Seems as if shawna picked up on something not said out loud… perhaps she can hear thoughts… perhaps she was just responding to an intake of breath… perhaps im reading too much into it n
Scarlet has reached the Dun dun DUNNN! (dramatic background music) moment in her thought train. She added 1+1 and got Shawna. kind sweet understanding loving tender Shawna. or as they would say in a romance novel Scarlet “Knows”
Which means Shawna is about to have her turn red want to sink into the floor and disappear moment. Soon as Scarlet fills her in on what she suspects. Worse for Shawna because no one knows she likely has the same feelings for Cass.
People seem to forget that Scar has known Stela almost as long as anyone not related to her, and, because she viewed her as a rival for Timmeh, more than likely has been studying her
Something tells me the ‘clue by 4’ has landed.
She ships it.
Penny just dropped.
Tsundre Base, the Clue has landed.
Seems as if shawna picked up on something not said out loud… perhaps she can hear thoughts… perhaps she was just responding to an intake of breath… perhaps im reading too much into it n
I think Shawna “felt” someone looking at her, and turned to find Scarlet giving her that incongruous cheesey/sheepish grin . . .
You have a degree in psychology, Scarlet? You’re licensed to practice?
We’ll know she has her degree when she sprouts a second tail.
Her mother will be so proud!
I think Scarlet is freaking.
Scarlet has reached the Dun dun DUNNN! (dramatic background music) moment in her thought train. She added 1+1 and got Shawna. kind sweet understanding loving tender Shawna. or as they would say in a romance novel Scarlet “Knows”
Which means Shawna is about to have her turn red want to sink into the floor and disappear moment. Soon as Scarlet fills her in on what she suspects. Worse for Shawna because no one knows she likely has the same feelings for Cass.
And that includes Shawna in not knowing
Comprehension achieved!
People seem to forget that Scar has known Stela almost as long as anyone not related to her, and, because she viewed her as a rival for Timmeh, more than likely has been studying her
I think panel 2 implies a big, honking *GASP*…
And the guessing games have begun as they reach the first turn and drift into the straight-away…
I think it’s going to be more of a downhill on a jet propelled snowboard.
Uh-oh, NOW it hits the spinning industrial fan…
Big Ass Fan. It’s a thing!
“That Sound you just heard? that was the Other Shoe…” (And here I thought i was all original and stuff…)
Is Scar related to Luna and Just Ace from “TMI”?