I know a ‘HEY STUPID’. She is usually a sweet girl with a double doctorate in psychology and social work. I say usually because she hates being talked down to by others, especially her older coworkers. They tend to forget that she does know the field and is good at it. that often leads to a conversation of them talking out of their asses for too long and ends with a ‘HEY STUPID’ being uttered from her lips.
You get even more interesting example on the interwebs. Like the trolls who try to correct a person by citing HER OWN PAPER to her to prove that she doesn’t know what she is talking about, and should read this stuff by someone who does.
I’ve been seeking clarification of late on this…every time Tina speaks with the greyed test, it indicated one of the collective is speaking…so every time we have seen that over the years, has it been Nudge?
Since it indicates “one of” the collective speaking without waiting to run everything through committee (and there is a GREAT Han Solo line about that in “The Empire Strikes Back”), there is no reason to think so.
Trust Tina? Even Tina said not to trust everything she/they says/say. Monica’s more of a tool than a pawn anyway. Tool being meant in the mechanical sense, not the derogatory one. Shelly’s … well, Shelly’s whatever they need at the moment. Mostly the muscle. She’s proven she’ll do whatever is needed, even kill her best friend when the stakes are high enough.
That may have been only for Bud and it might have been an attempt at reverse psychology. When she repeats it on the next page, after the bit about taking the words out of Bud’s mouth, she might have meant that Bud should take what Bud says (or thinks) with a grain of salt, too. I’m not really sure what that was all about. Under the circumstances, it was bound to be a strange conversation, I guess.
I don’t think Shelly would have killed Monica. She was acting like she was going to kill Monica to fool the rogue demon into protecting Monica. That’s why Bud called it “acting” and Shelly was concerned about the rogue demons following the script. (Paul confirmed in the comments that they were referring to the rogue demons. Monica’s personal demons had already agreed to do their part.) Of course, Paul was being very cagey with the readers back then.
Oh, yeah, they also had to fool Monica to get her to turn her eye-lights on. With Monica reaching for her gun, Shelly was probably the one in the most danger. It’s a good thing she was strong.
“I Trust Tina” sounds like a great name for a sitcom. For that matter, “Pawn” sounds like it would make a good name for an erotic fantasy webcomic. Oh, wait – it already did.
Did we start referring to Nudge by that name in these comments before she revealed her name?
I remember that Nudge, arguing with the Committee of the Whole, said something about giving things a nudge, and i think that after, before the reveal, we started calling her that.
Ah – she referred to herself as the “… not-so-subtle nudge that folks need from time to time …”, but not as “Nudge” by name, and we picked it up in the comments that day.
When we think time machine, most of us think of a travel device, a portal.
IIRC, at the end of the previous time loop, Brandi was left alone with the time machine. Somehow that Brandi (or at least a Brandi from a different time loop) convinced Monica’s and Tina’s demons to chase Monica in front of the bus and crash Tina’s car into the back of it during this time loop. The previous time loop Brandi also managed to predict exactly how things were going to play out in the temple this time. I’ve been wondering how she could have done that…
Man, I’ve got to stop thinking about Wapsi while I try to do other things.
I know it was mentioned somewhere that Brandi was “working with demons” to chase monica, and elsewhere that they were tina’s demons…but I cannot understand why Brandi would do that. I had thought that the demons were acting of their own accord, but then Nudge mentioned she had to motivate them to get up out of the morgue, so that whole scene is still fuzzy to me…
I suspect Nudge was the only one playing strictly by the rules, and talked Monica’s demons to chase her in the current iteration at the time that the last one ended. Brandi’s hand in that may have been simple discussion to cover possible failure.
That would explain Nudge’s sudden appearance (they would have known about her had they remembered), as well as the unusual events surrounding both M and Tina.
P.S. Thanks for the info on Boobquake. I needed a good ROFL. I gotta get one of those “Did the Earth move for you?” shirts for my SO. He will just fall out.
I posted this on the Boobquake thread:
Hey Pablo!! Are you gonna design a Very Special Monica T-shirt in honor of Boobquake??? PLEEEEEEZE!!!!!!!!!Like the above ???I love her attitude(I WANT one!!No, I NEED one!!!!!!!)
What a silly, silly man! It sounds like he’s terrified of having his world rocked. We should sic Shelly on him…heheheheheheeh! Or maybe that magnificent man-eater and my personal heroine, Phix.
I was “a day late and a dollar short” on my comment. Oooops!
“Oh, what to do, what to do? ”
Says Nudge, and she winked
Oh, such a dazzling wink
Such dazzling, demonic wink
“I know,’ She says
“I’ll send in Pawn One and Pawn Two”
So … where’s Tina’s hat? Does she have 500 hats in a closet somewhere?
I’d totally want to meet “Hey Stupid”.
Shelly’s Creepy Little Girl might already be using that one.
It looks as if the two of them are holding hands. Have we seen that before?
It looks like Monica jokingly grabbed Shelly’s wrist, as if she were going to drag her to the courthouse.
(Love the Zimbar Zimbar avatar! ;3)
And I think Monica gets “Pawn One” by default.
I know a ‘HEY STUPID’. She is usually a sweet girl with a double doctorate in psychology and social work. I say usually because she hates being talked down to by others, especially her older coworkers. They tend to forget that she does know the field and is good at it. that often leads to a conversation of them talking out of their asses for too long and ends with a ‘HEY STUPID’ being uttered from her lips.
You get even more interesting example on the interwebs. Like the trolls who try to correct a person by citing HER OWN PAPER to her to prove that she doesn’t know what she is talking about, and should read this stuff by someone who does.
Now, now, Monica, you two are more than pawns.
Of course. Monica’s a Queen. Doubt said so.
I guess that would make Shelly a Knight?
I’d say Shelly is a rook. Straight forward and brutal.
Monica must like her white chocolate mocha. So, how “extra” is Nudge? Thanks for the transcript, Paul.
Check-mate ?
Looks as if M ans Shelly are beginning to accept, if not become wholly reconciled to, their roles in this story.
They are kinda pawn-ish, aren’t they?
So I’ve been taking notes as I reread… Nudge first appeared on December 29, 2004.
Granted, she may have evolved a lot since then, but rereading now I’m noticing her involvement with the benefit of hindsight. It’s kinda freaky.
I’ve been seeking clarification of late on this…every time Tina speaks with the greyed test, it indicated one of the collective is speaking…so every time we have seen that over the years, has it been Nudge?
replace “test” with “text” in the above comment…too much coffee this AM (Mucho Mocha!!)
Since it indicates “one of” the collective speaking without waiting to run everything through committee (and there is a GREAT Han Solo line about that in “The Empire Strikes Back”), there is no reason to think so.
Never too much juice of the bean coffee in the AM, just as in mucho mocha with the lovely tina.
Trust Tina? Even Tina said not to trust everything she/they says/say. Monica’s more of a tool than a pawn anyway. Tool being meant in the mechanical sense, not the derogatory one. Shelly’s … well, Shelly’s whatever they need at the moment. Mostly the muscle. She’s proven she’ll do whatever is needed, even kill her best friend when the stakes are high enough.
Tina said that she should take everything she said with a grain of salt.
That may have been only for Bud and it might have been an attempt at reverse psychology. When she repeats it on the next page, after the bit about taking the words out of Bud’s mouth, she might have meant that Bud should take what Bud says (or thinks) with a grain of salt, too. I’m not really sure what that was all about. Under the circumstances, it was bound to be a strange conversation, I guess.
thanks for the link. I’m still unsure of some of how to use these tags. :/
Including the advice not to trust her?
I don’t think Shelly would have killed Monica. She was acting like she was going to kill Monica to fool the rogue demon into protecting Monica. That’s why Bud called it “acting” and Shelly was concerned about the rogue demons following the script. (Paul confirmed in the comments that they were referring to the rogue demons. Monica’s personal demons had already agreed to do their part.) Of course, Paul was being very cagey with the readers back then.
Oh, yeah, they also had to fool Monica to get her to turn her eye-lights on. With Monica reaching for her gun, Shelly was probably the one in the most danger. It’s a good thing she was strong.
In that case, change my name to Pawn 7.
We’ve got the namechange forms here in the credenza.
I’m changing my name to Pwn42.
I want to change their names to “muscles” and “big boobs”.
When they get there, they’ll have to fight over who gets to be Pawn 1.
“I Trust Tina” sounds like a great name for a sitcom. For that matter, “Pawn” sounds like it would make a good name for an erotic fantasy webcomic. Oh, wait – it already did.
Did we start referring to Nudge by that name in these comments before she revealed her name?
I remember that Nudge, arguing with the Committee of the Whole, said something about giving things a nudge, and i think that after, before the reveal, we started calling her that.
Ah – she referred to herself as the “… not-so-subtle nudge that folks need from time to time …”, but not as “Nudge” by name, and we picked it up in the comments that day.
Yesterday, Fatuncle said,
IIRC, at the end of the previous time loop, Brandi was left alone with the time machine. Somehow that Brandi (or at least a Brandi from a different time loop) convinced Monica’s and Tina’s demons to chase Monica in front of the bus and crash Tina’s car into the back of it during this time loop. The previous time loop Brandi also managed to predict exactly how things were going to play out in the temple this time. I’ve been wondering how she could have done that…
Man, I’ve got to stop thinking about Wapsi while I try to do other things.
I know it was mentioned somewhere that Brandi was “working with demons” to chase monica, and elsewhere that they were tina’s demons…but I cannot understand why Brandi would do that. I had thought that the demons were acting of their own accord, but then Nudge mentioned she had to motivate them to get up out of the morgue, so that whole scene is still fuzzy to me…
I suspect Nudge was the only one playing strictly by the rules, and talked Monica’s demons to chase her in the current iteration at the time that the last one ended. Brandi’s hand in that may have been simple discussion to cover possible failure.
That would explain Nudge’s sudden appearance (they would have known about her had they remembered), as well as the unusual events surrounding both M and Tina.
“Pawn” vs. “Pown” — what a difference an “a” makes. . . . .
P.S. Thanks for the info on Boobquake. I needed a good ROFL. I gotta get one of those “Did the Earth move for you?” shirts for my SO. He will just fall out.
I posted this on the Boobquake thread:
Hey Pablo!! Are you gonna design a Very Special Monica T-shirt in honor of Boobquake??? PLEEEEEEZE!!!!!!!!!Like the above ???I love her attitude(I WANT one!!No, I NEED one!!!!!!!)
What a silly, silly man! It sounds like he’s terrified of having his world rocked. We should sic Shelly on him…heheheheheheeh! Or maybe that magnificent man-eater and my personal heroine, Phix.
I was “a day late and a dollar short” on my comment. Oooops!
I only had one problem with the “boobquake” concept… It was a win-win situation with the man-hating chauvanists.
Quake pulled off: Proof that women are superior to men
Quake failed: Proof that men (by this prediction) are inferior to women
I think they went with Pawn because the estate of Theodore Giesle (sp?) already has the copyright for “Thing1 and Thing2”.
“Oh, what to do, what to do? ”
Says Nudge, and she winked
Oh, such a dazzling wink
Such dazzling, demonic wink
“I know,’ She says
“I’ll send in Pawn One and Pawn Two”
So … where’s Tina’s hat? Does she have 500 hats in a closet somewhere?