There was one strip where she was enjoying a glass at home, and then the coven was “stretching its legs” so to speak, so she was paused in her refreshment. Maybe someone has a link?
(I keep wanting to jump some Tina based fanfic a’go’in, but she’s canonically right in the middle of some character development and I’m forestalled, waiting to see how it develops…)
Something to note in this story arc. Tina has consistently been referring to herself in the first person singular. For certain she was always a bit “unified” when all her demons were included inside of her, and a bit off with pieces missing, but she nonetheless thought of herself as a group of demons occupying a body. She seems to view herself more as a person now.
I wonder when she’ll notice?
The power of demonic influence, and a heavy wine buzz, might not be the safest combination in the world…
Tina has drunk wine before.
There was one strip where she was enjoying a glass at home, and then the coven was “stretching its legs” so to speak, so she was paused in her refreshment. Maybe someone has a link?
Would that be this one?
Jose Cuervas? Isn’t that tequila?
That’s the one.
Always hit the wine first.
If she needs a few titles for a guilty-pleasure, I could think of a few…
And that’s when we met…
I wish…
Y’know, if she’s gotta pee, maybe she shouldn’t be drinking…
I gotta think there is a ‘somebody’ coming up here in the near future;
after she’s dealing with her own ‘self'(s), a Monkey will come along.
Make that monkey Wrench…
(but I’m OK w/ her dealing with herself for awhile…)
First time exploring ‘freedom’, usually best with a trusted friend
(I keep wanting to jump some Tina based fanfic a’go’in, but she’s canonically right in the middle of some character development and I’m forestalled, waiting to see how it develops…)
That drawing of a glass of wine is brilliant.
Something to note in this story arc. Tina has consistently been referring to herself in the first person singular. For certain she was always a bit “unified” when all her demons were included inside of her, and a bit off with pieces missing, but she nonetheless thought of herself as a group of demons occupying a body. She seems to view herself more as a person now.
I wonder when she’ll notice?