03/06/2002 by Paul Taylor on March 6, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Amanda, ShellyLocation: Amanda's Place └ Tags: bad neighborhood, rescue mission Related Comics ¬ 10/31/2003 The Chase 04 05/14/2004 11/29/2004 Kept Her Safe
Man, what I wouldn’t give for an old Charger!!!
that definitely is a ’69 chevy camaro!
i can’t find a beginning comparing the differences …
Wasn’t talking about the Car in the picture, I was talking about the Bo Duke reference.
looks more like a cross between a ’67 Rally Sport Camaro with a Mustang coupe roofline… ’69 Camaros did not have door vent windows.
Shelly, when you do that, you are supposed to spin so your feet hit the ground with your torso balanced above it. Otherwise….well, you found out the otherwise part.