Seems like Jin’s mind wandered, and took her along for company. Was she even aware of her little episode? Tune in next time when we hear somebody say: “Crank up the Bonanza, baby! It’s high time these socks took us to dinner!”
Those are danged cheap bagels. But it’s the scones that are available in either cranberry or blueberry, the bagels are just plain. I’ll have a cranberry scone and a latte with 20 shots please. Can’t IV caffeine so I gotta get it as quick as possible. And I just love scones.
I went cruising the archives for some background on the story and came up with what passed for existential navel-gazing the first year of the comic: What grade are you in?
I had to read the dialog to figure out who was whom, except for the barkeep, he still looks pretty much the same, even though the group doesn’t spend as much time there as they used to back in 2001-2
You can always tell when Jin leaves the building because her pupils become really round. It’s happened ever since we were first introduced to “Crazy Jin.”
Perhaps Tina is being considered by Jin as an appropriate vessel for her dead mother’s soul…..and not Monica. Tina’s demons need guidance – and someone to offer all that ‘good advise’ to.
Yep, need a sarcasm font for a comment like that.
“Bonkers in my book”? Yeesh… there’s the pot calling the kettle black. Everyone’s crazy but thee and me… and sometimes even thee’s a bit crazy.
*Ahem* The pot calling the kettle African-American. [snicker]
You! the pun jar is over here. You know what to do…
Tina is a good judge of sanity.
In others.
She knows it when she sees it.
If Tina considers that crazy…dear god.
“Crazy is as crazy does, my momma always said. Want some chock-o-lates?”
Looks like Monica is awake, and Jin’s just bats.
I do like her Shelly-esque haircut though.
You didn’t notice the change of pupils, stance and even apparent height? Um. I think someone wasn’t home for a bit, but is now.
I said Mama weer all crazee now.
A dozen cranberry bagels for four bucks?
Tina, you’re an angel!
dangit now I want a cranberry bagel
Hey, with a little extra sugar, cranberry bagels could work. Does Philly make a turkey gravy schmear?
I’ll stick with raisin bagels myself, they go much better with regular cream cheese.
I was just thinking that’s a good price! I’ll take the blueberry, thanks!
$3.99 for a dozen bagels?! Now THAT’S bonkers.
in a good way!
Bagels!? Who’s got bagels?
Seems like Jin’s mind wandered, and took her along for company. Was she even aware of her little episode? Tune in next time when we hear somebody say: “Crank up the Bonanza, baby! It’s high time these socks took us to dinner!”
For some reason, I really love the chalk board in the background. The writing looks so realistic! X3
“Have a good day!”
I have to say, these last few strips have just been amazing… I stand in total awe
Damnit, I’m hungry for scones bought from a demon barrista.
I guess I’ll just go feed on the blood of the innocents again… *sigh*
Those are danged cheap bagels. But it’s the scones that are available in either cranberry or blueberry, the bagels are just plain. I’ll have a cranberry scone and a latte with 20 shots please. Can’t IV caffeine so I gotta get it as quick as possible. And I just love scones.
I went cruising the archives for some background on the story and came up with what passed for existential navel-gazing the first year of the comic: What grade are you in?
I had to read the dialog to figure out who was whom, except for the barkeep, he still looks pretty much the same, even though the group doesn’t spend as much time there as they used to back in 2001-2
Wow! the art really got loads better in the last ~13 episodes.
Keep up the good w**k.
I just had a wild thought…
Tina is basically an empty room that’s run by her demons.
Jin is basically a ‘canopic jar’ with the soul of a dead woman.
Will Jin need a new body?
Will Tina fill that role?
Will the two become one?
Will dogs and cats live together?
Find out next time on Wapsi Square! A New Moon Production.
Will dickless wonders roam the streets?
I’m starting to find Tina’s existence a moot point. She doesn’t seem really that insane…
Props to Dusty on the catch with the eyes. Makes me want to look at the last couple of comics to see which state of mind she’s in…
You can always tell when Jin leaves the building because her pupils become really round. It’s happened ever since we were first introduced to “Crazy Jin.”
Perhaps Tina is being considered by Jin as an appropriate vessel for her dead mother’s soul…..and not Monica. Tina’s demons need guidance – and someone to offer all that ‘good advise’ to.
Yep, need a sarcasm font for a comment like that.
Her eyes just changed, just as her mood/personality.