In the third panel, shouldn’t that be “back FROM camera detail”? If not, my bad. So far, loving the story line. Glad to see the comic moving forward again. My condolences on your loss.
My guess is that she’s thinking something along the lines of: “Ok. Best case is, there’s nothing paranormal here to be worried about, but these kids are going to be winding themselves up into a state of sugar-fueled nervous anxiety about every little creak and groan in the old building, they’ll be awake most of the night, and they may freak out for no good reason. I’m not going to get any sleep at all. Worst case is, there’s something paranormal in this building that we need to be concerned about, what they’re doing is like poking a rabid wolverine with a too-short stick, and we’re going to have a serious crisis like we did last time. I’m the senior responsible adult present, I’m supposed to be in charge, I didn’t want to be here, and I have no control at all about what’s going to happen. There is *no* way this is going to end up well for me. I should never have quit my job on the shuggoth ranch in R’lyeh and gotten a teaching certificate… this job is *way* too dangerous.”
Yes! that summarizes it nicely. You’d think, given her apparent lineage, and experience as a teacher, she would be accustomed to dealing with “things that have learned to walk, that ought to crawl” THAT is a surprisingly most any human denizen of the 6th grade. Big enoough to be dangerous, with brains that are not quite fully formed yet.
EDIT- THAT is a surprisingly apt description of most any of the HUMAN denizens of the sixth grade. We have, lets see:
o A hot tempered Were-Girl who usually turns out to be the Voice of Reason in most situations.
o A surprisingly strong and apparently dense Pixie of still undetermined capabilities, and sharp observation skills.
o A surprisingly meta-stable, but clearly hormonal, humanoid Plasma Cannon, and Juggernaut, under the “Protection” of the Pixie. -and-
o A “Stupid Hot” Fae Hybrid Boy, [another Apt Description,]who is a Proven Catalyst [read Agent of Chaos] currently destabilizing one of two highly intelligent Nerds [who operate as a covalent pair, one or both of whom are emerging GEEKS.]
What could possibly go wrong?
I think she is reframing “Let’s all get our PJs on” as “Let’s all take our clothes off”.
Technically one must precede the other, and we can safely assume they’re gender segregating wherever they plan to change, but it still sounds like a situation that will get chaperones fired inside Valerie’s own head.
There’s something very endearing about the idea of a squid-faced Child Of An Elder Cthulhoid Horror being overwhelmed by a teen-age sleepover.
I’m coming to see inside/outside contrast as an almost universal feature of WS. Certainly a fascinating one.
In the third panel, shouldn’t that be “back FROM camera detail”? If not, my bad. So far, loving the story line. Glad to see the comic moving forward again. My condolences on your loss.
Alas, the next line seems to say “Get out PJs on”, which might need to be “get our PJs on”…
Aw, c’mon, Valerie, the kids have already forgotten you’re there.
artwork in the second panel is awesome
BTW, is Timothy not among them? I haven;t seen him in awhile.
Timmy is attending to personal business . . . when he comes back, he’s going to manage to startle everybody except Bud and start a stampede.
Which will probably result in Bud, Timmy and Valerie getting trampled.
With that in mind, where’s Bud?
Okay, what’s got Val upset this time?
The thought of nubile young girls in skimpy PJ’s? So close yet untouchable? o_O
My guess is that she’s thinking something along the lines of: “Ok. Best case is, there’s nothing paranormal here to be worried about, but these kids are going to be winding themselves up into a state of sugar-fueled nervous anxiety about every little creak and groan in the old building, they’ll be awake most of the night, and they may freak out for no good reason. I’m not going to get any sleep at all. Worst case is, there’s something paranormal in this building that we need to be concerned about, what they’re doing is like poking a rabid wolverine with a too-short stick, and we’re going to have a serious crisis like we did last time. I’m the senior responsible adult present, I’m supposed to be in charge, I didn’t want to be here, and I have no control at all about what’s going to happen. There is *no* way this is going to end up well for me. I should never have quit my job on the shuggoth ranch in R’lyeh and gotten a teaching certificate… this job is *way* too dangerous.”
Given her reactions to the last sleepover, she may simply be worrying that they’ll wear too little clothing and advance beyond snogging.
Yes! that summarizes it nicely. You’d think, given her apparent lineage, and experience as a teacher, she would be accustomed to dealing with “things that have learned to walk, that ought to crawl” THAT is a surprisingly most any human denizen of the 6th grade. Big enoough to be dangerous, with brains that are not quite fully formed yet.
EDIT- THAT is a surprisingly apt description of most any of the HUMAN denizens of the sixth grade. We have, lets see:
o A hot tempered Were-Girl who usually turns out to be the Voice of Reason in most situations.
o A surprisingly strong and apparently dense Pixie of still undetermined capabilities, and sharp observation skills.
o A surprisingly meta-stable, but clearly hormonal, humanoid Plasma Cannon, and Juggernaut, under the “Protection” of the Pixie. -and-
o A “Stupid Hot” Fae Hybrid Boy, [another Apt Description,]who is a Proven Catalyst [read Agent of Chaos] currently destabilizing one of two highly intelligent Nerds [who operate as a covalent pair, one or both of whom are emerging GEEKS.]
What could possibly go wrong?
@ B0mar: You forgot that at least one of them is a high-emissitivity chaon source . . .
I think she is reframing “Let’s all get our PJs on” as “Let’s all take our clothes off”.
Technically one must precede the other, and we can safely assume they’re gender segregating wherever they plan to change, but it still sounds like a situation that will get chaperones fired inside Valerie’s own head.
Did we ever find out exactly what Ms. Valerie is?
A teacher in Gryphon Middle School respected by students of the adjoining High School.
What? Her t-shirt?
What — the “Sexy Mr. Rodgers” costume they were talking about last week or so?
I have missed reading this strip so much, all is right in my webcomic world again
“….And there, hanging on the door handle….
….MY BUTT!!!!”
Well Val, you FINALLY figured it out…