🤦♂️ Well Hiroshi is officially in Thermal Protection shutdown…and I’m getting the impression that Mindy’s mom, in addition to being the daughter of Aphrodite, may also have been the trigger for the Summer of Love back in ’67.
Also…I don’t know just how widespread the abodes of the Wapsi Square Gryphon High students actually are…but, if the two of them live relatively close to the school, they could walk home.
Translation: 1) Mom already did her due diligence on Hiroshi. And 2) momma is the daugjter of the actual goddess of love. It is relatively easy to think that she is the “love is love” type. That and I am expecting that her daughter has wards other than her glasses that help to protect her from bad people.
Why do I get the feeling that her mom is on the other end of that just cackling and rubbing her hands…. “just as planned.” XD I mean, no grand kids until she’s in her twenties at least though… hopefully.
Mom, always looking out for her. 😆
Up to and including the surreptitious placing of certain safety devices in her purse, it would seem.
And I love the Castela face on Hiroshi!
I love the smell of brains frying in the evening! Lets me know I’m alive!
🤦♂️ Well Hiroshi is officially in Thermal Protection shutdown…and I’m getting the impression that Mindy’s mom, in addition to being the daughter of Aphrodite, may also have been the trigger for the Summer of Love back in ’67.
Ah, the mother of all hippies (maybe quote literally)
Arghh. QUITE not quote. Lol
Yeah, I made that mistake too, Granddaughter of Aphrodite. You need another generation.
Mindy’s mum knowing what size condoms to buy shouldn’t bother us at all 😉
Easy answer. Buy several sizes, flavors and textures and put them all in the bag.
I wish we could have heard Mindy’s mother’s end of the conversation. The Voice of Reason.
Also…I don’t know just how widespread the abodes of the Wapsi Square Gryphon High students actually are…but, if the two of them live relatively close to the school, they could walk home.
I doubt they live nearby. I believe Ber and ‘Dette live in the Great North Woods of MN, not necessarily the Twin Cities proper.
I was wondering if any of them knew how to drive a car.
have you read “All the Bridges Rusting” by Larry Niven??
They are both going into circuit overload. This is going to be an awkward 12 hours for those 2.
I expect that the awkwardness will not last the entire time. At some point, hormones will override brains.
I’M ROLLING!!! Especially with the look on Hiroshi’s face hearing just Mindy’s side of the conversation with her mom.😅😄😅😄😅😄😅😄
Setup City.
You’re 18 dear, you can do this sort of thing now. No need to call mommy. Mommy’s good.
Translation: 1) Mom already did her due diligence on Hiroshi. And 2) momma is the daugjter of the actual goddess of love. It is relatively easy to think that she is the “love is love” type. That and I am expecting that her daughter has wards other than her glasses that help to protect her from bad people.
I started thinking of the movie, “IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT” 1934 Clark Gable & Claudette Colbert.
Oooooo, This is going to be Fun!
Great movie!
Are the Walls of Jericho about to fall?
There could be very real danger here. Fires break out when you rub two teenagers together.
Gotta say it. Mindys Mom has got it going on. (clink – jar donation included)
What you did there. I see it. I approve.
DUN-DUN- DUNNN! Well i was wrong about her age. but this is still heading in the direction of large censor bars.
Or a sudden scene change.
or a video clip of Conway Twitty singing “Linda On My Mind”.
Her being a succubus, Hiroshi fixing to find out how well Mindy can curl his toenails.
Mindy is a granddaughter of Aphrodite, not a succubus
Mindy‘s _mom_ is the granddaughter of AphrodIte 🤨
Mindy is Aphrodite’s GREAT•granddaughter 🙄
Mindy’s mom is all like “good luck. Have fun!”
Surprise sleepover!
Surprise sleepunder!
I had to work so much harder to achieve these circumstances at that age…
Call mom, expecting a normal parent’s reaction to these matters.
(Did you see what I did there? Hey, she’s at least an aunt. Probably the cool aunt. Since Mindy’s a Demi, maybe her mother.)
Okay, so maybe her grandmother, not her mother. I had forgotten how many generations were between Aphrodite and Mindy.
Why do I get the feeling that her mom is on the other end of that just cackling and rubbing her hands…. “just as planned.” XD I mean, no grand kids until she’s in her twenties at least though… hopefully.
One part this, one part “At least I know she has protection.”
At least mom prepped her beforehand.
I’m relieved MY mom didn’t leave me hanging on the line like that…