Given Castela’s durability, it might be more like a moose frozen up in the headlights, but that’s heading onto an irrelevant tangent with the metaphor.
I dunno, it doesn’t look like she has much mass. Moose do a lot of damage to cars because they are heavy. I would say more of a baseball in headlights here. Not likely to cause much damage to either unless there’s a lot of speed involved.
Assuming Cass doesn’t blast the car into atoms cuz she can, of course.
Castela is simply doing exactly what Scarlet just told her to do.
She is dedicating 100% of her attention, brainpower, and emotional savvy to sorting out how she feels about Hiroshi.
Lesser matters like moving, reacting to what people say, and breathing will simply to wait until the important work is done. (Fortunately, as a plant she can probably transpire directly, and so lack of breathing won’t necessarily make her turn blue and pass out.)
B.S.O.D. !! Cold Restart, in Safe Mode, NOW. Check the Time Stamp. [If is resets to GMT, or PST replace the battery BEFORE you reconnect to the Network.] If that fails, Hot Brownies, Ice Cream, or a Chocolate.
Easy for someone who’s found someone to tell someone what to do.
(By the way, I couldn’t post here and a couple other places, last day and a half. Two different computers, two kinds of browsers, nothing. Hope it works now; it worked elsewhere. Anyone else have a problem?)
Scarlet, I think you’ve short-circuited your friend.
it’s just GOTTA be big league if you stunned Castle into total-shock shutdown!
Congrats… you just broke Pickle. Get a gold star.
When did Cass get a booty?
Same time as the “mammal bumps”/
I asked myself the same question!
Maybe she now has the ‘bust’ of both worlds *rimshot*
I think it’s “muscle booty” — it goes along with all those other muscles.
That’s not a booty.
That there’s a cast iron planter.
Either way she got a bubble on the ba donka donk.
“Program Castela.exe had stopped working. (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail? _”
Hard Reset *slap*, *duck*
Or maybe just “(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)lail”?
Snap her out of it, Scarlet…Quickly! What usually happens to the deer that freezes up in the headlights?
Yeah, they get crashed, that’s what!
Given Castela’s durability, it might be more like a moose frozen up in the headlights, but that’s heading onto an irrelevant tangent with the metaphor.
I dunno, it doesn’t look like she has much mass. Moose do a lot of damage to cars because they are heavy. I would say more of a baseball in headlights here. Not likely to cause much damage to either unless there’s a lot of speed involved.
Assuming Cass doesn’t blast the car into atoms cuz she can, of course.
You do remember that Castella has a built in energy cannon that vaporizes granite, right Golnor?
Castela is simply doing exactly what Scarlet just told her to do.
She is dedicating 100% of her attention, brainpower, and emotional savvy to sorting out how she feels about Hiroshi.
Lesser matters like moving, reacting to what people say, and breathing will simply to wait until the important work is done. (Fortunately, as a plant she can probably transpire directly, and so lack of breathing won’t necessarily make her turn blue and pass out.)
I’m impressed by the way Scarlet can pick up Castela and hold her at arms length like that.
B.S.O.D. !! Cold Restart, in Safe Mode, NOW. Check the Time Stamp. [If is resets to GMT, or PST replace the battery BEFORE you reconnect to the Network.] If that fails, Hot Brownies, Ice Cream, or a Chocolate.
OR she can just throw her in the pool that’s right there.
Is Hiroshi standing behind Scarlet as she says this to Castella?
Or Shawna.
Easy for someone who’s found someone to tell someone what to do.
(By the way, I couldn’t post here and a couple other places, last day and a half. Two different computers, two kinds of browsers, nothing. Hope it works now; it worked elsewhere. Anyone else have a problem?)
Ahh, but scarlet… it does appear to be the an option and she’s taking it.
At least Scarlet was gentle sbout it. Daylla has gotten into an awful habit of trickery to get a rise out of Cas.
Scarlet used adulting. Its Super effective. Castella is stunned.
Catatonia is always an option.
That’s somewhere on the Iberian peninsula, right?
“Deer in headlights” is a perfectly legitimate response. Not the best response, but valid nonetheless.
Well, you can call her a rabbit, but I wouldn’t.
What’s Jin got to do with this?
Ah, now the elefant in the room becomes visible.