Hold Still
by Paul Taylor
on November 20, 2023
at 7:09 pm
Apologies for the lateness of today’s comic. My computer was working on a task that could not be interrupted and I was not able to do the comic in the usual digital format. I hand inked the characters for the first time in several years, so you may notice them looking a bit different than usual. However, that allows me to put the original artwork up on Ebay for anyone who would like to bid. Here are the links below.
Rosslyn’s shirt looks like Spider-Man stopping the train in Spider-Man 2. She’s going to bust a button any second
I’ve realized that Ross’ character model is Monica, if she were hanging upside down from the monkey bars! The loft to the twintails, the way the buttons don’t seem stressed but her TIE looks like it’s about to snap up like an old cartoony Dickey… it’s like gravity has even less of an effect on her than the rest of the ‘pneumatic’ cast!
You can get used to pretty much anything.
I think that’s why Dante envisioned hell as everybody getting what they wanted in life…forever without respite.
A couple were like that, but that’s not how I would describe the lustful being trapped in endless wind storms or the heretics trapped in flaming tombs.
I think Rosslyn just found her brain-mate. I look forward to her and Briar chatting verbosely on topics they’re both familiar with!
I foresee much infodumping and expositioning in the future.
Who knew Briar was a scholarly kindred spirit? Finally,Rosalyn has someone to connect to.
Infodumping is love language.
I must secretly love the whole world then.
Briar and I would wind up being like two neutron stars getting ready to kilonova.
How do these characters stand upright without toppling over face first?
Mass Control in the same manner as Form Control.
The Paras don’t follow our rules.
I love Briar so much. She tells you one thing by telling you another.
Rosslyn is ½ succubus and ½ human, while Briar is _mostly_ succubus (leaving the question of what the part of her that is NOT succubus _is_), which indicates that there’s at least one individual in her ancestry that is ½ succubus 🤔
That first panel is so relatable.
This could be the start of a beautiful friendship!