Remember that for almost all predators, the status-and-rules certificate they are given at their birth ends with the phrase “until something larger or nastier eats you.” Castela is very dangerous and (apparently) almost invulnerable… but she may well have a kryptonite of her own, somewhere, and some enemy might know of it and send her off to the final Roundup some day. The other kids may well be tough, but we really haven’t seen any of them exhibit unusual strength or powers, have we? Even half-Fae Hiroshi was knocked for a loop by a simple pixie-boob-leap!
Wow, the left side of this work is a fantastic visual analogue of US and Allied military engagements. The person with the biggest gun up the front and everyone else, who’s really only there in support behind saying, ‘yeeeeeah, what she said!’
More importantly, where is Daylla? If Valerie and Digit were sleeping across the hall, and each group charged out of their room, Daylla should be roughly in the middle or at least nearby.
That depends on how fast she was able to run, after whatever scared her scared her. She might well have blown straight through the wall at one end of the hallway and be traveling in a ballistic arc towards the street outside the school grounds.
“It was a very tidy crater, actually. All the utility conduits were neatly cauterised, and as for the structural stability of the remaining sections, well, someone may have a very bright future in precision demolition.”
The thing about all this is that the “ghost” never did any of them harm. It just stood there, and mimicked a couple of them. But never attacked anyone or even used harsh language. Seems this is way over the top reaction-wise. Even if their friend did scream. Hopefully this will be a lesson in self control for this motley crew.
Yeah, but upstream, in reply to Robert’s “Rumble!”, I was surely going with the orig: “Warriors!, Come out and Plaaaaaayyyyyeeeeee….”.
(On that note, most of John Carpenter’s filmography could stand a rewatch…)
Reminds me of a page from X-Men in the late 70’s early 80’s when one them was facing off against anothr team of X-Men.
Issue #100:
Oh, Lordy. Is this the end of Valerie and Digit? And what, exactly, were those children afraid of?
Whatever made their similarly-powered peer shriek in terror loud enough to wake them all up?
No, I mean, what did they ever have to be afraid of. The world needs to be afraid of them.
Remember that for almost all predators, the status-and-rules certificate they are given at their birth ends with the phrase “until something larger or nastier eats you.” Castela is very dangerous and (apparently) almost invulnerable… but she may well have a kryptonite of her own, somewhere, and some enemy might know of it and send her off to the final Roundup some day. The other kids may well be tough, but we really haven’t seen any of them exhibit unusual strength or powers, have we? Even half-Fae Hiroshi was knocked for a loop by a simple pixie-boob-leap!
“Final Roundup”? Maybe she’s engineered to be resistant…
She was surprised. What made it a startle was what she EXPECTED to see. Kudos to Dave for that atrocious Roundup™ pun the captain spotted.
Wow, the left side of this work is a fantastic visual analogue of US and Allied military engagements. The person with the biggest gun up the front and everyone else, who’s really only there in support behind saying, ‘yeeeeeah, what she said!’
…also, the biggest gun is mistakenly pointed at allies.
To ensure they stay allies (says the Australian)
More importantly, where is Daylla? If Valerie and Digit were sleeping across the hall, and each group charged out of their room, Daylla should be roughly in the middle or at least nearby.
Two important questions right now are:
1. What, if anything, happened to Daylla, and
2. What/who did it to her?
That depends on how fast she was able to run, after whatever scared her scared her. She might well have blown straight through the wall at one end of the hallway and be traveling in a ballistic arc towards the street outside the school grounds.
Digit has little dog-faces all over her nightdress. That’s adorable.
Are they dog faces or teddy bears?
Could be Canine, ’cause, Reasons…
So Dave, apparently you have an interest in Vulcanology? Or would that be Vulcan Zoology?

Digit has her Dietzel pajama on.
Only noticed after a re-re-read. (Does that give a ‘after the third read through’ idea?)
I think Shawna wins the “most eyes present” award, and definitely wins the “most eyes narrowed into a menacing glare” pin.
Yes Principal, that was how the east wing of the school stopped existing…
Best reply.
“Did the girls leave a mess in the room after their sleepover?”
“No, they left a crater where the East Wing used to be.”
“It was a very tidy crater, actually. All the utility conduits were neatly cauterised, and as for the structural stability of the remaining sections, well, someone may have a very bright future in precision demolition.”
Have the Job Counselor help her put togewther a resume’ for C.D.I.
Leave a mess in the room? No, it’s more like leave the room AS a mess…
Lots MORE room.
At least Digit and Shawna will be able to see eye-to-eye on matters.
Eye to eye to eye to eye to eye.
And fortunately, we’ve already used the title, ‘The Smell of Burning Spider’ a long time ago:
I wonder how Tina made out?
Well, the last time we saw Tina (or at least the most recent strip tagged for her), she had to pee.
Um, actually the last we saw her was at a bookstore uptown:
Who ya gonna call?
I truly pity anyone who is in the receiving end of all that power!
Right. Whatever it is, it messed with the wrong pack.
The thing about all this is that the “ghost” never did any of them harm. It just stood there, and mimicked a couple of them. But never attacked anyone or even used harsh language. Seems this is way over the top reaction-wise. Even if their friend did scream. Hopefully this will be a lesson in self control for this motley crew.
JEEZ! That ghost has everyone at each other’s throats!
“Day-llah! Day-ay-ay-llah! Daylight come and me wanna go home.”
Day-llaaa, come out and plaa-yyy
Yeah, but upstream, in reply to Robert’s “Rumble!”, I was surely going with the orig: “Warriors!, Come out and Plaaaaaayyyyyeeeeee….”.
(On that note, most of John Carpenter’s filmography could stand a rewatch…)
I guess anyone who comes within range of Pickle’s Mega-Blast (TM) with ill intent is going to be…
….wait for it…
Bushwhacked! :ducks:
I, I, cant seem to find the ‘Like’ button….
I’ll just let that Germinate.
I like the Pickle’s Mega-Blast™
That wud be the Wah b’tween the States, SUH! I cain’t Ah-BIDE that word “Civil!”
Me neither…Ain’t no war that’s civil.

What sort of Para is Valerie? o_O
Apparently a Chthulu.
Second panel on the top with a really bad hair day.
Actually the worst hair night i have ever seen so far.
Actually, that’s just what Valerie looks like (in shadow silhouette) before she’s had a chance to put her mask on
Hey, now I get Digit’s new hairdo! It’s so the view from her other four eyes isn’t blocked by silly hair!
IMHO, no ghost could be as scary as this bunch of sweet folk when they’re all riled up!