The USA’s drinking age of 21 years is almost unique in the world. Most other country’s consider it borderline absurd.
Most certainly it’s not “normal” or “standard” anywhere else.
(Oh, and for the record, the drinking age is 19 in Canada. Come on up and have a good time! Just enjoy in moderation like an adult instead of drinking yourself into into unconsciousness like an asshole, if you please. )
I thought I remember something in a past story line (perhaps around the time Atsali got her job at the beer garden) that said that the “legal age” for paranormals was less than the legal age for humans. (Of course that wouldn’t be reflected in ordinary public law.)
When they were hired, the owner told them he ran the place for Paras, and explained that they were being hired as Bouncers, not just Hostesses. I somehow doubt they or their friends are going to be “Carded” here. Here’s a better question:
Semantically, or any other way, what exactly is the difference between a “Ghost” and a “Spirit?”
A “Spirit” would be bound to a creature, object, or location and could be referred to as its “essence” or “soul”, whereas a “Ghost” would be a Spirit that is separated from its bond but has not “passed on”, remaining in the mortal plane of existence. However, the two terms are not mutually exclusive: a person can die and their Spirit becomes a Ghost, but then they become attached to a certain object important to them in life, thus being both a Ghost of the person and a Spirit of that object; a Poltergeist could be the Spirit of an area (often a house), either as the area itself or as a Ghost who is bound in some way to that area; and so on.
Granted, this is just the common interpretation (greatly simplified and written from memory). I have no idea how it works in the Wapsiverse.
Wait a sec — did a Time Jump just occur?
On the 2 Dec 2019 strip, there’s the reference to Cas & Co spending their first night at the mansion — but that trip happened in the Spring (we just had a artist discontinuity delaying the conclusion). This strip today says “Winter Break” — if this strip is a direct follow-on from the prior ones, wouldn’t this be their Summer Break
I don’t mean “they’re drunk and thus mistaken”… I mean that the beer is messing up the timeline.
Remember, although the school is in Japan, this is an as-authentic-as-practical German-style bierhaus. The owner decided to go with a traditional “old German” brew this year, using a recipe from back before brewing hops in beer was a thing. In the old times, they used to use a variety of different herbs to bitter and preserve beer and ale… yarrow, heather, horehound, rosemary, all sorts of things.
The brewmaster happened to choose a variety of thyme… specifically “warped thyme” (species Thymus wibbliwobbli doctorii) and as soon as the first samples were imbibed, the timeline went all to heck.
Once it wears off, the ladies may or may not find themselves back in June, just in time for finals.
Thank You Irish [May I call you BO’B?] that was actually quite helpful. A Physics Professor of mine maintained that “ghosts” weren’t fundamentally different from any other phenomena that require examination, just poorly reported, and analyzed. Dr. Santarelli always insisted that whatever Ghosts are, Sentients, or simply Recordings, no Observable Phenomena could violate the First Law of Thermodynamics [also called T.A.N.S.T.A.A.F.L. – There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.]
I believe the legal age for paras, as per an earlier comic, was 16? This was when Atsali and her gf were having a sleepover at her gf’s parent’s cabin.
Well, they are in college. So I guess they’re old enough.
The USA’s drinking age of 21 years is almost unique in the world. Most other country’s consider it borderline absurd.
Most certainly it’s not “normal” or “standard” anywhere else.
(Oh, and for the record, the drinking age is 19 in Canada. Come on up and have a good time! Just enjoy in moderation like an adult instead of drinking yourself into into unconsciousness like an asshole, if you please.
Well, they must be at least 20, that’s the minimum legal drinking age in Japan. (Google is your friend . . .)
I thought I remember something in a past story line (perhaps around the time Atsali got her job at the beer garden) that said that the “legal age” for paranormals was less than the legal age for humans. (Of course that wouldn’t be reflected in ordinary public law.)
When Atsali and Nadette overdid the eggnog, the age of 16 is mentioned as applying to paras.
It might apply to public law in Japan.
When they were hired, the owner told them he ran the place for Paras, and explained that they were being hired as Bouncers, not just Hostesses. I somehow doubt they or their friends are going to be “Carded” here. Here’s a better question:
Semantically, or any other way, what exactly is the difference between a “Ghost” and a “Spirit?”
A “Spirit” would be bound to a creature, object, or location and could be referred to as its “essence” or “soul”, whereas a “Ghost” would be a Spirit that is separated from its bond but has not “passed on”, remaining in the mortal plane of existence. However, the two terms are not mutually exclusive: a person can die and their Spirit becomes a Ghost, but then they become attached to a certain object important to them in life, thus being both a Ghost of the person and a Spirit of that object; a Poltergeist could be the Spirit of an area (often a house), either as the area itself or as a Ghost who is bound in some way to that area; and so on.
Granted, this is just the common interpretation (greatly simplified and written from memory). I have no idea how it works in the Wapsiverse.
Happy times… when is the shoe going to hit them all in the head?
And here we haven’t seen much of Big Bird & her cohorts in awhile…
Wait a sec — did a Time Jump just occur?
On the 2 Dec 2019 strip, there’s the reference to Cas & Co spending their first night at the mansion — but that trip happened in the Spring (we just had a artist discontinuity delaying the conclusion). This strip today says “Winter Break” — if this strip is a direct follow-on from the prior ones, wouldn’t this be their Summer Break
The beer is to blame.
I don’t mean “they’re drunk and thus mistaken”… I mean that the beer is messing up the timeline.
Remember, although the school is in Japan, this is an as-authentic-as-practical German-style bierhaus. The owner decided to go with a traditional “old German” brew this year, using a recipe from back before brewing hops in beer was a thing. In the old times, they used to use a variety of different herbs to bitter and preserve beer and ale… yarrow, heather, horehound, rosemary, all sorts of things.
The brewmaster happened to choose a variety of thyme… specifically “warped thyme” (species Thymus wibbliwobbli doctorii) and as soon as the first samples were imbibed, the timeline went all to heck.
Once it wears off, the ladies may or may not find themselves back in June, just in time for finals.
uh huh. Hokay….
Thank You Irish [May I call you BO’B?] that was actually quite helpful. A Physics Professor of mine maintained that “ghosts” weren’t fundamentally different from any other phenomena that require examination, just poorly reported, and analyzed. Dr. Santarelli always insisted that whatever Ghosts are, Sentients, or simply Recordings, no Observable Phenomena could violate the First Law of Thermodynamics [also called T.A.N.S.T.A.A.F.L. – There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.]
That acronym reminds me of Larry Niven…
I believe it’s originally from Heinlein’s “The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress”.
Robert Heinlein confirmed
Tanstaafl predates RAH by quite a bit. he just popularized it
The one Larry Niven invented/popularized was “TANJ”, a swear word standing for “There Ain’t No Justice”.
I believe the legal age for paras, as per an earlier comic, was 16? This was when Atsali and her gf were having a sleepover at her gf’s parent’s cabin.
Woops looks like I was too late?
Hmmm… where is this place?
Location: Dragon’s Wall College, Franz’s Tokyo Beer Garden