Well I happen to know that you’re wrong about that. There is currently about 100,000 moose in Norway and if they need a few more there’s about 350,000 just over the border in Sweden.
And if moose isn’t wild enough for you there’s the brown bear or wolves. There aren’t that many bears in Norway, just about 70, but again Sweden can always lend them a few as they’ve got about 2000 of them, and bears doesn’t really care very much about borders drawn on a map.
Apparently a driver in Norway really hit the jackpot when he swerved to avoid running into a moose, only to hit a brown bear… https://youtu.be/qRzdSyIpjrU
And all the participants walked away from it…
It sounds too good to be true, but you never know…
HEheh. I went there with my motorcycle. Didn t see a bear or moose. But nearly hit a deer. And had to slalom around sheep who were sleeping on the road. Ren are also very tame and walking on the roads, they are close related to caribou if not the same species.
While we’re at it, BarerMender, Reindeer and Caribou are essentially identical animals, just different names on different continents (continents that were, at one time, connected in the north, less than 10,000 years ago, which is not such a long time on the evolutionary scale.)
No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge – her brother-in-law – an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink”…
If these necks bother you, then don’t read “Dead Rabbit, Ca” formerly known as “A Fair Trade” http://afairtrade.thecomicseries.com/ . The artist is talented but the character designs are weird.
So unrealistic. I mean who goes around outlined in black, no matter what angle you see them from? Or has the words they speak appear in an oval somewhere near their head?
“Mynd you, møøse bites kan be pretti nasti …”
There is no like button…
I don’t think there are any meese in Norway. They’re North American animals.
Well I happen to know that you’re wrong about that. There is currently about 100,000 moose in Norway and if they need a few more there’s about 350,000 just over the border in Sweden.
And if moose isn’t wild enough for you there’s the brown bear or wolves. There aren’t that many bears in Norway, just about 70, but again Sweden can always lend them a few as they’ve got about 2000 of them, and bears doesn’t really care very much about borders drawn on a map.
Apparently a driver in Norway really hit the jackpot when he swerved to avoid running into a moose, only to hit a brown bear…
And all the participants walked away from it…
It sounds too good to be true, but you never know…
Oh, I see. It’s the name that’s North American. The animal runs the sub-arctic all around the northern hemisphere.
If you go far enough north, that can be a pretty short loop.
Too many Trolls.
HEheh. I went there with my motorcycle. Didn t see a bear or moose. But nearly hit a deer. And had to slalom around sheep who were sleeping on the road. Ren are also very tame and walking on the roads, they are close related to caribou if not the same species.
While we’re at it, BarerMender, Reindeer and Caribou are essentially identical animals, just different names on different continents (continents that were, at one time, connected in the north, less than 10,000 years ago, which is not such a long time on the evolutionary scale.)
And if those aren’t enough to worry about, you’ve got to watch for those wheighls too…
No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge – her brother-in-law – an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink”…
But such an adorable dork… X°D
I was wondering about that.
I thought they might have a ginormous stadium somewhere
in ‘Library Space’.
Athletic portal. Good idea.
Cartoon necks bug me.
If these necks bother you, then don’t read “Dead Rabbit, Ca” formerly known as “A Fair Trade” http://afairtrade.thecomicseries.com/ . The artist is talented but the character designs are weird.
The little canid’s neck is cool, but the human neck is… so wrong.
Oversize cartoon eyes bug me. Couldn’t watch “Powerpuff Girls” because of how they blinked.
Monsters vs Aliens….
The neck ruins Ginormica for me.
So unrealistic. I mean who goes around outlined in black, no matter what angle you see them from? Or has the words they speak appear in an oval somewhere near their head?
As a Norwegian, I can confirm that the accent is fairly accurate.
HA! that’s just what I would do! DORKS UNITE!!!
Like. Also, seconded.
Is Atsali going to take her full height? Will that suit stretch out another foot or more?
I take it this means that Abbie is a redhead, then.