Just Glowing
on February 24, 2019
at 7:37 pm
While not spelled out in the comic, a tablespoon of nutmeg is highly toxic to humans and could kill you. Shawna is a pixie and her body chemistry is different from humans, thus the nutmeg is harmless to her. DO NOT TRY TO REPLICATE HER DRINK!!
I’m suprised Shawna didn’t pop out with eight or ten eyes.
I’m surprised that she’s surprised. I’d think Tina was well known in the para community. Maybe Shawna’s not from around here.
No, Shawna’s local. She met Cass out by the lake. So color me surprised again.
Lake? What lake?
Lake Calhoun, or what they call it now, Bde Maka Ska.
I wonder if anyone uses the official name. For instance, NO ONE calls it “Isaac Stern Auditorium/Ronald O. Perelman Stage”. If you asked how to get there, people would look at you funny. But that’s now the official name of Carnegie Hall.
If you did know the stage’s name, of course, the appropriate response would be, “Practice, practice, practice.”
Spy magazine once had someone stand at Lincoln Center ask random passersby “how do I get to Carnegie Hall?” They then tabulated the answers under “Gave directions correctly, gave directions incorrectly, responded with joke correctly, and responded with joke incorrectly.” I miss Spy magazine.
Back on subject, I think that’s the first Atsali-class smile we’ve ever seen from Cass. It makes me happy!
Tina is mostly known as a goddess of coffee. The people close to Monica and Tina know what she is.
Right. And as we just learned, Shawna’s not a coffee person.
And besides, this might be a generational Thing; Tina is from the Adult Arena; these kids are just getting into going to Coffee Shops n’ stuff…
Nice Doctor Who reference there.
…and she has better dress sense than the current Doctor, too.
Well, to be fair. a blind naked mole rat has better dress sense than the current Doctor.
Only Seven looked more ridiculous.
Seven?!? What was wrong with the McCoy was dressed? Unless you were thinking of 6-Colin Baker, who they should’ve stayed with the Blue Coat.
Well, the Borg aren’t known for their fashion sense…oh, wait, you meant a *different* Seven?
In fairness to Colin Baker, HE wanted his Doctor clothes to look… a lot like Eccleston got in the revival. It was John Nathan Turner (the showrunner) who decided he should look like he was caught in an explosion in a textile mill.
*I got that reference!* I am severely deficient on my Dr. Who (I recall emulating the Dialect of the Dalek by speaking through a big box fan… but I digress), but even so, even I knew enough to come up with
‘Tina, the Tardis’, on my own…
Dang, Ya beat me to it. Soon as Pickle mentioned it, I thought of “Tina the Tardis”, although I don’t believe Tina is capable of travelling through Time and Space nor does she have a ‘Chameleon Circuit’ so I’m reading too much into this so I think I shall stop now.
How many more of us instinctively voted “Tina the Tardis?”
I cannot wait to see Tina dressed up as a T.A.R.D.I.S. for Halloween!
I thinks pretty much all the Who-vians here got that, and most, like me, found it just TOO painful to acknowledge. The Pun Jar exploded, despite being bound in chains and dropped into a dwarf star.
Unfortunately the contributions are collectively worth as much as Venezuelan Bolivar [ie. worth more as Fuel, if you need to keep warm.]
A tablespoon of nutmeg? Yow… I hope that Pixies have mighty robust metabolisms! To a human, that much nutmeg at one time is flirting with the risk of liver damage and weird effects on the central nervous system… you have your steamed milk, and a few minutes later the hyena asks you if purple monkey dishwasher.
(currently sipping a Mocha w/ Extra Chocolate & a Heavy Sprinkle of [what I assume is stale, oxidized] Nutmeg…)
No, because a motorcycle has no doors.
Yeah, in a human, that tablespoon of nutmeg is very bad news. 2-3 teaspoons of nutmeg can cause nutmeg intoxication, which will lead to delirium, anxiety, confusion, headaches, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, eye irritation, or amnesia. Intoxication takes several hours before maximum effect is experienced. The effects of nutmeg intoxication may last for several days. And even though it is rare, a full tablespoon of nutmeg would have a significant chance to kill you or me. Shawna may be a bit more robust.
So, anybody reading today’s strip: ***Please*** do not try this recipe at home. It might be the last recipe you ever try.
Yes! THIS!! Nutmeg is indeed toxic in that quantity for humans. Shawna is a pixie and I’ll be mentioning that again just to reiterate that Shawna’s body chemistry is different from humans.
3 teaspoon = 1 Tablespoon
I know that I and most of us read the comic then scroll down to read the description and chat text — but I’m wondering if or how many there may be who merely read the comic and skip all the rest of this stuff, including the warning. That number may be unknown (and in this case I hope it’s zero).
Meh, anyone taking recipe ideas from a webic dealing with mythical creatures, deserves a Darwin Award (awarded posthumously, butt with much humour
Coming soon to a supermarket near you:
This 16 oz container of soy sauce contains 40 lethal doses of sodium.
Do not exceed recommended daily allowance.
Of course purple monkey dishwater, unless salamander.
I had a flatmate once who ate about half a packet of powdered nutmeg, after hearing it could give you a buzz. Three hours later he still hadn’t noticed any effects, so went to sleep in his van, which was parked over the road.
Next day, it took him two hours to cross the road. He sat in the living room for about forty hours, completely zoned.
As it happens, Purple Monkey is/was a rock band in my area (They did covers of Deep Purple, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and similar), but I don’t think even the hyena has seen them dishwash.
I’m also fond of a _little_ nutmeg sprinkled on my dog’s nose (which is a mulled porter with a shot of gin), but a tablespoon would indeed be heavy trip + vomit + possible death scenario.
I think it’s called “blushing.”
Tina has worn the chokers for a while but when did she adopt the Abby Sciuto look? It works for her!
She changes her hairstyle the way some people change their minds.
Somebody had to take up the slack, gonna miss Abby, she was NCIS before there even was an NCIS
I stopped watching NCIS when they “fridged” Ziva.
Then you missed when they finally got rid of Tony Baloney (who was only supposed to have been there for a short time anyway) and brought in Fez
If you haven’t been keeping up, then _I’m_, wait ther’s some one at the door…
it’s toxic to humans at that dosage
so does this mean you won’t be joining me in the arsenic challenge?
Nutmeg is poison? OH, NOW YOU TELL ME!!!
At lower dosages it is “merely” an intoxicant that can last 2-3 days.
But the dosage is so finicky, you can still kill/cripple yourself, avoid avoid avoid!
(How in HELL we survived the ’60’s, we will *never* know.)
If I remember rightly from the ancient texts on bad ways to warp your head, nutmeg is maybe less bad than datura, but probably worse than morning glory seeds.
Sensibly used, trace amounts of freshly grated nutmeg will raise your fresh fruit salad to morning glory. This use is recommended.
I’m fond of chilled milk with sugar, vanilla flavoring and a sprinkle of nutmeg. I don’t drink it often, but it makes a nice cocktail (good quality vanilla has more alcohol than beer or wine, and mixes well with milk or heavy whipping cream. )
I absolutely never heard of this until I read this comic. I like the flavor, but it is so potent that a little bit goes a long way—most of my recipes for cooking call for just a teaspoon or less for an entire batch, and i cannot recall ever using more than a sprinkle or two in beverages.
Thanks goodness I’ve never overdone it. I read up on the effects of nutmeg intoxication and it does not sound at all pleasant…
Gotta be careful with nutmeg. Too much is poisonous. Personally, I like warm milk with honey and cinnamon.
When this goes to book form, it might be good to deal with the nutmeg issue in conversation … Or to use the Pixie name for the herb.
Gotta admit, I was selfishly hoping one of the girls would get into a longer term relationship with a guy. Still not impossible; I’ve always believed that more of us would swing both ways at least to some extent it society didn’t insist on categories… But ok, this is the way the coin fell this time
a spoonful of nutmeg makes the medicine go south…. in the most disturbing way. I think Yondu Poppins sang that…
I love that guy…
Seems more like something he’d whistle rather than sing, though right?
Auto translation courtesy of a Babel fish.
Read this about nutmeg: https://emj.bmj.com/content/22/3/223
You know, it’s bad enough when people are trying to guess at your relationship status, as much as I love Tina, this aura reading thing and just blurting it out… blah.
A friend once made a batch of cookies that was supposed to have some small amount of Nutmeg in it… she used fresh ground nutmeg and waaaay too much of it. I ate more than one cookie before I realized something was off… I was seeing sounds and hearing colors and was pretty certain I was going to die… also, my heart would not stop pounding and the ground was made of thorns.
It took the risk of poisoning your readers to make you get around to telling us what kind of para Shawna is.
After having her in strips for 16 months. -_-