Of course that “anti-aura” around her might indicate that she’s not really there – that Pablo just showed her to us so we’d know who Shelly is talking about…
Or that she’s listening in from Shelly’s conscious/the basement.
…gah. Now that is creepy. The idea that an animate nightmare (who may or may not be your conscious) is listening in to every… single… thing you are saying…
Goody. I think we’re about to start finding out more about Tina. I’m been wondering about what and who she is.
And I just know that Paul is building up to some bombshell he’ll drop on Friday that will leave to even more questions. And leaving me wanting the week-end to be other with.
What made Tina say “you’re talking about creepy girl?” Did we miss some part of the conversation between yesterday and today?
Also, is there some significance to the fact Paul repeated the line “She’s no longer a demon” in the last dialog baloon or is that just a mistake? Finally, was she just “a” demon? I thought she was all of Shelly’s demons fused into one?
Well the “Tina demons” could turn into something alike little miss creepy just in another way. Remember creepy was a collection of demons once before she got created from them in the vision quest. Since things are normaly more then the sums of theyr parts they are in way more “complicated”.
They are also already pretty consistent and aligned so i guess if they look into it they could become a entire personality.
It’s probably half way between replacing “as” with “as if” and simply removing it. The “as if” would be appropriate for Tina, but not at all for Shelly.
Reminds me of the two British naval officers who were marooned on a deserted island. They were in a terrible state until someone found them–and could finally formally introduce them to each other.
Also I taste a wee bit of hubris here? She seems as if she is talking and assuming alot about Tina and her lil pal isnt buying all of it. I might not be on point here but it seems so consistent with the newly confident that they frequently put their feet in their mouths… What am I saying… Shelly wouldnt do that.
Shelly and “Little Sister” back there have reached an accord, and it’s one step closer to understanding what’s going on with Tina. Also, it might mean Tina 2.0 needs to make peace with Original Recipie Tina. That’d be an adventure in itself.
That makes sense. It also could be that Tina saw Creepy Little Girl because Shelly thinking about her and perhaps mentally preparing to talk about her. It could be something that Tina is picking up from Shelly’s aura.
Go Shelly The Tina Collective should be think about their own development or what are they going to Next.
Now, that the demon portal is closed..and the vessel that they are “living” in, will not last of forever. What will they do next? Can they get to be a mortal? or Are they going to be loose demons on the planet, forever? But I am not sure, now, if they can combine like Creepy Girl has. You may need to still have their Host soul for that.
Who says the body can’t least forever? It seems to be powered by a supernatural source coming from immortal beings. Though the thing about becoming a single entity seems feasible as a future plot point.
They always show up behind you when you are talking about them, ALWAYS!
Ummm, Shelly, don’t look now, but…
Creepy cutie.
Or is it a cute creepie?
I thought a cuteepy was a description of something shaped like a small rod with blobs, as of cotton, on the ends.
That totally sounds like the name of a pokemon.
Cuteepy! I choose you!
heh she looks cute standing behind shelly
Of course that “anti-aura” around her might indicate that she’s not really there – that Pablo just showed her to us so we’d know who Shelly is talking about…
Or that she’s listening in from Shelly’s conscious/the basement.
…gah. Now that is creepy. The idea that an animate nightmare (who may or may not be your conscious) is listening in to every… single… thing you are saying…
3rd-ed. They Ay’s have it, she’s cute!
She’s cute, but she has that ‘sullen teenager forced to hang out with mom at the coffee shop’ look on her face…
Goody. I think we’re about to start finding out more about Tina. I’m been wondering about what and who she is.
And I just know that Paul is building up to some bombshell he’ll drop on Friday that will leave to even more questions. And leaving me wanting the week-end to be other with.
You have divined his evil plan.
Urkk..Stop evoking my demons of Dread and Impatience….
I’ve named mine Saturday and Sunday, respectively…
…and we see the meter slide from “Not A Clue” to “Get’s It!”
Shelly has not only found herself, she’s comfortable with it — making things even better than before! Well done!
Tina needs her own vision quest to get her own facets aligned.
And wind up assimilating all the separate entities into one entity? Would she still be the Tina we know?
…More than you know, Shelly?
What made Tina say “you’re talking about creepy girl?” Did we miss some part of the conversation between yesterday and today?
Also, is there some significance to the fact Paul repeated the line “She’s no longer a demon” in the last dialog baloon or is that just a mistake? Finally, was she just “a” demon? I thought she was all of Shelly’s demons fused into one?
Remember: She’s MET “Creepy Girl”.
True, but the conversation to that point never alluded to creepy girl.
Well the “Tina demons” could turn into something alike little miss creepy just in another way. Remember creepy was a collection of demons once before she got created from them in the vision quest. Since things are normaly more then the sums of theyr parts they are in way more “complicated”.
They are also already pretty consistent and aligned so i guess if they look into it they could become a entire personality.
Er. Paul, Shelly says ‘shes no longer a demon’ twice. Was she just reiterating for the emphasis?
I withdraw my question; SoWhyMe and I were typing at the same time
Driving home a fact for emphasis. Shelly’s speech pattern is purposefully clumsy and full of colloquial speech patterns.
What about “keeping people away *AS* out of fear of losing them”?
No clue how to parse that, and interesting no one else mentioned it.
It’s probably half way between replacing “as” with “as if” and simply removing it. The “as if” would be appropriate for Tina, but not at all for Shelly.
Ah, Okay, I can buy that.
Tina can come along on the road trip!
Wow..Shelly has had a “wisdom-growth-spurt”.
… showing that Shelly is indeed the right one to send on this hunt for the stone marker. Nice job, Shel.
Someone is making a cute, pouty face.
Kinda like, “I don’t wanna do this, mommy, but I guess we gotta.”
More like “Big Sis has been put in charge of watching me and I have to go with her and her friends are so lame and boring…”
Is Shelly going to introduce her to Tina now?
She and Tina have already met, following the evening at the Cerebrus Club and the drunken poit home. See:
Ahh yes, but a chance forced meeting does not a formal introduction make.
Reminds me of the two British naval officers who were marooned on a deserted island. They were in a terrible state until someone found them–and could finally formally introduce them to each other.
Pouty shadow in the closet.
Also I taste a wee bit of hubris here? She seems as if she is talking and assuming alot about Tina and her lil pal isnt buying all of it. I might not be on point here but it seems so consistent with the newly confident that they frequently put their feet in their mouths… What am I saying… Shelly wouldnt do that.
Shelly and “Little Sister” back there have reached an accord, and it’s one step closer to understanding what’s going on with Tina. Also, it might mean Tina 2.0 needs to make peace with Original Recipie Tina. That’d be an adventure in itself.
I’m guessing Tina spotted creepy girl behind Shelly, which is why she broached the subject…Shelly kind of took it and ran.
That makes sense. It also could be that Tina saw Creepy Little Girl because Shelly thinking about her and perhaps mentally preparing to talk about her. It could be something that Tina is picking up from Shelly’s aura.
Good points. Her reading abilities may extend beyond auras.
Shelly’s body language feels as awkward and forced as her speech…. Nice touch Paul…
Go Shelly The Tina Collective should be think about their own development or what are they going to Next.
Now, that the demon portal is closed..and the vessel that they are “living” in, will not last of forever. What will they do next? Can they get to be a mortal? or Are they going to be loose demons on the planet, forever? But I am not sure, now, if they can combine like Creepy Girl has. You may need to still have their Host soul for that.
Who says the body can’t least forever? It seems to be powered by a supernatural source coming from immortal beings. Though the thing about becoming a single entity seems feasible as a future plot point.
….Awww!!!! She’s so adorable when she pouts back there with her hands clasped behind her back.
To quote good ol’ Bill Murray; “I think it can hear you…”