Having Trouble by Paul Taylor on February 10, 2020 at 12:24 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, DayllaLocation: Gryphon High Related Comics ¬ All Those Hints Best Friend Directed Anger Carrot Sticks She Said She Said
Hi Daylla, thanks for coming to try to save the day.
That is possibly the best, and most appropriate adjectived noun I’ve read this month.
Daylla : Castela :: Castela : Atsali
But HEY! neither of the Schwenken Sisters is Neurotic, and both, in their turn, are Acute Dingles.
Obtuse Dingle now added to my vocabulary.
“Obtuse Dingle” has Castela’s name next to it in the dictionary.
Daylla is a hoopy frood who knows not only where her own towel is, but those of her peer group as well.
Someone saying “TELL THAT TO (fill-in-the-blank), YOU DINGLE!” would solve so much television drama, not to mention real-life drama.
Well said.
I like the way Daylla thinks.
Nothing like grabbing a mini-supernova by the ears to make a point.😄
Well, she is still little
Castle is a nice girl; but she JUST doesn’t get it…
Name me one character in this entire webic who does 😛
They all have their strong areas, and their extremely weak areas
Cass was right the first time — it’s “Blisteringly Obvious”.
Thank you Day, Stela needed a Bestest Bud to set her straight, and Aunt Bud isn’t around 🙂
Now THAT is friendship.
You don’t see someone actually boxing another person’s ears all that often…
Seems like with most things, it’s best for straight-forward communication and being ready to apologize.