Doing Quite Well by Paul Taylor on December 4, 2015 at 12:45 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: AtsaliLocation: Nether Related Comics ¬ Something To Fall Back On Broke Your Friend Atsali and Nadette We Have Tails Call Me Cassi
Oy vey.
Even Legs knows you have to pay the pun jar…
No, if you’re a pair of legs, you have to pay the “Poon Jar.” 😉
Jar. Now.
into the PUN-umbra *rimshot*
I pity the legs..
Atsali can be such a airhead at times….
Come on, you know Atsali is just being adorkable.
She got carried away by the notion of being run around by a gal with legs that go all the way up.
yak yak yak
yak yak yak
yak yak yak
And in case you missed it… yak yak yak
Why am I suddenly minded of one of Kaylee’s lines from the Serenity movie….?
If I’m remembering correctly Mal responds with “I can’t know that!’
The very notion of a ‘nether region’ banging it’s head against the wall… I guess one can’t have one’s head UP one’s arse, if one’s head IS an arse.
hip -> wall