Whipped Cream by Paul Taylor on December 15, 2015 at 1:00 am Characters: Atsali, NadetteLocation: Gilchrist Home Related Comics ¬ Counterpoint Little Plant Haunting She Shoots She Scores Cups And Bands
Nadette: “Wanna try a different kind of pie?”
All the blood leaving the head and going… elsewhere. 😀
Haven’t had breakfast and now I’m hungry for apple pie and whipcream (My fourth favorite pie)
What? That’s the proper way to eat whipped cream.
Yup, always take a mouthful straight from the can when using it on something else, love watching the ‘smoke’ billow out 😀
What ‘Ew!’? No ‘Ew!’
Whipped Cream and Other Delights!
Did you seriously just make a 1965 Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass reference? Man, I love coming to this web comic. Even the other fans are awesome.
… how’d the cream get on the pie, between panel 1 and panel 3?
Paul has mentioned before, not everything happens immediately after the preceding panel: in other words, if it seems like time took a skip between panels, then it usually did
To amplify: Lots of stuff happens in the gutter.
… I meant the space between panels. What did you _think_ I meant?
Overcome with disgust … or passion? Mmmmm … whipped cream.
That was…. subtle?
Coming from ‘Sali? Nah, ‘Sali just likes ‘fresh’ canned cream injected straight into the mouth, like any sane person who enjoys canned cream 😀
I don’t think I get it. Why did Nadette collapse? Is there some sort of innuendo here?
Yes, I’m also confused about this.
Color me confused, as well.
Whipped cream, it’s not just for pie anymore. It’s also good with icecream, pudding, & nerdy girlfriends 🙂
what’s so wrong with that; we do it all the time in New York…
There is creampie everywhere in the world.
A Triple Entendre! Brilliant!
(Fans of Questionable Content may remember what that is! 😉 )
I know what it is!
Also, my reaction was pretty much the same as Nadette’s.
“iz ded”
Needed an “iz ded” bit
First you have the creampie and then the cream just blown down the mouth… Who finds a second meaning may keep it.