Smile by Paul Taylor on June 2, 2016 at 11:35 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Atsali, Nadette Related Comics ¬ Human Slide Rule See You At Mesa Verde Empty Slot Finding You She Said She Said
So cy-uuuute!
I think Nadette’s got a perma-blush going on there…
But at least she’s got human ears and no tail, so she’s gotten that far…
100% of the recommended daily intake of adorableness 🙂
Smee-lay….I don’t get it…
I’d love, love, LOVE to be a bridesmaid at their wedding…I SOUND DIBS!!!
Nadette’s grip resembles a stranglehold, and she’s braced low, as if to exert any force she needs to hold on to Atsali. Nadette worries me.