Mid-Week Break Cont.
on August 29, 2018
at 7:00 pm
Hey folks, I had a health scar last night and ended up at the doctors office for some tests. Without giving too much gross info, there was blood in my urine and that seemed like something that needed to be checked out. I’m still waiting to hear back on the second test and the X-ray (looking for possible kidney stones). Sorry to flake out on you all but my mind is not wanting to cooperate. I’ll look to be back next week, but I’ll keep you all informed. *hugs for everyone*
I hope and pray that it’s not kidney stones! Those things hurt!
That can be from a lot of things. Don’t panic.
“Can’t be too bad. The doctor said it’s like giving birth.” —Sgt. Philip K. Fish.
I’ve passed kidney stones.
There is a reason humans have no real memory of pain.
If they did the human race would quickly die out for lack of second births.
*hugs* Take your time and heal. We’re here waiting when you get back.
Take the time you need to get healthy.
Not “want” need. Because you’ll want to plow back in too soon and make things worse.
OKAY. SO. If you DO have a kidney stone, you need to load up on aloe vera in whatever form you like (I use gelcaps) – if it’s a calcium stone it’ll help to break it down. Marshmallow root tea has a similar effect to Flomax/Tamulosin, helping to pass the stone more easily. I’ve had TWENTY of those suckers, and until I found the herbal supplements, I had to have a surgery to extract them every damn time.
If it’s anything else… well, I’m sure they’ll catch it. Be safe, dude.
Yeah, I’ve had two friends with regular kidney stones (in addition to dealing with a few myself). One swore by a traditional herb called chanca piedra (aka “stone breaker”), and the other used to make this nasty-but-she-swore-was-effective concoction of straight lemon juice and olive oil, taken on an empty stomach. I ended up taking what the ER doctor gave me.
Been There, Done That, three times…don’t ever want to go thru it again. I would rather be shot or stabbed…truly.
though we appreciate the curvy artwork, Paul…HEALTH FIRST!!! Once you’re back to rights, you can make a splash page with EVERYONE in WS welcoming you back. But get healthy first, OK??? HUGS!!!
Gaah. If it’s not one thing, it’s two things.
Terribly sorry to hear about your tribulations, Paul, and I hope it turns out to be nothing either serious or painful. I agree with the others in the chorus… take the time and care you need, and take care of your family.
We’ll be here (or over in the Forum-space clubroom, it we can get the blasted coffee-maker to cooperate and make java rather than space-time anomalies) when you have time to return.
I waaaaas going to comment on what a nice picture that is, but I’m instead joining the
wait , that means something else now… Uh, get all rested up dude.
Yeah, thats it.
*Cries* I’m all caught up
If it helps, it can be something completely minor that goes away on it’s own. Mine was, and I was told that is the most common outcome. I was disturbed to find that it’s not uncommon, I was thinking infection if i was lucky, stone if I wasn’t.
Usually I just glance at the splash page and move on. Not sure what got me to check the blog, but I’m glad I did. I will echo the other commenters by saying get well, take your time, and good instincts. It could be a simple(ish) UTI, or a kidney stone (I’ve seen them magnified, and they look like they would produce the kind of pain I’ve heard of them producing).
kidney stones suck but remember once they get into the Urethra DON’T wack off to hard.. you’ll shoot the cat or break a window or something.
There’s the Atsali I love… both of her.
All that and Blue Freckles to boot…
Err… WHAT freckles?! I don’t see ^ANY^ freckles in ^this^ pic.
Would you believe I saw an obituary for another “Paul Taylor” on the Wikipedia obituary page just now? *Really* take care of yourself.
I hope they figure this out quickly so they can get you on the mend. Feel better soon!
Just observing, but the past few weeks, you’ve done a Monday, and a Tuesday, and a filler pinup on Wednesday, then maybe you had to take the rest of the week off.
Perhaps the stress of doing two in a row is what’s tiring to you. Maybe if you planned to do a Monday strip, do a simple pinup on Tuesday, then maybe you’ll be rested to do a second strip on Wednesday, then take another pinup break on Thursday, then maybe, just maybe, you’ll feel well enough to do a Friday strip. (Just suggesting alternatives to not tire yourself out early in the week.) Good luck, take care, keep the faith.
That’s not a bad idea — switch to M-W-F updates for a month or two, see if the break in between helps.
I can tell from first-hand experience.
Getting a kidney stone? Not fun.
Getting a kidney stone on your birthday? Really not fun!
Glad you went to get things checked out. It can be too many things to list (had most) so try not to worry it could be a mild infection. Try and relax.
Blood anywhere it shouldn’t be should always be checked out. It may be nothing major, but that’s one of the symptoms you shouldn’t ignore. (And I say this as one who almost ignored a heart attack.)
Heavens! don’t apologize for THAT! Medical things are scary. A few years back, I had two days of enforced bed rest, and needed it. Blood Tests showed I hadn’t had anything like a heart attack, then or in the previous 6 months. I WAS exhausted, and the wrong combination of Acid Reflux, and Sleep Apnia, make for a really convincing simulation.
So does pleurisy or arthritis of the breastbone.
It’s possible that I’ve had kidney stone/s, I don’t really remember for sure.
What I DO remember, is having the partially deflated… balloon‹?› of a foley catheter taking a few days to work its way out through my urethra — a very painfully unpleasant experience for me. 《
I have been following this comic for years, at least 10 years, and have made my way through the archive many times, and I used to enjoy the comic very much. I am getting to the point where I am not even excited by Wapsi Square any more. By the way, this comment has zero to do with the authors recent health issues. The whole schoolgirl saga is not engaging me in the least, the teenage stereotypes are just too much. The “story arcs” are not even stories. Events are brought up, then dropped, sometimes for a year, sometimes never to be seen again. What honestly is going on with the story now? I mean really.
I recall you, or someone else raised these objections before, and they deserve serious debate. If I recall correctly, a similar comment appeared during another involuntary interruption to the story. I take you at your word that this has no bearing on your points, but your timing is unfortunate. I’m afraid you can’t expect serious consideration … now. You have been very diplomatic, but the care and feeding of artists. authors, and other creative types, is a delicate business.
Rain Check?
If a free web comic no longer pleases or engages you, then leave, a good creator has a vision that may take a long time to ‘bare fruit’ (the bad ones keep changing to ‘suit the audience’, and that never works out in the long one, just ask the old man and his grandson about their ass)
What one should never do is demand (no matter how politely) an explanation on where the story is going nor for the creator to drop aspects of it because they find them boring
Mr Taylor possibly (saying possibly as don’t know for sure) introduced the ‘next generation’ because he had run out of stories for the ‘original group’. It’s just unfortunate (for some it seems) that the Next Generation just happen to be teenagers, with teenage problems