess as well.
The genetic makeup of any one zygote is quite variable. Dustin could have just as easily (well statistically not quite) a girl.
No. Fraternal twins are merely two fertilized eggs, delivered at one birth, instead of one egg which has split to produce identical twins. Can be male-male, male-female, female-female.
So, does this mean there are multiple Jaguar Girls? Or is Monica the only one across all dimensions? Do the personal demons Inhabit more than one person, but each in a different dimension, or are there different personal demons for each person in each dimension? Is there a “library” in each dimension with it’s own Phix or is there only one library for all dimensions?
They say when you die in one universe, you simultaneously born in another. Ergo, Tim’s twin Brother Dustin isn’t really dead (he’s just in a mirror Universe =
It looks like Daylla and Timothy both lost the dimensional shuffle.
At least it wasn’t a Shotgun Shuffle.
What’s wrong with seven sisters?
(I’m assuming you mean the webcomic I discover about a month ago…)
Timothy handled being flattened by Daylla than Dustin did.
He seems pretty durable. Maybe short has it’s advantages. Perhaps it’s a density thing.
Wait, you saying that Timmeh is more dense than Dusty? o_O
can confirm, I am very compact and I once fell off a building without any real injury. a single story, but still. I was honestly more annoyed than anything.
It is said that short people can be stronger than tall people. Why people say this I don’t know. Keep in mind that Dwarves, as in the fantasy ones, are also pretty strong for their size and if anyone reads Terry Pratchett (Disc World) they probably know about the Nac Mac Feegle, a race of ‘Pictsies’ that are very strong for their size indeed.
Short and stocky, here. I’ve been hit by four cars (twice as a pedestrian, twice as a bicyclist) and didn’t break any bones. I’ve also been flung from my bike about ~150-175ft. I hit the ground hard enough to bounce the first and second times, skidding the remaing 10 or so feet after hitting the ground the 3rd time. No broken bones.
I’ve only cracked two molars. Crunching on ice, and a “peanut” (rock hard cellulose) in cheap rocky road icecream.
That lets out Daylla finding the equivalent of Dustin somewhere ’round *her* Gryphon High…
Tim Minchin’s “If I didn’t have you…” love song fits here. If your love is one in a million, stastically, with 7 billion people, there’s 7,000 just like ’em running around.
And now she has some idea what her “type” is.
Might take another decade, but puppy love doesn’t usually weather well anyway. (Early 20s, people shift a bit as responsibility hits and they get options.)
O…..K! THAT was the ZINGER[The creepy twist to the Ghost Story.] “Congruent” is close enough that Dustin is the “ghost” of someone who was never born.
And yet he exists…elsewhere…
And, by implication, Timothy likely does not exist in Dustin’s universe.
No Dustin in Timothy’s universe.
No Timothy in Dustin’s universe.
But in the third universe, perhaps there’s both.
Reminds me a bit of the last days of The Invisible Kid from the old days of the Legion of Superheroes.
He was taxing his powers of invisibility so much that he was drifting over to a dimension of ghosts.
Well, I was supposed to be triplets…but I was just very very large, there were no others.
Sometimes blastocysts merge together.
Naw, it was the Dark Ages of prenatal prediction. The doctor thought he heard three heartbeats.
And in the Dusty-verse, Timmeh was the twin who died
So would Timmy be like Dustin if he hit the big time? Or is he already on his way, making it…
yup I have a million of them.. lol Oh att:txmystic My bone is just fine without a bullet in it. What can I say I get my kicks above the waistline sunshine.
Well, Dustin is certainly singing a song of happiness to his Daylla now… “I am complete! The resolution of all the fruitless searches!”
Pretty sure I called ‘dead brother’, but I was guessing elder brother instead of fraternal twin.
I was wagering “Dustin is Timmy, but a gene fork went the other way and he ended up taller”
That would have been my guess as well.
The genetic makeup of any one zygote is quite variable. Dustin could have just as easily (well statistically not quite) a girl.
that’s what I figured too, alt u Timmy. but this is much more interesting.
Identicals, because Day(1) at first though Dustin was Tim when they met.
A lot of siblings, even born years apart, can be mistaken for each other
Not Fraternal, Identical. It’s my understanding all Fraternal Twins are like my niece and nephew:
of opposite sexes.
No. Fraternal twins are merely two fertilized eggs, delivered at one birth, instead of one egg which has split to produce identical twins. Can be male-male, male-female, female-female.
Aaaand there’s the other shoe.
After this one I have just one thing to say: The master has outdone himself.
Dun dun dun!
So Dustin and Timothy were the keys, along with both Dayllas.
So, now that Dustin and Daylla-2 are amorously re-united… should we be expecting Gozer to appear?
Let’s hope not.
Pretty sure that the Daylla’s already crossed the beams.
In the Wapsi-verse, everything is connected, eventually
Much explained!
Damn it Paul…just…damn it.
So, does this mean there are multiple Jaguar Girls? Or is Monica the only one across all dimensions? Do the personal demons Inhabit more than one person, but each in a different dimension, or are there different personal demons for each person in each dimension? Is there a “library” in each dimension with it’s own Phix or is there only one library for all dimensions?
So many questions.
I have the impression the Library is in a different dimension than Monica’s, so likely only one with its own dimension.
WOW! Are you getting enough IRONY in your diet?
Paul Taylor, do you do your art digitally? Or on paper, then scanned? What program do you use?
So wait, Dustin and Timothy are Schrodinger’s Twins? What kind of box did their mom get stuck in for THAT to happen?
In Memoriam. RIP Dustin, we barely knew ye.
They say when you die in one universe, you simultaneously born in another. Ergo, Tim’s twin Brother Dustin isn’t really dead (he’s just in a mirror Universe
It appears that this may be something for Scarlet to add to her grandmother’s notes about ghosts