good question! lol
It DOES kind of sound like a sarcastic way to tell someone off, doesn’t it?
Eww. I hope it isn’t both. Yuk.
I like how Tina put her hands behind her back while asking that. Like a defensive posture: “…MY butt?” =)
Tiiinaaaaaaaa I love you!
Something I couldn’t help noticing: I like how Tina had to think about Shelly’s question before asking about said question
What the My post was ^not^ supposed to be in ^resonse^ to someone else’s!
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good question! lol
It DOES kind of sound like a sarcastic way to tell someone off, doesn’t it?
Eww. I hope it isn’t both. Yuk.
I like how Tina put her hands behind her back while asking that. Like a defensive posture: “…MY butt?” =)
Tiiinaaaaaaaa I love you!
Something I couldn’t help noticing: I like how Tina had to think about Shelly’s question before asking about said question
What the

My post was ^not^ supposed to be in ^resonse^ to someone else’s!