12/03/2003 by Paul Taylor on December 3, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum Related Comics ¬ Beeinyourbonnet 12/19/2001 Mummy Girl Seeyamonday Wapsiguestshortpacked
Guzman, I think…
Yes, but Monica doesn’t know that yet. In retrospect, Tepoz started some very important social interaction between them. And yet, he probably didn’t know that their paths had crossed before Minneapolis…
tepox did alot to help monica in these strips.
more than she ever awknowleged
poor tepoz… I feel bad for him. No one appreciates him.
One of the possible effects of alcohol?
Oh dear lord topaz became a giant!!!! (Panel 1)
God dang autocorrect! 😡
Not only him, the book on the desk beside him is HUGE… Wait that’s just perspective.
Uhm… Tina Starbucks???