Much better than the trash reboot, where they reversed everything just to make NuSpock more ‘manly’ (he got to bed NuUhura, he got to beat the shit out of Kahn, he got to save NuKirk’s life)
I’d argue differently only because there is something very japanese about anime verses other forms of animation. Given source of the art it’s not much of a surprise… lol
hate to disappoint that is not happening… that’s like taking a girl on a first date to see the movie 7… “Game over man game over….” lol (not one of my better life choices btw…)
OK, so it’s mixing metaphors, but the message is clear: ‘Take your date to see the Gruesome Movie and it will stick to you when it comes to smoochie-time…’. ‘So, yes- “Game Over Maaaan…” I understand completely and it’s why that first Me&Her&Her didn’t take place. Cause I’m so smart. Yes I am…
Actually, taking a date to a scary movie rather than a romantic one is, usually, the better choice: one is more likely to have them jumping into your arms, the other will leave them crying and judging you badly compared to the main love-interest
@Dave There’s an epilogue movie that follows the 11 episodes. While it clocks in at close to 2 hours, rather than 22 minutes, it does explain Steve’s tally. Though Steve is still right, the length of the 11 episodes alone still totals to about the same length as an extended cut of a Jackson LOTR film. All but the most dedicated would falter at that sort of binge; For a geekdom newbie like Shawna, Castela is definitely running her ragged.
They might have meant Toradora? Which does have a touch of bittersweet, but is still less of a tearjerker.
If she REALLY wants to break out of this rut though, I’d suggest Gurren Lagann to get the testosterone going! Or perhaps there’s a Yuri title hiding in the queue somewhere? Sasemeki Koto? Maria-Sama?
Personally, I found the reveal of Another to be a little too obvious. I also recall it being quite heavy-handed about some things where a little subtlety would’ve worked better. Still, a very much ok anime.
Wow! Paul stuck a nerve!
I do not watch anime myself — don’t watch much of anything — much prefer to read. But for those that do, Amazon Prime has an anime channel. I have no clue as to the quality … .
If you want to counter Feels, you need something light and silly, like Azumanga Daioh, K-On!, Nichijou, Gintama, and Princess Jellyfish, or even FLCL or Girls und Panzer if you want to mix in action as well. Most of Studio Ghibli’s library, and the classics like Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, or KareKano (His and Her Circumstances) work too. Somebody up there in the comments suggested Gurren Lagann, but I personally think Studio Trigger’s work (TTGL, Kill la Kill, Panty&Stocking, etc.) is better suited for countering shows that take themselves too seriously, such as Guilty Crown and the second half of Evangelion, than for countering Feels.
The best thing, really, would be to find out what Shawna’s favorite genre is and go from there. Anime has something available for EVERY taste.
Azumanga Daioh! Or the favorite in our house; Oran High School Host Club! There’s still some feels in that, but they’re pretty well hidden in the silliness!
Only problem with Azumanga Daioh is that you’ll have a sudden urge to open a coffee shop in Western Massachusetts and start dating skinny indie boys who work in all-girls college libraries.
(Blink blink)
Well damn!
It’s an interesting feeling to see almost the exact words of my comment under the previous page appear in the dialogue of this one. Can’t say it’s never happened before, but still very neat! ^_^
What’s happened here Paul? Is this a “Great minds think alike” or did I actually help you out with the wording?
If I had to recommend any one thing to anyone new to this stuff, I’m honestly not sure what to go with. Perhaps Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood? You get your feels, you get your comedy, you get your action and all that all in one place. But it’s also longer than you might want for an entry level sort of deal.
A lot of my other favorites feel like you’d have to really know what they’re into already to recommend it to them. One Punch Man is always on my rewatch list, but that’ll be hit or miss. I was thinking of doing another Overlord binge sooner or later, same sort of deal there. Hellsing is definitely gonna be too much for some people in the blood and violence direction, stuff like High School DxD or Trinity Seven will be too much in the ecchi direction for some whether they’d like everything else in it or not.
I prefer just not recommending stuff to anyone at all unless they went out of their way to ask me about it. Which might sound insincere after all this name dropping I just did, I guess, but most of those are just easy examples I can think of for how a recommendation could flop if you’re not careful.
I remember some shows from when I was still in my latter elementary school years at the U.S. naval base in Yokosuka Japan
One of the shows — Doraemon had been on the air for (apparently) MANY many years
Another anime series that I grew to really like (while I was living at that naval base) is the great•grandmother of magical•girl anime ”Sally the Witch” ( 魔法使いサリー [
“Mahōtsukai Sarī” in romanji ])
Yeah; kinda like me with STAR TREK II (I still cry over that)
“I have been and always will be your friend.”
Much better than the trash reboot, where they reversed everything just to make NuSpock more ‘manly’ (he got to bed NuUhura, he got to beat the shit out of Kahn, he got to save NuKirk’s life)
“… no …”
Capt. Kirk* is doing an appearance in Northern California right about now (Film Festival) as they screen ‘Wrath of Khan’ and have a Q&A after…
*(I mean that great Canadian; William Shatner…)
Why Star Trek II was and still is the best Trek movie, bar none. (Star Trek VI gives it a run for its money though)
I lost all interest in any “Star Trek” except The Original Series.
I’d argue differently only because there is something very japanese about anime verses other forms of animation. Given source of the art it’s not much of a surprise… lol
I’m going to show “your” Another!?
I’m starting to wonder how they can tell the difference between the anime and their own lives.
Real life hurts less…
Come on, Castella. Put down the video and start smooching. That’s what Shawna is there for.
hate to disappoint that is not happening… that’s like taking a girl on a first date to see the movie 7… “Game over man game over….” lol (not one of my better life choices btw…)
Umm, wasn’t “Game over man, game over” from “Aliens”? o_O
OK, so it’s mixing metaphors, but the message is clear: ‘Take your date to see the Gruesome Movie and it will stick to you when it comes to smoochie-time…’. ‘So, yes- “Game Over Maaaan…” I understand completely and it’s why that first Me&Her&Her didn’t take place. Cause I’m so smart. Yes I am…
Actually, taking a date to a scary movie rather than a romantic one is, usually, the better choice: one is more likely to have them jumping into your arms, the other will leave them crying and judging you badly compared to the main love-interest
Good lord, she just sat through twelve, 22-minute episodes! Let the lady stretch, get her a drink! For Mercys sake, a bathroom break!
Which ‘Anime’ do you think she just watched?
properdave Anohana is 12 episodes 22 mins each…
Wikipedia describes Anohana as 11 episodes, and that’s how many are available at Crunchyroll.
Perhaps there is a blooper-reel episode being passed around on the dark web?
@Dave There’s an epilogue movie that follows the 11 episodes. While it clocks in at close to 2 hours, rather than 22 minutes, it does explain Steve’s tally. Though Steve is still right, the length of the 11 episodes alone still totals to about the same length as an extended cut of a Jackson LOTR film. All but the most dedicated would falter at that sort of binge; For a geekdom newbie like Shawna, Castela is definitely running her ragged.
You want feels try Haibane Renmei
True dat.
I don’t think Shawna’s going to like the elevator scene much in that second series…
That last scene at the tree is a thermonuclear onion-chopper.
… I get the feeling that our little sprout is creating a monster.
“Another” is also legally available for free over on Yahoo View (a spinoff from Hulu):
The series is a slow burn through the first few episodes and then OHMYGOD! Recommended.
An update from the future:
“After four years, Yahoo View has come to an end. We have enjoyed giving you the best in your favorite free shows and movies….”
For F*cks sake, show her My Neighbor Toreador or Howl’s Moving Castle.
no no no. The World God Only Knows or Heavens Lost property… (Heheh Panty Birds)
I think you mean My Neighbor Totoro.
for those in the real world, Fathom Events is doing their Studio Ghibli fest again (including both of those) on the big screen over this year:
They might have meant Toradora? Which does have a touch of bittersweet, but is still less of a tearjerker.
If she REALLY wants to break out of this rut though, I’d suggest Gurren Lagann to get the testosterone going! Or perhaps there’s a Yuri title hiding in the queue somewhere? Sasemeki Koto? Maria-Sama?
Great Scott! (heh) Thx for letting me know, I missed a couple last go ’round…
How about A Certain Scientific Railgun!
She goes from Anohana straight onto Another? What’s she going to put the girl through next, “When They Cried”?
Clannad and After Story.
Personally, I found the reveal of Another to be a little too obvious. I also recall it being quite heavy-handed about some things where a little subtlety would’ve worked better. Still, a very much ok anime.
Apparently, Castilla’s taste in anime runs toward “Things that start with an ‘A’.”
Nah, she’s just working through her collection alphabetically
No Stela, to counter the feels of that first viewing, you needs to show something light and fun, like “Urotsukodiji”
I have hired this albatross to stare at you.
FLCL. That is all.
Daily Life of Highschool Boys. Fight me.
Ouran Highschool Host Club?
Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend, that’s what you meant…
I think you meant Serial Experiments Lain.
Deliberate misspelling, to force people to look it up >:} (that’s meant to be an evil grin :P)
(oops, Guesticus ninja’d me and I didn’t even notice…)
Well, did mention it last page, as one of the first (or at least earliest) anime watched (got the double-feature DVD with both movies)
Wow! Paul stuck a nerve!
I do not watch anime myself — don’t watch much of anything — much prefer to read. But for those that do, Amazon Prime has an anime channel. I have no clue as to the quality … .
there is also and and a BUNCH of pirate sites.
good taste
If you want to counter Feels, you need something light and silly, like Azumanga Daioh, K-On!, Nichijou, Gintama, and Princess Jellyfish, or even FLCL or Girls und Panzer if you want to mix in action as well. Most of Studio Ghibli’s library, and the classics like Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, or KareKano (His and Her Circumstances) work too. Somebody up there in the comments suggested Gurren Lagann, but I personally think Studio Trigger’s work (TTGL, Kill la Kill, Panty&Stocking, etc.) is better suited for countering shows that take themselves too seriously, such as Guilty Crown and the second half of Evangelion, than for countering Feels.
The best thing, really, would be to find out what Shawna’s favorite genre is and go from there. Anime has something available for EVERY taste.
Loved K-On!, one of my favourites. Let’s see, Light and silly hmmm? How about Little Busters. (runs away).
Azumanga Daioh! Or the favorite in our house; Oran High School Host Club! There’s still some feels in that, but they’re pretty well hidden in the silliness!
Only problem with Azumanga Daioh is that you’ll have a sudden urge to open a coffee shop in Western Massachusetts and start dating skinny indie boys who work in all-girls college libraries.
I’m sorry. I actually got that reference, but I don’t see the connection.
I am liking these last few pages, lots of anime I haven’t heard about. Yay, new stuff to binge.
Anohana? Good gods, that’s dropping her in the deep end. At least Cass spared her the heart-fuck that is Clannad and Clannad; After Story.
I remember a joke from back in the day:
How do you make an anime fan cry? Da-an-jo, danjo, danjo, danjo…
Meh… ‘Another’ lost me at the end. The last three episodes seemed more ‘clear out the gene pool’ rather then horror/thriller.
(Blink blink)
Well damn!
It’s an interesting feeling to see almost the exact words of my comment under the previous page appear in the dialogue of this one. Can’t say it’s never happened before, but still very neat! ^_^
What’s happened here Paul? Is this a “Great minds think alike” or did I actually help you out with the wording?
Personally as much as I liked “Another”, I think it’s only for hardcore anime fans. That second episode may be the most dramatic thing I’ve ever seen.
That should read tramatic.
My fiance and I watched another a few months back. It didn’t make me cry but it was close
If I had to recommend any one thing to anyone new to this stuff, I’m honestly not sure what to go with. Perhaps Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood? You get your feels, you get your comedy, you get your action and all that all in one place. But it’s also longer than you might want for an entry level sort of deal.
A lot of my other favorites feel like you’d have to really know what they’re into already to recommend it to them. One Punch Man is always on my rewatch list, but that’ll be hit or miss. I was thinking of doing another Overlord binge sooner or later, same sort of deal there. Hellsing is definitely gonna be too much for some people in the blood and violence direction, stuff like High School DxD or Trinity Seven will be too much in the ecchi direction for some whether they’d like everything else in it or not.
I prefer just not recommending stuff to anyone at all unless they went out of their way to ask me about it. Which might sound insincere after all this name dropping I just did, I guess, but most of those are just easy examples I can think of for how a recommendation could flop if you’re not careful.
I remember some shows from when I was still in my latter elementary school years at the U.S. naval base in Yokosuka Japan

One of the shows — Doraemon had been on the air for (apparently) MANY many years
Another anime series that I grew to really like (while I was living at that naval base) is the great•grandmother of magical•girl anime ”Sally the Witch” ( 魔法使いサリー [
“Mahōtsukai Sarī” in romanji ])