Sorry. It’s still an overreaction. If we were talking cooking, Monica would have made twelve cakes, two plates of brownies, and half a dozen types of cooking just to show Amanda she could. If we were talking driving, M just broke the speed record on the police training obstacle course. She could have done any number of demonstrations that were much more in scale to demonstrate. And I think that A’s look at the end shows very much that while she is listening, that there is a wariness there.
Agreed. To me, that last panel reads as cautious, angry, concerned, and ready to act if she feels the need.
Also, this little bump in the road has made me like Amanda so much more than I had before. She listens, she tries to understand. And she can do this directly after someone does something to her that she finds “crazy” and I feel to have been a slightly cruel overreaction.
She’s listening, but only after incontrovertible evidence. Amanda is a good thinker, but not such a good friend in some ways. That said, sometimes the two aren’t really compatible if you are really trying to help somebody.
That’s why Monica’s dumping her into the lake wasn’t a problem for me. It’s also why Amanda’s siding with the ‘Let’s commit Monica for her own good’ crows wasn’t a big deal either, despite the fact that she was wrong.
It was the lack of evidence that matters. Monica would likely have done the same thing given similar circumstances. Most people would.
I still think it’s a mark of a good friend. Then again, I’ve known a lot of people to walk away when proven wrong, simply because they wouldn’t accept it. I’ve been known to walk away myself, on occasion. It’s not always easy to admit being wrong, or to listen to reason.
Not that I ever saw Amanda as the walk-away-from-solid-evidence type, but seeing she isn’t is nice. That’s one kind of person I can really respect. That’s all,
OK, Monica — you’ve pulled the right move on Amanda to get her attention AND double-think her reaction. So.. what’s the follow through?
And PW — How I love your mirroring Monica’s incarceration by having all this transpire while she’s barefoot in a plain dress, down in a basement dungeon. All that’s missing are the straps to hold down her arms and padding on the walls.
Karma, baby! Once on the way in and now again on the way out!
I wonder which of Monica’s paranormal friends she’ll be introducing Amanda to first? Whoever it turns out to be… I anticipate some really great reaction shots!
She already “knows” about Tepoz (FTFY, Francisco); and she’s “met” Phix and Tina… that means either Bud, who she’s talked about to her, or the most obvious one:
She’s not met Tepoz and, when Monica mentioned him, Amanda thought it was just a drunk joke. She doesn’t know about Tina and Phix’s role in this (or the fact that they are not even people).
How could you compare the worst anime I’ve ever seen to this work of art?!?!
Amanda doesn’t look evil or ominous she looks like she’s cautious and listening. Maybe a little wary of another *POIT* to somewhere less than fantastic.
Nothing as stupid or counter productive as anything in Evangelion.
My vote for the next introduction is Tepoz, we haven’t seen him in a while and I’m sure both girls could use a nice stiff drink right about now.
Gendo’s not evil, just the ultimate scientist. Uncaring outside of his singular goals. Willing to put himself completely outside of emotional influence. Dedicated to helping a specific other as his whole focus.
I’ll agree with the “next introduction” item, though.
Is Monica saying that Amanda might have had a role in M’s being institutionalized, even if it was something as innocent as being interviewed by psycho-analysts about Monica?
And I vote Tepoz as the first person she meets. Amanda will need a stiff one after all Monica reveals to her.
Especially with childhood trauma, logic doesn’t fit in. You can feel betrayed because someone didn’t ride in and rescue you. M might intellectually know that her parents and A aren’t trying to hurt her, and that they did what they did for her own benefit. But somewhere inside, there is a little girl who blames them for the pain and fear.
she may not be crazy but she seems to be acting it a tad. I cant recall well but i am sure she didnt go this loopy when she explained everything to kevin.
I spose the stuff monica has been through would send anyone abit fruitloop and since she feels amanda thinks shes nuts anyway – it would just emphasize the fact.
Atomic, I agree–the background and Monica’s garb are strong echoes of her time inside. I always love the texture and detail of Paul’s backgrounds–the weathered wood behind Monica in all but the top frame, and the fuseboxes and pipes on the wall behind Amanda all lend such great depth to the art.
I love Amanda’s expression in the final frame–is she scared? Intrigued? Waiting?
What exactly is behind M in the first frame? Plaster that’s been exposed to too much humidity? Or is it just an indicator of her emotional state, given that she’s standing in front of a wood background in the other two frames?
I vote Phix in all her winged glory. Tepoz and a stiff drink would just slow down Amanda’s thought process. Amanda can have that relief at the end of the day.
Even without the alcohol I think Tepoz would be the next step because he appears harmless. Phix, in her sphinx form, would probably scare Amanda senseless (which is not productive at all).
Nothing like a ‘poit’ in a pond (Yes,I know it was a lake but pond sounded better) to get Ones attention. Now that you’ve Vented Monica continue, your audience awaits.
You know, I think I’m on the Tepoz then Phix bandwagon on this one, but that may largely be due to the fact that I enjoy having Tepoz around in the strips.
Personally, I think Amanda could handle seeing Phix in her sphinxy glory since I don’t think Phix would go out of her way to be too terrifying after giving the invitation she did.
I think seeing Tina for what she is would be the kicker…though it would be a good opening to explain what really happened to Monica way back when she ended up being institutionalized.
All that you need to drive a mule is a carrot and a stick. First, you gotta whack the mule between the eyes to get it’s attention, then you feed it the carrot to let it know that you’re still friendly…
If not first, then Ms Phix has to be second on the intro parade. She just has to start in humanoid form, then go total sphinx. Besides, the ‘Thiki has to have some awesome books on photography in it.
Forgot to mention something last week about “Deadliest Warrior” on behalf of Shelly:
I think so, too. That “Okay… I’m listening…” reeks too much of “Well, if I haven’t witnessed crazy before, I sure as hell am going to now with her ‘explanation’…” Trouble is, Monica will be telling the truth and I’m afraid Amanda still will hardly believe any of it, despite having just been tele-dumped into a lake and back again, sopping wet clothes and all…
A: “I still don’t believe you, M.”
M: “Oh, no?” (POIT!) “Three, two, one…” (POIT)
A: (returns covered in even more lake water – and a fish flopping at her feet) “aaaaaiiigggh!!!!”
M: “Next time it’s the middle of Target Field.”
We need Bud to appear and belch out a rainforest of Bananas. Or Tepoz to make the most efficient alcohol that gets you stark raving mad and having 16 rave parties in your head drunk, but is perfectly safe and won’t cause alcohol poisoning.
For me this is pushing the envelope on character credibility.
It still feels like a whole series of external agents have manipulated Monica and Amanda to have this interplay.
The most redeeming situation would be if Monica actively went about convincing all the remaining main characters of the Wapsiverse. That way there would be more balance and fewer secrets. Plus it would fold more of my favorite characters back into the storyline.
Yes, I know that there was a preening about 5 years ago, but that culling unfortunately took most of my favorites with it.
Bottom line is that Monica is doing this “conversion” to Amanda and that just does not sit right with me.
Oh, my list from the old Wapsi Forum
Rank of the Wapsi Square Characters
1. Dietzel – Dog Extraordinaire
2. Jacquline Bontemps – Airy Heiress
3. Lakshmi Prasad – Not yet Architect
4. Amanda Ehrlich – Pic Girl
5. Owen Albrect – The Guy
6. Daren Watkins – Bar Teacher
7. Tina Rosario Aldaco Guzman – Caffeineology
8. Tepoztecal – Blue man reject
9. Monica Villarreal – The Heroine
10. Heather Mills – Strait Shooter
11. Katherine Gilchrist – Spider Eyes
12. Phix – Shhhhh!
13. Bud & Brandi & Gin – Mud Maidens
14. Luci – Tit for Tatt
15. Shelly Wahnee – Sheer Whining
Yes, she was pushed into it by Tina and Phix but that’s probably because it’s good to have someone level headed who doesn’t take the supernatural stuff for granted to look at things.
As to telling more people, there are several arguments against that:
1) Somebody could panic.
2) When she reveals what’s going on she is not only divulging her secrets but the secrets of those around her (e.g. Bud, Tina, Phix, etc). You shouldn’t release information given to you in confidence without the permission of the person who told you that unless you have a GOOD reason. I’m still wondering how Monica is going to manage that.
3) If Jin doesn’t feel that she could trust Monica then she’s less likely to open up.
4) The information could cause the others to make assumptions about Monica and the other supernaturals. This may cause them to act in a way that, consciously or sub-consciously, hurts the people Monica is trying to look after/Monica herself (e.g. lynch mob or, more likely, talking to the people in a way that they don’t like).
5) The information could cause harm to the people who receive it (e.g. making them feel insecure and frightened).
It is the same Francisco here but, as I’m unsure about this computer, I’m using my backup e-mail address (which is already in the public domain).
I know that Bud (and I suspect Brandi too) doesn’t like dwelling on the past. How is Monica going to bring Amanda up to speed if one of the three (I’m assuming that Monica would ask them) refuses permission for Monica to mention their history? Then again, they may not like it but may concede that it’s necessary.
In the first panel Monica’s feet make her look a bit like a hobbit. Yea I know there is not hair but being a girl hobbit she may have less and/or shaved it.
At least she’s listening. Calmly thus far.
Excellent last panel…she really looks like she wants to understand what is going on…
…but I still think her mind will be too blown to just accept it right away.
She also looks like she might be feeling guilty for not figuring this out sooner.
Dear Diary — Monica isn’t crazy. She’s make-you-think-so-hard-you-pick-your nose deep. Sincerely, Amanda
Sorry. It’s still an overreaction. If we were talking cooking, Monica would have made twelve cakes, two plates of brownies, and half a dozen types of cooking just to show Amanda she could. If we were talking driving, M just broke the speed record on the police training obstacle course. She could have done any number of demonstrations that were much more in scale to demonstrate. And I think that A’s look at the end shows very much that while she is listening, that there is a wariness there.
Agreed. To me, that last panel reads as cautious, angry, concerned, and ready to act if she feels the need.
Also, this little bump in the road has made me like Amanda so much more than I had before. She listens, she tries to understand. And she can do this directly after someone does something to her that she finds “crazy” and I feel to have been a slightly cruel overreaction.
She’s listening, but only after incontrovertible evidence. Amanda is a good thinker, but not such a good friend in some ways. That said, sometimes the two aren’t really compatible if you are really trying to help somebody.
That’s why Monica’s dumping her into the lake wasn’t a problem for me. It’s also why Amanda’s siding with the ‘Let’s commit Monica for her own good’ crows wasn’t a big deal either, despite the fact that she was wrong.
It was the lack of evidence that matters. Monica would likely have done the same thing given similar circumstances. Most people would.
That should be crowd, not crows, though that does have an interesting sound to it.
I still think it’s a mark of a good friend. Then again, I’ve known a lot of people to walk away when proven wrong, simply because they wouldn’t accept it. I’ve been known to walk away myself, on occasion. It’s not always easy to admit being wrong, or to listen to reason.
Not that I ever saw Amanda as the walk-away-from-solid-evidence type, but seeing she isn’t is nice. That’s one kind of person I can really respect. That’s all,
OK, Monica — you’ve pulled the right move on Amanda to get her attention AND double-think her reaction. So.. what’s the follow through?
And PW — How I love your mirroring Monica’s incarceration by having all this transpire while she’s barefoot in a plain dress, down in a basement dungeon. All that’s missing are the straps to hold down her arms and padding on the walls.
Karma, baby! Once on the way in and now again on the way out!
I wonder which of Monica’s paranormal friends she’ll be introducing Amanda to first? Whoever it turns out to be… I anticipate some really great reaction shots!
I vote Phix
Me two.
I’m going with Tina.
They’ve already met.
I think introducing her to a collection of demons is probably going to raise more questions for Amanda.
I think Phix should be second (as she’s already invited Amanda to the Library but may scare her if she hasn’t calmed down).
I think Topez would be good. He’s non-threatening and explain things more.
I just had a thought — if Topez was there, he could explain why she seemed crazy as a child.
…and offer Amanda a nice stiff drink.
Or five.
She already “knows” about Tepoz (FTFY, Francisco); and she’s “met” Phix and Tina… that means either Bud, who she’s talked about to her, or the most obvious one:
She’s not met Tepoz and, when Monica mentioned him, Amanda thought it was just a drunk joke. She doesn’t know about Tina and Phix’s role in this (or the fact that they are not even people).
So, tell me more about…your mother.
You mean like THIS?
ripping me apart
Freudian slip: when you say one thing but mean your mother.
Man, I’m getting an ominous Gendo Ikari vibe from Amanda.
Ha ! I was thinking the same thing ! Probably because of the way she’s tenting her fingers .
Gah! I wasn’t able to pin the ooky feeling I got from the last panel, but that’s it!
How could you compare the worst anime I’ve ever seen to this work of art?!?!
Amanda doesn’t look evil or ominous she looks like she’s cautious and listening. Maybe a little wary of another *POIT* to somewhere less than fantastic.
Nothing as stupid or counter productive as anything in Evangelion.
My vote for the next introduction is Tepoz, we haven’t seen him in a while and I’m sure both girls could use a nice stiff drink right about now.
Because of this. (You asked for it…)
Gendo’s not evil, just the ultimate scientist. Uncaring outside of his singular goals. Willing to put himself completely outside of emotional influence. Dedicated to helping a specific other as his whole focus.
I’ll agree with the “next introduction” item, though.
Is Monica saying that Amanda might have had a role in M’s being institutionalized, even if it was something as innocent as being interviewed by psycho-analysts about Monica?
And I vote Tepoz as the first person she meets. Amanda will need a stiff one after all Monica reveals to her.
Especially with childhood trauma, logic doesn’t fit in. You can feel betrayed because someone didn’t ride in and rescue you. M might intellectually know that her parents and A aren’t trying to hurt her, and that they did what they did for her own benefit. But somewhere inside, there is a little girl who blames them for the pain and fear.
A little girl, you say?
(Heh, rendered him speechless.)
Finally! Now were getting somewhere.
“Somewhere”, of course, being a relative term.
she may not be crazy but she seems to be acting it a tad. I cant recall well but i am sure she didnt go this loopy when she explained everything to kevin.
I spose the stuff monica has been through would send anyone abit fruitloop and since she feels amanda thinks shes nuts anyway – it would just emphasize the fact.
Kevin wasn’t accusatory. He was also calm and had aleady had Monica’s ability demonstrated to him.
It helped that Bud softened the blow somewhat when she got poited with him to his bed…
Kevin also wasn’t there when she was sent to the loony bin.
Atomic, I agree–the background and Monica’s garb are strong echoes of her time inside. I always love the texture and detail of Paul’s backgrounds–the weathered wood behind Monica in all but the top frame, and the fuseboxes and pipes on the wall behind Amanda all lend such great depth to the art.
I love Amanda’s expression in the final frame–is she scared? Intrigued? Waiting?
What exactly is behind M in the first frame? Plaster that’s been exposed to too much humidity? Or is it just an indicator of her emotional state, given that she’s standing in front of a wood background in the other two frames?
Shallow focus. Background out of focus
Or a painted cement wall. Common in basements upnort dere hey.
I vote Phix in all her winged glory. Tepoz and a stiff drink would just slow down Amanda’s thought process. Amanda can have that relief at the end of the day.
Even without the alcohol I think Tepoz would be the next step because he appears harmless. Phix, in her sphinx form, would probably scare Amanda senseless (which is not productive at all).
Sorry that should read:
would probably scare Amanda, in her current shocked state, senseless…
Or perhaps, crapless?
Nothing like a ‘poit’ in a pond (Yes,I know it was a lake but pond sounded better) to get Ones attention. Now that you’ve Vented Monica continue, your audience awaits.
That emotion is raw! Monica Means Business! I love it! Good job Paul.
You know, I think I’m on the Tepoz then Phix bandwagon on this one, but that may largely be due to the fact that I enjoy having Tepoz around in the strips.
Personally, I think Amanda could handle seeing Phix in her sphinxy glory since I don’t think Phix would go out of her way to be too terrifying after giving the invitation she did.
I think seeing Tina for what she is would be the kicker…though it would be a good opening to explain what really happened to Monica way back when she ended up being institutionalized.
…which might get us on the track to figure out what’s in those notebooks of Tina’s.
I am so diggin’ where this is going.
Amanda really needs a towel. Monica could ‘poit’ home, grab one AND Tepoz, and ‘poit’ back in a moment and kill two birds with one stone.
I like the way you’re thinking.
All that you need to drive a mule is a carrot and a stick. First, you gotta whack the mule between the eyes to get it’s attention, then you feed it the carrot to let it know that you’re still friendly…

Paul is one of the finest storytellers of this age, and a kickass artist to boot. I’m so glad I found Wapsi.
And, on that subject, I am so looking forward to the next Wapsi book…
Think we’ve got another year or so of strips to go before it’s ready.
If not first, then Ms Phix has to be second on the intro parade. She just has to start in humanoid form, then go total sphinx. Besides, the ‘Thiki has to have some awesome books on photography in it.
Forgot to mention something last week about “Deadliest Warrior” on behalf of Shelly:
Amanda’s still going to find a way to disprove Monica.
I think so, too. That “Okay… I’m listening…” reeks too much of “Well, if I haven’t witnessed crazy before, I sure as hell am going to now with her ‘explanation’…” Trouble is, Monica will be telling the truth and I’m afraid Amanda still will hardly believe any of it, despite having just been tele-dumped into a lake and back again, sopping wet clothes and all…
Reason why that won’t happen:
A: “I still don’t believe you, M.”
M: “Oh, no?” (POIT!) “Three, two, one…” (POIT)
A: (returns covered in even more lake water – and a fish flopping at her feet) “aaaaaiiigggh!!!!”
M: “Next time it’s the middle of Target Field.”
We need Bud to appear and belch out a rainforest of Bananas. Or Tepoz to make the most efficient alcohol that gets you stark raving mad and having 16 rave parties in your head drunk, but is perfectly safe and won’t cause alcohol poisoning.
For me this is pushing the envelope on character credibility.
It still feels like a whole series of external agents have manipulated Monica and Amanda to have this interplay.
The most redeeming situation would be if Monica actively went about convincing all the remaining main characters of the Wapsiverse. That way there would be more balance and fewer secrets. Plus it would fold more of my favorite characters back into the storyline.
Yes, I know that there was a preening about 5 years ago, but that culling unfortunately took most of my favorites with it.
Bottom line is that Monica is doing this “conversion” to Amanda and that just does not sit right with me.
Oh, my list from the old Wapsi Forum
Rank of the Wapsi Square Characters
1. Dietzel – Dog Extraordinaire
2. Jacquline Bontemps – Airy Heiress
3. Lakshmi Prasad – Not yet Architect
4. Amanda Ehrlich – Pic Girl
5. Owen Albrect – The Guy
6. Daren Watkins – Bar Teacher
7. Tina Rosario Aldaco Guzman – Caffeineology
8. Tepoztecal – Blue man reject
9. Monica Villarreal – The Heroine
10. Heather Mills – Strait Shooter
11. Katherine Gilchrist – Spider Eyes
12. Phix – Shhhhh!
13. Bud & Brandi & Gin – Mud Maidens
14. Luci – Tit for Tatt
15. Shelly Wahnee – Sheer Whining
First posted on Wapsi Square forum May 22, 2008
Yes, she was pushed into it by Tina and Phix but that’s probably because it’s good to have someone level headed who doesn’t take the supernatural stuff for granted to look at things.
As to telling more people, there are several arguments against that:
1) Somebody could panic.
2) When she reveals what’s going on she is not only divulging her secrets but the secrets of those around her (e.g. Bud, Tina, Phix, etc). You shouldn’t release information given to you in confidence without the permission of the person who told you that unless you have a GOOD reason. I’m still wondering how Monica is going to manage that.
3) If Jin doesn’t feel that she could trust Monica then she’s less likely to open up.
4) The information could cause the others to make assumptions about Monica and the other supernaturals. This may cause them to act in a way that, consciously or sub-consciously, hurts the people Monica is trying to look after/Monica herself (e.g. lynch mob or, more likely, talking to the people in a way that they don’t like).
5) The information could cause harm to the people who receive it (e.g. making them feel insecure and frightened).
It is the same Francisco here but, as I’m unsure about this computer, I’m using my backup e-mail address (which is already in the public domain).
I forgot:
6) One of the people Monica tells may, delibrately or inadvertantly, make the information public.
Thank you for making my point for me.
WHY involve Amanda? All your 6 points argue against the current storyline – thanks for agreeing with me.
Shit, dudes! this is getting ROGUE!!! (Monica’s WAY upset…)
I know that Bud (and I suspect Brandi too) doesn’t like dwelling on the past. How is Monica going to bring Amanda up to speed if one of the three (I’m assuming that Monica would ask them) refuses permission for Monica to mention their history? Then again, they may not like it but may concede that it’s necessary.
Amanda is taking a wait and see attitude with Monica, so Monica had better not blow this opportunity.
Very Well Said, Monica. Well Done.
The last frame, again. Amanda steps up to the interface between reality and what she thought was reality.
In the first panel Monica’s feet make her look a bit like a hobbit. Yea I know there is not hair but being a girl hobbit she may have less and/or shaved it.