Hmmm. Could we see a Pert flowchart of that sequence of events? Maybe an 8-by-10 color glossy complete with lines and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining just exactly how causality was or was not being violated?
[… and there on the other side… in the middle of the other side… away from everything else on the other side… in parentheses… capital letters… quotated… read the following words:]
Causality is a property of time, which is the 4th dimension. As stated, time means nothing to demons, who live on the 11th dimension. What’s a good analogy… Do birds violate the law of gravity when they fly? It is much the same.
They’re all wearing Gryphon High gym kit! In my head they broke out a box of the old-school tacky, purple-and-yellow kit that they tucked in a store room when they switched to a more modern colour scheme.
I don’t think so, from what’s being said here… at least, I don’t think it’s implied that she can time-travel personally. What she can do, though, is think about how to utilize the ability of beings which exist “outside of time” (demons) to accomplish things which would seem to be paradoxical.
If I understand what Paul is implying here (probably not), and remembering the history of what’s been shown (perhaps imperfectly) here’s my guess:
(1) About six thousand years ago, a bunch of Lanthian priests came to take Brandy as a sacrifice. She fought back, and in doing so accidentally caused the death of an innocent child… thus creating a Nu Gui succubus-spirit which latched onto her. The priests took her to be sacrificed and turned into a golem… she was too guilt-stricken to fight back any more.
(2) Somehow, before she died, she came to understood what was happening, and knew that she would eventually be dominated by the vengeful spirit of the Nu Gui. She couldn’t actually plan out a way to get rid of it without it knowing. Instead, she contacted the demon realm somehow and proposed a bargain: “I’ll help you set up a system which will protect you (and the Earth) against the Elder Gods. Part of my price is a favor I’ll ask you for in 6000 years – remind me when the time comes.”
(3) After those 6000 years pass (for Brandy), or in no time at all (for the demons), they have the meeting… Doubt says “Hey, Brandy, what’s the other part of that deal? What’s up?”. Brandy, now free of the Nu Gui but able to remember how she was set free, asks them to hop back in time a few years, and plant some tampered storage crystals in just the right place for Kath and Atsali and Bud to be able to use them to free her (Brandy) from the Nu Gui.
So, she managed to engineer her own escape, by remembering how her escape had happened and then asking the demons to make sure it really happened the way it had happened. And, she was able to do this by arranging (very early on) that she didn’t have to think about doing it, until after it was done… so the Nu Gui never learned about the tactic and couldn’t avoid it.
The Nu Gui was a subtle “chess-master”. Brandy seems to have defeated it, by having some important pieces moving around off of the visible chessboard and having the demons make “impossible” moves through time.
Like the time the 10’s TARDIS collided with 5’s TARDIS which would have resulted in the destruction of all space and time – except that 10 remembered being 5 and watching 10 solve the problem at the last second…
read carefully!
It is just like saying I had a deal with a guy in Brazil, and later he came from Spain, and finalized the deal.. Note I did not actually GO to Brazil or Spain…
Ah, the time tested recipe – Rest, Ice, Compression, Eleventh Dimension. Amazing how often it works. Sometimes used in conjunction with Advil or Blackthorn. Note: ASK the Blackthorn first. Politely!
Sooo, the present is acted upon by the past but is also influenced by the future due to present-day happenstance with formed in the past in correlation to the present in order prevent future occurrences from altering the past which could readily affect the present day? I need some aspirin and a nap…
Well at least Scarlet has graduated from slinging around needless insults at the scientists, who were understandably freaked out by the world warping around them and then unleashing what appeared to be a legion of specters.
Say, what happened to the Minotaur who was there? Does he have anything to say about this? Or will the women decide it all, and the men will just go along?
It’s good to see Monica and Doubt from the original crew again. Is it possible to have them appear a bit more often? I miss them.
Well, why didn’t you say that in the first place?
And if Brandy scares her Scarlett must be absolutly terrifying. Especially because of her connection to a certain gate gaurdian.
Typo Monica’s speech: “trap AN evil creature.”
Hmmm. Could we see a Pert flowchart of that sequence of events? Maybe an 8-by-10 color glossy complete with lines and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining just exactly how causality was or was not being violated?
(Also, should be “and trap an evil creature”)
I’m completely lost. I’ll just be over here on the Group W bench.
[… and there on the other side… in the middle of the other side… away from everything else on the other side… in parentheses… capital letters… quotated… read the following words:]
With the pencils….
Causality is a property of time, which is the 4th dimension. As stated, time means nothing to demons, who live on the 11th dimension. What’s a good analogy… Do birds violate the law of gravity when they fly? It is much the same.
Is it just me, or did the causality affect the size of ……things ??? :O) :p
Ah, Monica. We’ve been missing both of you.
yes we missed both of her too!!!
there is more on the 34 plane though…
The 34FF plane to be exact.
Xerxes, I’m pretty sure she’s canonically WELL down the alphabet cup-wise, though her band is somewhere in the 20’s?
Furthermore, isn’t Wapsi’s R34 site just the Patreon?
nope, its Rule, not R :)…
do a search!
They’re all wearing Gryphon High gym kit! In my head they broke out a box of the old-school tacky, purple-and-yellow kit that they tucked in a store room when they switched to a more modern colour scheme.
Um…is there a link to the t-shirts?
I’m more concerned with why Scarlet didn’t need to make a sudden clothing change like they did
So Brandy is able to shift back and forth through time?
I don’t think so, from what’s being said here… at least, I don’t think it’s implied that she can time-travel personally. What she can do, though, is think about how to utilize the ability of beings which exist “outside of time” (demons) to accomplish things which would seem to be paradoxical.
If I understand what Paul is implying here (probably not), and remembering the history of what’s been shown (perhaps imperfectly) here’s my guess:
(1) About six thousand years ago, a bunch of Lanthian priests came to take Brandy as a sacrifice. She fought back, and in doing so accidentally caused the death of an innocent child… thus creating a Nu Gui succubus-spirit which latched onto her. The priests took her to be sacrificed and turned into a golem… she was too guilt-stricken to fight back any more.
(2) Somehow, before she died, she came to understood what was happening, and knew that she would eventually be dominated by the vengeful spirit of the Nu Gui. She couldn’t actually plan out a way to get rid of it without it knowing. Instead, she contacted the demon realm somehow and proposed a bargain: “I’ll help you set up a system which will protect you (and the Earth) against the Elder Gods. Part of my price is a favor I’ll ask you for in 6000 years – remind me when the time comes.”
(3) After those 6000 years pass (for Brandy), or in no time at all (for the demons), they have the meeting… Doubt says “Hey, Brandy, what’s the other part of that deal? What’s up?”. Brandy, now free of the Nu Gui but able to remember how she was set free, asks them to hop back in time a few years, and plant some tampered storage crystals in just the right place for Kath and Atsali and Bud to be able to use them to free her (Brandy) from the Nu Gui.
So, she managed to engineer her own escape, by remembering how her escape had happened and then asking the demons to make sure it really happened the way it had happened. And, she was able to do this by arranging (very early on) that she didn’t have to think about doing it, until after it was done… so the Nu Gui never learned about the tactic and couldn’t avoid it.
The Nu Gui was a subtle “chess-master”. Brandy seems to have defeated it, by having some important pieces moving around off of the visible chessboard and having the demons make “impossible” moves through time.
You are smart. You are strong. You make things go.
Like the time the 10’s TARDIS collided with 5’s TARDIS which would have resulted in the destruction of all space and time – except that 10 remembered being 5 and watching 10 solve the problem at the last second…
read carefully!

It is just like saying I had a deal with a guy in Brazil, and later he came from Spain, and finalized the deal.. Note I did not actually GO to Brazil or Spain…
Ah, the time tested recipe – Rest, Ice, Compression, Eleventh Dimension. Amazing how often it works. Sometimes used in conjunction with Advil or Blackthorn. Note: ASK the Blackthorn first. Politely!
Sooo, the present is acted upon by the past but is also influenced by the future due to present-day happenstance with formed in the past in correlation to the present in order prevent future occurrences from altering the past which could readily affect the present day? I need some aspirin and a nap…
I like how all the Tees are SMALL & VERY TIGHT FITTING. M would tear them apart it she tried one on.
Well at least Scarlet has graduated from slinging around needless insults at the scientists, who were understandably freaked out by the world warping around them and then unleashing what appeared to be a legion of specters.
Bud looks like she’s ready to go for a Lay-up! ……. Wait, that doesn’t sound quite right.
Perhaps she and Kevin can go One on One ?
Say, what happened to the Minotaur who was there? Does he have anything to say about this? Or will the women decide it all, and the men will just go along?