That raises an interesting question. How WOULD she even close her eyes? They’re little stalks that grow out of her sockets and it’s not certain whether she has any eyelids. She’s clearly missing eyelashes so I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet she doesn’t have any. Castela might be physically incapable of closing her eyes.
As Cas’ eye…. stalks I’m guessing represent the bit that sticks out of some flowers (the stamen) they’re technically the floral male reproductive part… and when she was kissed in the last panel they got bigger…
All I can say with all the composure I can muster is… HELLA YES!!! And freaking out at this moment would be bad Cass. SO DON’T DO IT! Kiss her back damn it.
Oof! F-lowering the tone of things, are we(ed)?
Shawna might get an eyeful if she’s not careful, but not the eyeful any of us might have previously speculated. Stinkweed pollen might be hazardous to one’s health, too!
I’m content for now to let Paul tell his story. He’s shown a tendency to be predictable until he isn’t. At that point the people who expect him to be usually complain about it. My Anther for passing the the time until he does is a little word-play. I prefer to Stylize rather than Stigmatize. Thank you for being Receptive. 8D
Honestly? I know a lot of people are shouting for this to be made… but I’m kinda hoping that it doesn’t happen. I’m kinda hoping she gets upset (not the blowing up kind) that Shawana did that without asking and not taking if she’s ready into consideration. It’s just kinda boring that it’s always “confused person gets kissed and they suddenly fall in love!” in stories like these. I understand Shawana probably didn’t want to take the route she did with Hiroshi given it looks like it didn’t work out for her there, but I don’t feel like this is a great route either.
Or is it “Confused person gets kissed and realizes that they’re confused because they’ve already fallen in love” or ‘. . . because they’re not in love with who they thought”.
awwww or just more confusion? 8)
Why not both?
Just so.
both.. both is good.!!
Castela, shut your eyes. Free up brain bandwidth for what you’re doing.
That raises an interesting question. How WOULD she even close her eyes? They’re little stalks that grow out of her sockets and it’s not certain whether she has any eyelids. She’s clearly missing eyelashes so I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet she doesn’t have any. Castela might be physically incapable of closing her eyes.
She can go full normal human with regular eyes. She just doesn’t unless she has to.
Heh. Now Shawna’s hair comes to life.
As Cas’ eye…. stalks I’m guessing represent the bit that sticks out of some flowers (the stamen) they’re technically the floral male reproductive part… and when she was kissed in the last panel they got bigger…
I’m not sure whether I’m happy I thought that or not…
refer to my comment from the last page XD ~<3
They’re *technically* her light-receptive visual organs. That is their function; what they are.
I would not presume they were stamens.
It’s a start.
It isn’t so much running in this family as rampaging.
About freakin time.
It appears that Shauna was the one who planted the big one first.
Just like Castela’s sister-in-law did.
They got married? Thought they were still in high school (or college)
I don’t think the Older Sis & her bear-toy have officially tied the knot.
Now for our little flower’s head to implode…
Her eye-buds have already started
I wouldn’t say they’ve imploded so much as … expanded
(Third panel ~ Shawna kissing Castela)
Castela is that much shorter?
HA! I knew it would come to this; let’s all wish these lovebirds well.
And across the ‘Net.. ships come in.
And landed
on the cannon ground 
And the absolute worst thing to happen next would be for somebody to walk by.
for ANYBODY to walk by and say something.
Given people’s locations, that’d be Scarlet, then.
Scar would be standing guard to make sure that doesn’t happen
I love the way the camera angle changes to accentuate Shawna’s motion.
Love the widened eye stalks…
Little Orphan Stinkweed
Glad I wasn’t the only one to think that!
The eye stalks themselves weren’t widened ~ but the “photoreceptors” on their ends were certainly enlarged
Glad that one of them took the initiative
No more dancing around the bush >_>
What about the bush dancing around the pixie?
As long as there is no ‘beating’ involved
Also, I guess this means they’re *both* done with Hiroshii.
All I can say with all the composure I can muster is… HELLA YES!!! And freaking out at this moment would be bad Cass. SO DON’T DO IT! Kiss her back damn it.
Snoochie boochies!
Well, at the very least I’m looking forward to on Monday!
Well Somebody ISN’t Confused! Shawna the Explorer took a chance, went Up-Stream [without a Petal!] and found the Source of DeNile.
THAT is Shipping!
Oof! F-lowering the tone of things, are we(ed)?
Shawna might get an eyeful if she’s not careful, but not the eyeful any of us might have previously speculated. Stinkweed pollen might be hazardous to one’s health, too!
I’m content for now to let Paul tell his story. He’s shown a tendency to be predictable until he isn’t. At that point the people who expect him to be usually complain about it. My Anther for passing the the time until he does is a little word-play. I prefer to Stylize rather than Stigmatize. Thank you for being Receptive. 8D
Honestly? I know a lot of people are shouting for this to be made… but I’m kinda hoping that it doesn’t happen. I’m kinda hoping she gets upset (not the blowing up kind) that Shawana did that without asking and not taking if she’s ready into consideration. It’s just kinda boring that it’s always “confused person gets kissed and they suddenly fall in love!” in stories like these. I understand Shawana probably didn’t want to take the route she did with Hiroshi given it looks like it didn’t work out for her there, but I don’t feel like this is a great route either.
Or is it “Confused person gets kissed and realizes that they’re confused because they’ve already fallen in love” or ‘. . . because they’re not in love with who they thought”.
It’s also at this point that we’re going to see her burst into a rose.
“Oh look, lips!” [Smeck]
And with this, Wapsi Square graduates to “Everyone is Gay” territory