I got that same impression … the looks on Devyn’s face in panels 2 & 3 suggest that she might have some “True Sight” and sees Digit in, perhaps her original transformation form ..? Or, even worse for arachnophobes, starving mode.
Makes me wonder if all? or most? paras can see the ‘true form’ of other paras when they are holding some sort of human form to blend. There seems to be conflicting information in canon on whether ‘holding human form’ is an actual transformation or ‘just’ a glamour/illusion. The fae magic Cricket cast on Digit seemed to be true transformation … and, if so, there “shouldn’t” be a residual image of any other forms to “see.”
Yet, in previous discussion, Cricket seemed to indicate that fae used glamours rather than transformation. I foresee me re-reading pretty much the entire comic (again). Been about a year or more since last time & I may not be remembering some of these details correctly at he moment.
Ah, remember all those awkward moments on the first day of school?
And everyone always knows everything about the new kid before the new kid has any idea of the order of things.
Always assuming she wants to, after adapting to her new life. She can relate to her friends better now, and she can be better seen for the intelligent creature that she is.
of course she wants to. this has got to be confusing and overwhelming.
besides, the storylines are more interesting during Epic Quests than High School Hijinks. this high school stuff is about as interesting as listening to 13 year old girls talk about the crush-of-the-week.
I like it. Thirteen-year-olds are people, and people are interesting. You know, at a distance. Crush of the week is boring because you’ve heard it all before dozens of times, but the conflict and confusion of growing up can make a good story because it matters so much to the characters.
I did say “after adapting to her new life”. Sure she’s overwhelmed now, but once she adapts, she might (or might not) actually like her new life. New/more friends, the chance to be recognized for her intellect instead of just being seen as an average everyday spider……..
13 year olds are interesting to other 13 year olds. unless I’m related, I don’t find them interesting. their conflicts and confusion is a tempest in a teapot. now stories like the movie goonies..kids trying to be bigger than they are, solving big problems, with big consequences ..that’s interesting.
I’ve been sticking around hoping it would become more than just a “young adult” production again. you’re probably right…it’s staying that way. goodbye, Wapsi Square. it’s been fun.
Wasn’t it Devyn who previously couldn’t understand ‘instant attraction’, or ‘lust’, when her classmates met the new teacher?
Panel two makes me believe Dev may finally understand
Well, the Scouting community is savy enough to take notice. Presumably there are other humans out there who can see them, maybe because, like us, paras are something they want to exist.
Which makes me wonder: There are several para-only or para-friendly businesses: The Poseidon swimming complex, a mall, several clothing shops, the coffee shop.
Do humans just not notice them? Or if they wander in, is everything rigged to appear like a “normal” human business?
I know the Poseidon is para-only, and dialogue suggests it’s billed as an exclusive. private club. So my guess is that regular humans know it’s there and that it’s an exclusive club of some sort, but unless you’re part of the para community, that’s literally all you get to know.
I once read a story on deviantart where the main character was a spider from the waist down. Arachnophobia always puzzled her. To paraphrase: “It’s not like my legs are going to run off without me!”
I’ll try to find the exact wording later.
From the look on Devyn’s face in the second panel, I was almost worried she was headinf for Nether.
Hmmm. Do i sense an implication that Devyn can sense what Digit was before she was what she is?
With the way teens gossip, and Sali yells things, you don’t need to ‘sense’ things to know them
I got that same impression … the looks on Devyn’s face in panels 2 & 3 suggest that she might have some “True Sight” and sees Digit in, perhaps her original transformation form ..? Or, even worse for arachnophobes, starving mode.
Makes me wonder if all? or most? paras can see the ‘true form’ of other paras when they are holding some sort of human form to blend. There seems to be conflicting information in canon on whether ‘holding human form’ is an actual transformation or ‘just’ a glamour/illusion. The fae magic Cricket cast on Digit seemed to be true transformation … and, if so, there “shouldn’t” be a residual image of any other forms to “see.”
Yet, in previous discussion, Cricket seemed to indicate that fae used glamours rather than transformation. I foresee me re-reading pretty much the entire comic (again). Been about a year or more since last time & I may not be remembering some of these details correctly at he moment.
As Grath said, somebody probably told Devyn earlier that Digit is/was a spider.
That’s funny, little Abbie pushing giant Atsali on down the pike.
Ah, remember all those awkward moments on the first day of school?
And everyone always knows everything about the new kid before the new kid has any idea of the order of things.
Usually regardless of how true ‘everything about the new kid’ happens to be.
I’m still kinda hoping for an epic quest to turn her back into a spider. it’s the right thing to do.
Always assuming she wants to, after adapting to her new life. She can relate to her friends better now, and she can be better seen for the intelligent creature that she is.
of course she wants to. this has got to be confusing and overwhelming.
besides, the storylines are more interesting during Epic Quests than High School Hijinks. this high school stuff is about as interesting as listening to 13 year old girls talk about the crush-of-the-week.
I like it. Thirteen-year-olds are people, and people are interesting. You know, at a distance. Crush of the week is boring because you’ve heard it all before dozens of times, but the conflict and confusion of growing up can make a good story because it matters so much to the characters.
I did say “after adapting to her new life”. Sure she’s overwhelmed now, but once she adapts, she might (or might not) actually like her new life. New/more friends, the chance to be recognized for her intellect instead of just being seen as an average everyday spider……..
13 year olds are interesting to other 13 year olds. unless I’m related, I don’t find them interesting. their conflicts and confusion is a tempest in a teapot. now stories like the movie goonies..kids trying to be bigger than they are, solving big problems, with big consequences ..that’s interesting.
this just feels like a rerun of atsali’s arc.
Well, this appears to be a YA production now, and looks like staying that way.
I’ve been sticking around hoping it would become more than just a “young adult” production again. you’re probably right…it’s staying that way. goodbye, Wapsi Square. it’s been fun.
I’d honestly rather see Digit gaining the ability to switch between spider and near-human forms at will.
…Even if she asks her to?
That was my first thought!
Followed by “No, bad brain! That is NOT sufficient reason to ship Digit and Devyn together!”
NOoooo, I surely haven’t been watching too much anime, why would you think THAT?
like getting one of those massages
sorry, that was supposed to be a reply to Frankie D.
Can Digit read Cricket’s expression in Panel Two?
Oh, yeah. She has no trouble reading expressions. Its just that nobody can read hers.
that is a look of either poop your pants horror or stuned amazement.
deer have the same look just before you hit em with a large truck.
The really interesting meet-and-greet will be introducing Digit to Aunt Shelly…
This is what I’m waiting for… (purely for the observation of social interaction, why do you ask?)
I really hope one of the golems or somebody else strong enough to intervene will be there when that happens. Otherwise things could get out of hand.
Digit was bitten by a radioactive human…
isn’t that spider-ham’s backstory?
Wasn’t it Devyn who previously couldn’t understand ‘instant attraction’, or ‘lust’, when her classmates met the new teacher?
Panel two makes me believe Dev may finally understand
Given the irrationality of arachnophobia, I’m betting its fear at first sight, not infatuation.
They both have matching expressions in the last panel
Paul, if your Wapsi Square comic wasn’t a work of fiction, I’d be looking to move there; Life would NEVER be dull!
Assuming you were somehow aware of or part of the para community, that is. Otherwise, you’d likely never notice their doings
Well, the Scouting community is savy enough to take notice. Presumably there are other humans out there who can see them, maybe because, like us, paras are something they want to exist.
Which makes me wonder: There are several para-only or para-friendly businesses: The Poseidon swimming complex, a mall, several clothing shops, the coffee shop.
Do humans just not notice them? Or if they wander in, is everything rigged to appear like a “normal” human business?
I know the Poseidon is para-only, and dialogue suggests it’s billed as an exclusive. private club. So my guess is that regular humans know it’s there and that it’s an exclusive club of some sort, but unless you’re part of the para community, that’s literally all you get to know.
“No, she will not climb up your back.”
Yup, needed to be said. Several people that I know are terrified of spiders getting on them, regardless of how cute they are.
Shelly. Amanda. Jacqui.
I once read a story on deviantart where the main character was a spider from the waist down. Arachnophobia always puzzled her. To paraphrase: “It’s not like my legs are going to run off without me!”
I’ll try to find the exact wording later.
that’s a drider. from DND and other places notable famous drider include evil spinnertte from Spinnerette, and Arachnae from Monster Masume.
She needs to beware of rain and downspouts.
I just noticed; Other than Atsali (naturally), Digit is the bustiest girl there!
Naa, I think, whatshername? Cricket? Is more endowed than Digit.
Typo alert: Digit doesn’t appear in the list of characters.
Now fixed! Thanks, Paul!
that is a really extensive vending machine selection
devin looks poleaxed