The clue was that the college was named Dragon Wall. Not a definitive statement but I figured the likelihood that it was on the Asian Continent and my personal bias made me think Japan.
Or the both of them (as Nadette isn’t objecting to the term) are acknowledging the strength and acceptability of the relationship. It’s not set in stone, after all.
I have jokingly referred to my daughter’s boyfriend as my “wanna-be son in law.” He was rather surprised and my daughter hit me with the 60 decibel “DAAAAD”
Rather than embarrassing her (an emotionally destructive plan), a better would be to let her feel what she’s feeling, and just let her know that it’s OK to feel it. I can’t believe Kath would buy into that ploy.
Tokyo? Thank goodness for the portal system!
since when was her new school located in Japan?
Since portals can lead anywhere? And why not Japan? o_O
just curious, ’cause I don’t remember it ever being mentioned.
It never was mentioned before, until today. They used the Library portal system.
The clue was that the college was named Dragon Wall.
Not a definitive statement but I figured the likelihood that it was on the Asian Continent and my personal bias made me think Japan.
Future daughter-in-law, eh? Wishful thinking on Katherine’s part, or Atsali’s part?
They’re a little young to be thinking marriage, college has a habit of changing people…
Or the both of them (as Nadette isn’t objecting to the term) are acknowledging the strength and acceptability of the relationship. It’s not set in stone, after all.
I have jokingly referred to my daughter’s boyfriend as my “wanna-be son in law.” He was rather surprised and my daughter hit me with the 60 decibel “DAAAAD”
Never has anyone been more set in her future roll as spouse.
Their, they’re and there.
Wait a minute…. have I just been t-roll-ed?
Loving the art… just kinda missing the Calendar Machine.
I think it burned up during re-orbit a long while back.
…Thank God.
Ah, Pickle’s plan. It all makes sense now.
Rather than embarrassing her (an emotionally destructive plan), a better would be to let her feel what she’s feeling, and just let her know that it’s OK to feel it. I can’t believe Kath would buy into that ploy.
Because it was pickle who suggested it. Said pickle who’s consistently been right on howto handle Atsali’s anxiety everyone it pops up.
I bet their babies will be adorable. ~<3
Well, Nadette is a shapechanger. I wonder if that includes internal plumbing.
that’s the story I’m going to stick to. ~<3
Ooh, I hadn’t thought of that. Not sure Atsali would be up for that, though, even if it WAS Nadette.
Tokyo? Thank you, Pablo! What does Nadette think about Deep Purple’s My Woman From Tokyo
I dunno about Pablo, but its one of the greatest songs ever written. especially played LOUD!
Wait? They’re ENGAGED?
Boy, I hope this doesn’t turn into an arc where Atsali as an affair with Skylar.
…daughter-in-law, or mother-in-law? I vaguely remember either Nadette or Berdine talking about her parents and Japan, but never Katherine.
It took me a second, but when Kath says “my mom,” she means Lily.
I know that when I was still traveling, that I found it unpleasant to have sirens wailing behind me.
Possible typo in panel one, Katherine’s speech bubble: she says “You’re still ME baby girl” should probably be “You’re still MY baby girl”
Maybe a typo, or maybe a cutesy-wootsy way of saying the same thing.