I’m getting the vibe she either couldn’t or didn’t know how. Shelly seemed to be in permanent Sphinx mode while in the forest (at least from what little we’ve seen), and only regained her human mode upon returning to Wapsi-world.
Granted, this is nothing but guessing, as we received a very short glimpse of Shelly in the forest, and I’m basing this mainly on Shelly’s initial “surprise” at being able to morph from human to Sphix (first morph in the apartment and sneeze morphs, for example).
Also, given the sheer amount of time in the forest it may have been necessary to remain a sphinx. Perhaps she ages normally while in human form? And what if she practiced changing and got stuck as a human again?
Ditto on the “Yay!” – Phix is the one person among the regular slate of characters who is really well suited to advise Shelly at this point in her life.
It’s not as if Phix really needs those high heels… I think maybe she just really enjoys seeing guys stare upwards at her and lose their balance and fall down go boom.
We walk in them because the patriarchy deems we should, not because they’re comfortable or practical.
There’s something to be said for what a heel does to a woman’s posture and profile, artistically those lines are very pleasing. But not for the wearer. Unless you can drop hundreds of dollars on a pair of heels (you get what you pay for with heels and ‘comfort’), they are every bit as painful as they look…. :/
Oh right, the “patriarchy” holds a gun to your head. Women wear them because they feel it makes their legs look better. In the final analysis, wearing high heels is no different than wearing makeup or a wig. It’s to improve the woman’s self image, not to appease the patriarchy. Unless you have a job where it’s required, it’s a choice, period.
Socialization and mockery for not conforming are usually more effective weapons than raw force, though that’s always implied. Patriarchy works on keeping most men in their place, too.
I doubt Phix feels the social pressure of high heels, though. Maybe wearing them is her defense mechanism for being the “lowest on the totem pole” among sphinxes.
I don’t suppose they resort to firearms when deciding who they allow to play in their sphinxarchy games. What having claws and all.
Yeah – never underestimate the power of patriarchy and social pressure. It’s amazingly pervasive.
I say “social pressure” as a more general term, as well as than “patriarchy”, because (alas) it’s not always enforced only by males. Women can become “knowing co-conspirators” in perpetuating it… once a particular standard of beauty takes hold in a culture, both men and women can act in ways which push it onto their own, and the next generation. There are some really horrible examples in both historical and current societies – consider Chinese “foot binding”, and the dreadful practice of female genital mutilation (euphemistically referred to as “female circumcision”). In both cases, it’s often the older women in the victim’s family who carry out the actual mutilations.
These practices are definitely rooted in patriarchy, but also in the deep human desire to conform and be accepted (not a gender-specific trait).
We’re a pretty messed-up species, much of the time.
I understand what you’re saying about the social pressure thing. Dave. Still, in the end, it all comes down to personal responsibility. You are responsible for what you wear or how you act. Not some social conformity pressure. If you conform to fit in with some company or group, it’s on you. It’s the individual who is ultimately responsible for their choices, regardless of social dictates.
Mind you, I’m talking about people makiing superficial choices and not those who have been physically and/or mentally harmed to such a degree they are currently incapable of making some choices.
The individuals who reap the benefits of patriarchy have the luxury of irresponsible individual choices. Being ostracized for deviation from a social norm has expenses ranging from minor to fatal, and these are enforced by a group taking responsibility, not the individual. Happily there’s also group action, so individuals can share responsibilities and cushion the ostracism.
As for the pastryarchy, I think May had the last word in recipes.
High heels are one thing, but those are hooker-length high heels. She’s practically on her toes. Perhaps she just returned from the house of Monica’s boss after staying over night following a date. The longer hair also seems, to me anyway, to give her a slightly disheveled look. As if she forgot to giver her human body the short hair she usually has.
Her hair’s probably disheveled because, with her height and with those heels on, she probably has to bow her head down to get through every door without cracking her skull on the door-frame. Look at panel 3 – unless the artist’s POV is a lot lower than it looks, Phix has no clearance when walking through the front door of Mucho Mocha!
“… in the sun”? Today’s little demonstration of demonic power and creepiness probably dimmed the sunlight for blocks in every direction… every supernatural entity within a mile may have sensed it.
That’s true! and like Paul said, Tina could be part of Phix pride so she would actually be keeping an eye out for her. Since the only person she can attack without fear of reprisal IS Shelly it would be logical for Phix to assume that Tina was upset over Shelly before she even entered the shop. Maybe she has been watching for a while to see what would occur?
Remember that Tina is a collection of demons that are trying to change what they are by defining who they are. Joining Phix’s pride may be a step in that direction. Sort of like a work release program in a sense. Love Tina. She is awesome!
Cue martial arts sphinx style training montage. Voice over, “In a world with supernatural beings, one fights to be more human and in control …” Shelly running carrying Tepoz on her shoulders. Scene change Cut to close-up of Shelly’s face drenched with sweat, cut to her hand which suddenly becomes a lions paw, but only her hand. Cut to Phix shaking her head looking grim. Pan to Shelly in a heap on the ground. Cut to Shelly running towards the edge of a cliff and jumping off and turning sphinx in mid air. Coming this fall to a theater near you!
Phix standing behind a seated Shelly with a laser pointer: “Resist the dot. See the dot, but do not chase the dot. Let the dot pass by, leaving you unruffled.”
Shelly moans and says, “I can do this! I sat through the ball of yarn and the can of tuna! I’m not going to chase the dot! Pretty soon I’ll even be able to resist the dangling string!”
Oh no you don’t. That one will cost more than just a bit of change
*slides the Pun Jar back in your direction*
If nothing else, at least we know that she’ll be taught how to not sphinx out durring adult time seeing as Monica’s boss is still 3-dimensional… well presumably 3-d since this is a comic… oh you know what I mean
Okay. Had to laugh at that one. I’ll chip in some cents.
Gotta say when I read this, the “Oh thank God.” was prevalent in my head. The librarian is the only one who could possibly phix this up.
[Clink, Clink]
Ah 50k years spent in isolation does not count for anything when brought into the real world.
She is encountering situations in this world that just did not happen in the forest so it was impossible for her to know how she would react.
Bars, people, general life.
And Phix is the perfect one to give Shelly some much needed tough love to straighten her butt out. Hopefully inspiring her to chose a path instead of all her aimless wandering.
Well, at last there is someone around to teach the Shellster what to do about her abilities and how to make it work.
Still, it would intrigue me what her boyfriend would do if he saw Shelly in her sphinx form
I never can think of the Governator when someone says “Aaanuld”. I watched Jurrasic Park too many times. Remember Mr. Arnold, the computer guy who got eaten by raptors? His arm falls on the lady and she says, “Oh Mr. Arnold”. We always purposfully misinterpreted it to “Oh Mr. Arm-old”.
As training-montage scenes go… it would be strangely appropriate for Phix to start singing. “You’re not ready for the world outside… you keep pretending but you just cab’t hide…”
I am guessing that Phix was watching everything that happened at Tina’s and was just letting Tina do her thing. The only way to get any of the girls to believe something about themselves is to let them bring up the points themselves and spot light it for them afterwards.
I just looked up some videos of her. Too high pitched for how I imagined her voice would be. To me I suspect her voice would be deep for a woman — not so deep that it doesn’t sound femine but deep enough to make people notice.
Maybe with a touch of a foreign accent that you can’t quite place (after all she’d have interacted with people speaking quite a few different languages over the years).
Just listen to her voice.
She is one of those interesting women that gets more attractive, the older they get.. IOn E.R. she was just… cute.. In DrWho she’s…. Phix with curls.
Eve Arden?!?!?
I notice even Phix is letting her hair down (grow Longer).
Must be a new ‘Girl’ Thing first Monica, now all of them, Plus they look great!
ALSO I too, have been trying to think of who would ‘give voice’ to the ladies, so far nothing “feels” right.
And so quick – she was in a play. Just as she was about to begin her big dramatic scene, haranguing her husband, an on-set phone rang. She caught the actor playing the husband grinning, and realised he’d arranged it as a joke.
Without pausing or breaking character, she brusquely answered it, and then turned to him and said “It’s for you.”
After the poor sap had badly ad-libbed a conversation, she went right back into her speech as if nothing had happened…
At some point, Paul said ( in the forum, I think) the name of the British actress whose voice he imagined hearing when he wrote Phix’s dialogue. Can’t recall who, though.
This may be even more interesting than I had thought. If I recall correctly this is the first time Phix and Shelly have met up, since the moment Shelly came back from the Time Forest. We know Phix had visited her there, but not much about what took place during that visit or visits… there’s some untold story lurking… and don’t know how Shelly feels about whatever Phix said/did.
Seeing Shelly’s reaction to seeing Phix again may be instructive (Friday-cliffhanger style)??
Ah, but Monica http://wapsisquare.com/comic/falling-apart/had gone and talked with Phix not long after Shelly got back from the Time Forest as a sphinx-hybrid. Phix said (basically) “Be cool – she’s still your friend – she still needs you.”
Phix knew all about Shelly’s status as a sphinx-human hybrid, and had clearly known about it for a long time.
As to why Phix is only showing up now… well, let’s not be too hard on either her or Monica about this. Remember, Shelly has really been self-isolating over her “Holy Fudd, I’m a sphinx now!” situation, ever since she got back. I don’t think she’s really chosen to talk the whole matter over with anyone at all, since then. She did disclose to Heather the fact that something big had taken place in her life, but didn’t say what (Heather is not “in the loop” re all of this supernatural stuff). She hadn’t talked with anyone except Connie about her spontaneous sphinx-transformations or apparent loss of control… not until she came into Mucho Mocha this morning (Wapsi time). I’m not sure she even voluntarily told Tina what was up… Tina may just have read the situation of out Shelly’s aura. So, the whole issue has been out in the open, where others can react to it, for maybe half an hour?
Maybe that’s Shelly’s real lesson for today… when you find you’re over your head, it’s a good idea to tell your friends what’s going on and ask for their help. That’s what friends are for.
It’s the first appearance of Phix outside the Library since Shelly’s transformation. There was a little stretch showing Monica visiting Phix in the Library after the Shelly-Time-Forest-Affair.
Hmm seeing this gotten wrong a lot in the comments. Shelly was in the time forest for 80,000+ years, someone did the math once, but even Tina says “She’s over 80k years old!”
Oh… a nice grande cup of Costa Rican Tarrazu dark roast, one of those blueberry muffins Tina is advertising, and the chance to hang with some on the most interesting nonhuman sapients around!
I wonder why didn’t Shelly practice switching forms in the forest?
I’m getting the vibe she either couldn’t or didn’t know how. Shelly seemed to be in permanent Sphinx mode while in the forest (at least from what little we’ve seen), and only regained her human mode upon returning to Wapsi-world.
Granted, this is nothing but guessing, as we received a very short glimpse of Shelly in the forest, and I’m basing this mainly on Shelly’s initial “surprise” at being able to morph from human to Sphix (first morph in the apartment and sneeze morphs, for example).
Also, given the sheer amount of time in the forest it may have been necessary to remain a sphinx. Perhaps she ages normally while in human form? And what if she practiced changing and got stuck as a human again?
Yay! Phix is here to teach Shelly how to Not Be a Sphinx.
Ditto on the “Yay!” – Phix is the one person among the regular slate of characters who is really well suited to advise Shelly at this point in her life.
Tritto on the “Yay.” Need more Phix in Wapsi!
I pretty much thought the same thing…only my head provided a heroic sounding fanfare when Phix arrived.

Quinto Yay!
Let’s just hope that lesson two will not be “How Not to Be Seen”. . . .
Let’s see, next would be “Sexto”?
In this comic strip, there are forty seven sphinxes.
None of them can be seen.
hey shelly! show yourself…
( you will need to see the above clip to understand that…
….Shelly has learned how not to be seen.
Is somebody going to start exploding things until he finds where Shelly was?
i’m guessing phix’s presence here means that she had her breakfast of friskies?
*falls flat on bum*
It’s not as if Phix really needs those high heels… I think maybe she just really enjoys seeing guys stare upwards at her and lose their balance and fall down go boom.
She ran into Euryale on the way over, and she just had to be the taller one.
WHO CARES the reason WHY!… She’d STILL Look FINE!!! EVEN if she were to be in a burlap sack!…
I will never understand women’s shoes.
How do they walk in those things?
Worse, why would they ever want to wear them?
-2 points for Phix here. If she’s not smart enough to get some flats…
We walk in them because the patriarchy deems we should, not because they’re comfortable or practical.
There’s something to be said for what a heel does to a woman’s posture and profile, artistically those lines are very pleasing. But not for the wearer. Unless you can drop hundreds of dollars on a pair of heels (you get what you pay for with heels and ‘comfort’), they are every bit as painful as they look…. :/
Oh right, the “patriarchy” holds a gun to your head. Women wear them because they feel it makes their legs look better. In the final analysis, wearing high heels is no different than wearing makeup or a wig. It’s to improve the woman’s self image, not to appease the patriarchy. Unless you have a job where it’s required, it’s a choice, period.
Socialization and mockery for not conforming are usually more effective weapons than raw force, though that’s always implied. Patriarchy works on keeping most men in their place, too.
I doubt Phix feels the social pressure of high heels, though. Maybe wearing them is her defense mechanism for being the “lowest on the totem pole” among sphinxes.
I don’t suppose they resort to firearms when deciding who they allow to play in their sphinxarchy games. What having claws and all.
Yeah – never underestimate the power of patriarchy and social pressure. It’s amazingly pervasive.
I say “social pressure” as a more general term, as well as than “patriarchy”, because (alas) it’s not always enforced only by males. Women can become “knowing co-conspirators” in perpetuating it… once a particular standard of beauty takes hold in a culture, both men and women can act in ways which push it onto their own, and the next generation. There are some really horrible examples in both historical and current societies – consider Chinese “foot binding”, and the dreadful practice of female genital mutilation (euphemistically referred to as “female circumcision”). In both cases, it’s often the older women in the victim’s family who carry out the actual mutilations.
These practices are definitely rooted in patriarchy, but also in the deep human desire to conform and be accepted (not a gender-specific trait).
We’re a pretty messed-up species, much of the time.
You think we should fight the pastry-archy? Okay, if you say so. I never fully trusted the mystery fillings anyway.
I understand what you’re saying about the social pressure thing. Dave. Still, in the end, it all comes down to personal responsibility. You are responsible for what you wear or how you act. Not some social conformity pressure. If you conform to fit in with some company or group, it’s on you. It’s the individual who is ultimately responsible for their choices, regardless of social dictates.
Mind you, I’m talking about people makiing superficial choices and not those who have been physically and/or mentally harmed to such a degree they are currently incapable of making some choices.
@ Wyvern
Always be distrustful of the filling:
@SoWhyMe: …syrup of ipicac?
The individuals who reap the benefits of patriarchy have the luxury of irresponsible individual choices. Being ostracized for deviation from a social norm has expenses ranging from minor to fatal, and these are enforced by a group taking responsibility, not the individual. Happily there’s also group action, so individuals can share responsibilities and cushion the ostracism.
As for the pastryarchy, I think May had the last word in recipes.
Phix in her sphinx form is digitigrade, she may be wearing high heels to disguise a tendency to walk on her toes and possibly for comfort.
Yes, that! That is exactly what I was thinking about Phix’s stilettos.
High heels are one thing, but those are hooker-length high heels. She’s practically on her toes. Perhaps she just returned from the house of Monica’s boss after staying over night following a date. The longer hair also seems, to me anyway, to give her a slightly disheveled look. As if she forgot to giver her human body the short hair she usually has.
I’ve seen businesswomen in otherwise conservative outfits wearing heels like that quite often.
Her hair’s probably disheveled because, with her height and with those heels on, she probably has to bow her head down to get through every door without cracking her skull on the door-frame. Look at panel 3 – unless the artist’s POV is a lot lower than it looks, Phix has no clearance when walking through the front door of Mucho Mocha!
See the point above about digitigrade postures; at home she does walk on her toes. High heels are the closest approximation for Minneapolis.
Double Hubbah! As in Hubbah-Hubbah
Remarkably warm January their having in Minneapolis this year.
It was over 50F today, but we’re supposed to get eight inches of snow tomorrow… and then fifties again next week. I think the weather’s drunk.
That just means it’s almost ambush season. *fwoomf*
Dammit Phix. Stop showing up solely to steal Tina’s spotlight. Let the girl have a moment in the sun again for a change.
“… in the sun”? Today’s little demonstration of demonic power and creepiness probably dimmed the sunlight for blocks in every direction… every supernatural entity within a mile may have sensed it.
That’s true! and like Paul said, Tina could be part of Phix pride so she would actually be keeping an eye out for her. Since the only person she can attack without fear of reprisal IS Shelly it would be logical for Phix to assume that Tina was upset over Shelly before she even entered the shop. Maybe she has been watching for a while to see what would occur?
Phix has certainly become more out going since she met M and Co, So it only makes sense that she would begin to take a more than a passive role now.
Remember that Tina is a collection of demons that are trying to change what they are by defining who they are. Joining Phix’s pride may be a step in that direction. Sort of like a work release program in a sense. Love Tina. She is awesome!
Steal the spotlight? Who do you think called her?
Finally, Phix shows up to give Shelly the Talk.
Damn, love her hair! It so suits her personality.
My response was pretty much the same thing. It was something like “Phix is here? It’s about time.”
Come, Grasshopper, you have much to learn!
— Poits to special Sphinx Training Academy —
Cue martial arts sphinx style training montage. Voice over, “In a world with supernatural beings, one fights to be more human and in control …” Shelly running carrying Tepoz on her shoulders. Scene change Cut to close-up of Shelly’s face drenched with sweat, cut to her hand which suddenly becomes a lions paw, but only her hand. Cut to Phix shaking her head looking grim. Pan to Shelly in a heap on the ground. Cut to Shelly running towards the edge of a cliff and jumping off and turning sphinx in mid air. Coming this fall to a theater near you!
Hell, I would go to that film, lol
Phix standing behind a seated Shelly with a laser pointer: “Resist the dot. See the dot, but do not chase the dot. Let the dot pass by, leaving you unruffled.”
Shelly moans and says, “I can do this! I sat through the ball of yarn and the can of tuna! I’m not going to chase the dot! Pretty soon I’ll even be able to resist the dangling string!”
Yeah, sure…
i can has pebble?
Yamara wins the thread!
Can we Phix it? Yes we can! *plink*
Oh no you don’t. That one will cost more than just a bit of change
*slides the Pun Jar back in your direction*
If nothing else, at least we know that she’ll be taught how to not sphinx out durring adult time seeing as Monica’s boss is still 3-dimensional… well presumably 3-d since this is a comic… oh you know what I mean
Okay. Had to laugh at that one. I’ll chip in some cents.
Gotta say when I read this, the “Oh thank God.” was prevalent in my head. The librarian is the only one who could possibly phix this up.
[Clink, Clink]
Ah 50k years spent in isolation does not count for anything when brought into the real world.
She is encountering situations in this world that just did not happen in the forest so it was impossible for her to know how she would react.
Bars, people, general life.
And Phix is the perfect one to give Shelly some much needed tough love to straighten her butt out. Hopefully inspiring her to chose a path instead of all her aimless wandering.
Well, at last there is someone around to teach the Shellster what to do about her abilities and how to make it work.
Still, it would intrigue me what her boyfriend would do if he saw Shelly in her sphinx form
Suddenly I see a training montage and hear Eye of the Tiger playing.
But who gets to play Rocky Balboa – Aaanuld.. or Officer Tight-Buns.
I was thinking of having Shelly as the trainee (after all Phix is going to train her how to control her Sphinx side).
I never can think of the Governator when someone says “Aaanuld”. I watched Jurrasic Park too many times. Remember Mr. Arnold, the computer guy who got eaten by raptors? His arm falls on the lady and she says, “Oh Mr. Arnold”. We always purposfully misinterpreted it to “Oh Mr. Arm-old”.
I vote Darren for Rocky, btw.
Aanuld? But Stalone was Rocky. Not the governator.
As training-montage scenes go… it would be strangely appropriate for Phix to start singing. “You’re not ready for the world outside… you keep pretending but you just cab’t hide…”
Sorry Francisco didn’t get that far in the comments…
Maybe more like Marine boot camp.
“Drop and give me 20,000 maggot!!
Montage… from Team America
When you need to get from beginner to a pro, you need a montage.
I am guessing that Phix was watching everything that happened at Tina’s and was just letting Tina do her thing. The only way to get any of the girls to believe something about themselves is to let them bring up the points themselves and spot light it for them afterwards.
Ok. Phix is my secret favorite character. I’m thrilled to see her again. What strikes me as odd is that today she looks like my daughter in heels.
Can I request a color version of today’s strip?
Here’s what she looked like last time for comparison.
Hehe. My favorites page link is this one. I get to see Phix every day.
Dangnabbit, I knew this was too good to last. Trying again.
Ah. THERE she is.
I swear – i still hear Phix speaking with Eve Arden’s voice.
Holy cow. Now I’ll be hearing Our Miss Brooks every time Phix speaks. I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you.
I just looked up some videos of her. Too high pitched for how I imagined her voice would be. To me I suspect her voice would be deep for a woman — not so deep that it doesn’t sound femine but deep enough to make people notice.
Maybe with a touch of a foreign accent that you can’t quite place (after all she’d have interacted with people speaking quite a few different languages over the years).
Alex Kingston.
Just listen to her voice.
She is one of those interesting women that gets more attractive, the older they get.. IOn E.R. she was just… cute.. In DrWho she’s…. Phix with curls.
Yep, I’ve mentioned it before, Miss Kingston is who I hear in my head when writing Phix.
Can we get Paul to draw Phix walking in to the Coffee Shop and saying “Hello Sweetie!” then?
Eve Arden?!?!?
I notice even Phix is letting her hair down (grow Longer).
Must be a new ‘Girl’ Thing first Monica, now all of them, Plus they look great!
ALSO I too, have been trying to think of who would ‘give voice’ to the ladies, so far nothing “feels” right.
It’s the personality.
Arden was so wonderfully sardonic.
And so quick – she was in a play. Just as she was about to begin her big dramatic scene, haranguing her husband, an on-set phone rang. She caught the actor playing the husband grinning, and realised he’d arranged it as a joke.
Without pausing or breaking character, she brusquely answered it, and then turned to him and said “It’s for you.”
After the poor sap had badly ad-libbed a conversation, she went right back into her speech as if nothing had happened…
At some point, Paul said ( in the forum, I think) the name of the British actress whose voice he imagined hearing when he wrote Phix’s dialogue. Can’t recall who, though.
Alex Kingston. It’s right here:
And here:
Eueueuhh..yeah..as I said.
Ah, the teacher arriveth!
Yep! When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
You know you are in trouble when the librarian shows up to give you a lesson.
This may be even more interesting than I had thought. If I recall correctly this is the first time Phix and Shelly have met up, since the moment Shelly came back from the Time Forest. We know Phix had visited her there, but not much about what took place during that visit or visits… there’s some untold story lurking… and don’t know how Shelly feels about whatever Phix said/did.
Seeing Shelly’s reaction to seeing Phix again may be instructive (Friday-cliffhanger style)??
The Phix is in.
Paul must feel frustrated, at times, looking at all this imaginary money on his site. *tink*
Ahh, Phix is looking fine.
*promptly walks into a wall*
Can I just say it’s about bloody time?
My friend comes back from 30000 years as a sphinx, first thing I do is go talk to my other sphinx friend
Ah, but Monica http://wapsisquare.com/comic/falling-apart/had gone and talked with Phix not long after Shelly got back from the Time Forest as a sphinx-hybrid. Phix said (basically) “Be cool – she’s still your friend – she still needs you.”
Phix knew all about Shelly’s status as a sphinx-human hybrid, and had clearly known about it for a long time.
As to why Phix is only showing up now… well, let’s not be too hard on either her or Monica about this. Remember, Shelly has really been self-isolating over her “Holy Fudd, I’m a sphinx now!” situation, ever since she got back. I don’t think she’s really chosen to talk the whole matter over with anyone at all, since then. She did disclose to Heather the fact that something big had taken place in her life, but didn’t say what (Heather is not “in the loop” re all of this supernatural stuff). She hadn’t talked with anyone except Connie about her spontaneous sphinx-transformations or apparent loss of control… not until she came into Mucho Mocha this morning (Wapsi time). I’m not sure she even voluntarily told Tina what was up… Tina may just have read the situation of out Shelly’s aura. So, the whole issue has been out in the open, where others can react to it, for maybe half an hour?
Maybe that’s Shelly’s real lesson for today… when you find you’re over your head, it’s a good idea to tell your friends what’s going on and ask for their help. That’s what friends are for.
Sphinxy is the new sexy, and Phix is a shining example…
…And BTW, is this the first appearance of Phix since Shelly’s transformation?
It’s the first appearance of Phix outside the Library since Shelly’s transformation. There was a little stretch showing Monica visiting Phix in the Library after the Shelly-Time-Forest-Affair.
Was wondering when she’d show up.
Ahh, speaking of sexy Sphinxi…
Hmm seeing this gotten wrong a lot in the comments. Shelly was in the time forest for 80,000+ years, someone did the math once, but even Tina says “She’s over 80k years old!”
Curse me for a caveman, but what’s the problem there?
people have been saying like “50K”…
Ah. Thanks for clearing that up–I’m not sure how I missed it.
Ahhh, this’ll Phix Shelly for sure . . .
Shinxy Mom, she’s got it going on!
So, Shelly may now receive the teaching necessary to learn to maintain conscious control over her sphinx-tor?
(places a large donation in the Pun Jar, in the desperate hope that people won’t beat me to death with a thundermug)
*considers beating Dave with a thundermug and gets lost trying to picture one*
Oh, hi, Dave–what brought you to Confusion Corner today?
Oh… a nice grande cup of Costa Rican Tarrazu dark roast, one of those blueberry muffins Tina is advertising, and the chance to hang with some on the most interesting nonhuman sapients around!
Isn’t thundermug just a grossphism for a chamberpot?
* cricket * cricket * cricket *
That’s all.