youd be surprised what you can get away with when moving places in a crowded con. I had to run interference for Rex Lang and some female voice actor whos name escapes me… 2 years ago at Otakon when he got lost in the con building. If you got body checked by a guy Dressed as FireFlower Mario while a Voice actor was tailing close behind him… that was me.
Cas is getting possessive to a point well beyond ‘cute’ or even justified, but that’s just me. And in the last panel, I can’t tell if Tim is afraid of the one in front, or the one behind him. So again, going a wee bit too far afield.
Anyone else find it a little disturbing that the two adults in the top panel are talking about a child as if he wasn’t right there? Like, ‘sorry I have a name, you didn’t bother asking, or talking to me, or trying to find out, bye!’
Also, “Bye Felicia” is a line borrowed from a 1995 movie – and apparently the name of a 2014 TV show as well, and trying to be an internet meme – to tell someone they are unimportant and should go away.
I actually just saw “Friday” for the first time on…Friday…and noted the usage. That’s what I was thinking when I asked if it was just a generic pejorative, similar to “Shut up, Jennifer!”
Castella can legitimately claim to have been acting in defense of her friend, since in Panel 1 it looks like “Nami” has him in a headlock.
“I saw this older girl/woman grabbing my friend and not letting him get away, so I defended him. Gosh, I didn’t realize I hit her that hard.” [innocent eyes]
I think that someone (Monica? Castella’s mom?) may need to have a talk with her about moderating her abilities when she’s mingling with humans.
I think she was a little justified in defending Timmy here, since “Nami” gave no appearance of giving him a chance to get away from her if he wanted to, but Castella needed to moderate her response. Enough to make the twit go away, but not necessarily enough to knock her clean out of the frame.
A simple “Please leave my friend alone”, followed by gently-but-frimly peeling the twit’s arm away from Timmy’s neck, should have done the trick.
It’s a bit of comical violence, kids. Castela’s just letting folks know that she’s not going to let her plans be hijacked for the whole day. Honestly, put yourselves into her shoes. Can you blame her for being ticked off?
Castela takes command.
Aunt Jin and Aunt Monica would be proud.
Tanta Phix, OTOH…
She talks Tanta Phix and executes Aunt Shelly.
Now, if Uncle Justin is on duty at the con…
New Wapsi Square spinoff: Everybody Loves Timothy!”
Besides, wolves don’t eat sugar. (Don’t I recall the voice of God saying Timothy is a wolf?)
The Guide says felidamorph, and I ain’t lion!
I’m pretty sure Paul said wolf.
Loose canons…
Y’all, quit pun-tifficating…
Don’t be a critic, you’ll hurt our feelines.
But they have good clause . . .
/drops a kitten plushie in the pun jar/
Here we go. See the comments. Part wolf.
Sounds pretty justified, if a bit rough. I’d be pissed if someone wanted to jack my plans at a con too…
Given her strength, the first panel seems a good way to be kicked out from the Con.
youd be surprised what you can get away with when moving places in a crowded con. I had to run interference for Rex Lang and some female voice actor whos name escapes me… 2 years ago at Otakon when he got lost in the con building. If you got body checked by a guy Dressed as FireFlower Mario while a Voice actor was tailing close behind him… that was me.
Cas is getting possessive to a point well beyond ‘cute’ or even justified, but that’s just me. And in the last panel, I can’t tell if Tim is afraid of the one in front, or the one behind him. So again, going a wee bit too far afield.
timmy is stunned by cleavage
Not just you, Stela has only started ‘noticing’ Timmeh because others are noticing him, first Scarlet (who always noticed the brat) and now others
Yeah, that’s a date alright. . .
Anyone else find it a little disturbing that the two adults in the top panel are talking about a child as if he wasn’t right there? Like, ‘sorry I have a name, you didn’t bother asking, or talking to me, or trying to find out, bye!’
They did ask, in yesterday’s strip.
Those aren’t adults. And they know his name. It’s “Luffy.” Am I right, Felicia?
they’re calling him Luffy cause he’s dressed like Luffy from the One Piece anime. Check it out. you’ll enjoy it.
Way to miss the point, Amanda.
I think they’re just older teens, not adults.
Then of course I think adulthood starts at about 40 or so.
For some it comes too soon.
For others it never comes at all.
The real trick is to pick and choose what makes life worth living.
Can Castela be peace-bonded for the con?
I don’t think they have enough ribbon at Con-ops to completely peace bond our Pickle.
Bye Felicia!
Is Felicia her real name, or is Castela using it as a generic pejorative?
Felicia is a catgirl character in the Darkstalkers games.
So I just Googled Felicia. Meee-YOW!
Also, “Bye Felicia” is a line borrowed from a 1995 movie – and apparently the name of a 2014 TV show as well, and trying to be an internet meme – to tell someone they are unimportant and should go away.
I actually just saw “Friday” for the first time on…Friday…and noted the usage. That’s what I was thinking when I asked if it was just a generic pejorative, similar to “Shut up, Jennifer!”
Castella can legitimately claim to have been acting in defense of her friend, since in Panel 1 it looks like “Nami” has him in a headlock.
“I saw this older girl/woman grabbing my friend and not letting him get away, so I defended him. Gosh, I didn’t realize I hit her that hard.” [innocent eyes]
Jealous possessive Stela is seriously rubbing me the wrong way, someone needs to pull her up about how she is acting
She’s ten. She’s acting like a ten-year-old.
A super-strong ten-year-old, that can fling plasma bolts…
And that excuses her actions? o_O
Ten-year olds who act like a spoilt brat turn into adults who believe they can get away with anything
Of course it isn’t a date… Mostly because she’s afraid to tell him (or herself?) that she might like it to be…
*looks at panel1*…lucky lil bastard.
Possessive, isn’t she?
I think that someone (Monica? Castella’s mom?) may need to have a talk with her about moderating her abilities when she’s mingling with humans.
I think she was a little justified in defending Timmy here, since “Nami” gave no appearance of giving him a chance to get away from her if he wanted to, but Castella needed to moderate her response. Enough to make the twit go away, but not necessarily enough to knock her clean out of the frame.
A simple “Please leave my friend alone”, followed by gently-but-frimly peeling the twit’s arm away from Timmy’s neck, should have done the trick.
He does not look like he is in any hurry to go anywhere, and he willingly went with Nami
It’s a bit of comical violence, kids. Castela’s just letting folks know that she’s not going to let her plans be hijacked for the whole day. Honestly, put yourselves into her shoes. Can you blame her for being ticked off?