Hah! Caught an ep of their radio show on an OTR station the other week. Bud trying to convince Lou that to build his house by the river he’ll need to go to the bank to get alone. No one does homophonic humour like they did.
What is behind the word balloons in the third panel? it looks too out-of-focus to be a plant or something like that, and you can see that the window sill is still pretty clear even though its even further away from the camera focus. and unless Paul is going for, and really screwing up the Michael Bay treatment, i don’t think those are lens flares… so WHAT are they?
Am I the only one who’s noticed something being occasionally …odd about the relative position of girl’s/women’s breasts (in this case Scarlet’s) — rememiscent of the character-design for the women in the ^original^ Gundam anime series?
Daylla, you’ve got our attention!
Now the question I have is, who does the voice sound like?
Considering Scarlet mistook the voice for Timothy, I’d guess it sounds like Timothy… just a from a bit taller Timothy… but that ain’t a big challenge…
I bet his name is Tommy.
Bud Abbott always spelled his name with “two” letter-tees…
That’s right. Henry VIII got rid of all the abbots (1 letter tee) when he dissolved the monasteries in the early 16th Century.
Hah! Caught an ep of their radio show on an OTR station the other week. Bud trying to convince Lou that to build his house by the river he’ll need to go to the bank to get alone. No one does homophonic humour like they did.
Who’s on first?
What were Tim and Scarlet thinking about?
Who ever called it that Scar believed she was talking to Timmeh, was bang-on!
Stinkweek surprisingly knowledgeable about golden oldies comics!
‘Comics’? Don’t you mean ‘classic silver screen movies’?
Time to consult with the crusty old building superintendent.
What is behind the word balloons in the third panel? it looks too out-of-focus to be a plant or something like that, and you can see that the window sill is still pretty clear even though its even further away from the camera focus. and unless Paul is going for, and really screwing up the Michael Bay treatment, i don’t think those are lens flares… so WHAT are they?
Actually, that’s just what they appear to be: light, may not be ‘lens flare’ but light anyway
Am I the only one who’s noticed something being occasionally …odd about the relative position of girl’s/women’s breasts (in this case Scarlet’s) — rememiscent of the character-design for the women in the ^original^ Gundam anime series?
*Insert eerie downslide effect here*