04/12/2002 by Paul Taylor on April 12, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Dietzel, Monica └ Tags: frisbee, park Related Comics ¬ An Alert Whatwasherebefore Snarky Comeback 08/06/2004 Tradeproblems
Just like those foam gym balls used for dodgeball. “Oh, this won’t hurt a bit!”
technically if they didnt hurt you wouldnt need to dodge out the way of them 🙂
If you can dodge a frisbee, you can dodge a ball.
Foam? I had rubber gym balls. I can still hear the “ftoong” noise they made.
Yeah, same here. I still remember the smell of those, especially when you can’t ignore it when they’re in your face…literally.
everyone lies about balls and hurting. Wait that sounded a little weird.
they make floppy fabric frisbees. She needs a stack of those for him.
What he needs is a catcher’s mask
The frisbee scene just made it hit me: Dietzl is clearly a cross between an earth dog breed and one of David Weber’s Treecats.
The frisbee went “ding”. Why is it made of metal? O.o
The frisbee is made out of metal because secretly Monica’s Grandpa Aaron was Captain America!!!XD
Dang it Dietzel! What have we said about thumbs?