03/04/2002 by Paul Taylor on March 4, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Amanda, Monica, Sally's Bar Patrons, ShellyLocation: Amanda's Place, Sally's Bar └ Tags: bad neighborhood, biker bar, motor oil makeover Related Comics ¬ 04/07/2003 Quitbeingapoop 05/07/2003 Whatconversation Called Me Psycho
LOL, Amanda’s freaking out and Monica is making friends.
I still wanna know the rest of this joke.
Over Here! ^_^
Giving us a look back in Monica’s family tree? Cool!
Yep, people are, in fact, getting killed over there.
The joke is:
A plumber is called to a house.
lady: my toilet is plugged up.
Plumber: Well, I’ll see what I can do.
On the way to the bathroom, she tells of how her 5 year old flushed an entire loaf of bread down the commode.
The plumber peers into the flooded john;
Lady: will you need the plunger?
Plumber: never mind the plunger; hand me the duck. 😀