10/15/2003 by Paul Taylor on October 15, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum Related Comics ¬ 11/17/2004 Getting Away Demon Shepherd 10/04/2002 12/17/2003
That’s a SPIRITED answer if ever I heard one! 😉
That deserves a brick through your window
Watch out, if you attract his attention like that, he may just SPIRIT you away.
This discussion will always haunt me.
Your comment, coupled with the wrist-slicing Jin avatar, is the best thing ever in the history of things that rule.
I’d try a pun, but I know when I haven’t got a ghost of a chance.
Do we need an in-specter of puns for the comments?