Doing Quite Well by Paul Taylor on December 4, 2015 at 12:45 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: AtsaliLocation: Nether Related Comics ¬ She Said She Said Blow Your Nose It Chirped All My Fault Your Attention
Oy vey.
Even Legs knows you have to pay the pun jar…
No, if you’re a pair of legs, you have to pay the “Poon Jar.” 😉
Jar. Now.
into the PUN-umbra *rimshot*
I pity the legs..
Atsali can be such a airhead at times….
Come on, you know Atsali is just being adorkable.
She got carried away by the notion of being run around by a gal with legs that go all the way up.
yak yak yak
yak yak yak
yak yak yak
And in case you missed it… yak yak yak
Why am I suddenly minded of one of Kaylee’s lines from the Serenity movie….?
If I’m remembering correctly Mal responds with “I can’t know that!’
The very notion of a ‘nether region’ banging it’s head against the wall… I guess one can’t have one’s head UP one’s arse, if one’s head IS an arse.
hip -> wall